Hardware Some advice needed regarding Nin-Nin-Game.com


Jan 6, 2015
Halifax, Virginia
United States
Like my last thread, I'm not sure if this is exactly the proper category, but I ordered the GameCube Adapter from the website Nin-Nin-Game, as well as a couple amiibo. The amiibo were shipped no problem, butt the adapter is another story. So let me say first off, I PRE-ORDERED THE DANG THING. That's right. I pre-ordered it. Although, of course as my they luck has it, they didn't actually have it in stock. So first off, I'm pissed at this. So I just ask them, "Well, uh, when do I get it?" and for the longest time they still never replied despite my constant complaining. Eventually, they replied telling me I'd received my order in mid January. Now, once again, this is something I should have had mid December. So, I acknowledged it, and told them that I would wait for it, but I still complained to them demanding I get some kind of compensation for this. Then once again, no responses. I keep send more and more messages until eventually they reply. They said "You can't wait, so your order and shipping will be refunded within 10 days. Best regards." So at first I thought, "Oh, this must be my compensation, right? Cool." But the next day I thought, "Hmm....something just doesn't seem right..." I go back and check my order on the website, and the adapter is void of the list. So, now I'm freaking out while simultaneously pissed off. This is just pure freaking ridiculous. So now, I'm under the assumption my order is cancelled. They never actually said it specifically, but I have the feeling this is what happened. Yeah, I was mad and complaining about the crappy service, but not once did I ever ask for my order to be cancelled. I tried explaing my problem to them on their facebook page, so they might be able to just reply there, and would you believe it, they blocked me from commenting! I'm not even kidding! So now, I'm still trying to get back in contact with them, and it's been a few day trying. What should I do now? Any advice from anyone who's had experience with them or anything, please help.


On permanent leave
Dec 31, 2013
I don't know Nin-Nin-Game nor have I ever done business with them, but they're not bound to compensate you even if they failed to fulfil your preorder. You have no grounds to file a claim against them either, as they do not owe you anything. The best and only thing they as a company could have done is either ask you to wait for new stock, which they seemingly did, or refund your order, which eventually happened because you were impatient.

Whether you asked them to refund your order or not doesn't matter since they evaluated the situation and ultimately decided they can't do anything about your order. Now that they have offered to process a refund, they are not bound to keep your order active. This is something they can control without your express permission. I know you're pissed off, but try to be objective about this.

So, here goes, whether you like to hear it or not (and I'd like to add that I've gone through a very similar situation as you, so I know exactly how you feel):

1. Stop crying / whining / complaining / whatever. They didn't get stock and they're probably not getting more stock. Get over it.
2. Seriously get over the fact you're pissed off. It helps no one. That you're disturbing their social media staff about something like this does not help you in any way.
3. Be glad the company is refunding your money and that you at least got the amiibo you ordered.
4. Channel your anger at Nintendo, not Nin-Nin-Game, for the scarcity of the GameCube controller adapter.
5. Again, the company you did business with can not do anything about your situation. It doesn't matter if you preordered something.

If you still want the GameCube controller adapter, you have two options: wait for Nintendo to make more and ship to retailers, or buy the 3rd party equivalent adapter from Mayflash, which is just as good. Play-Asia.com is a good place to order from, however they currently state availability at 2 to 4 weeks so be prepared to wait: http://www.play-asia.com/gamecube-controller-adapter-for-wii-u-pc-usb-paOS-13-49-en-70-8h2n.html.


Jan 6, 2015
Halifax, Virginia
United States
I can't believe it... I just go to a forum to ask somebody for some advice to help me, and instead I just get a lecture on how bad of a person I am for expecting a pre-order to actually mean something, getting crappy service, among other things, and reacting negatively towards it... The site barely ever even contacted me on the situation... And by the way, I'll have you know they said they would have more adapters in stock mid January, and I told them I was fine with that...yet my order was cancelled still... and I'm hardly disturbing their social media...I've found out a lot of people have had similar issues with this website, and I've seen a lot of other complain to them before... As well, contacting them through one of their social media accounts is just about the only way they'll bother replying to you most of the time... I'm sorry for being a shit person I guess... I wasn't really intending to.....thanks for the advice I guess, even though it really isn't that helpful...

EDIT: btw, when I said "demanding compensation" in my initial post, I didn't mean it in a "screw you, I want some compensation, or else!" way, it was more like, I literally asked, "Look, I know you aren't entitled to do it, but I'd like some kind of compensation for all my troubles with this order, please."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip
You'll just have to make do with Mayflash's GameCube adapter and you should consider yourself lucky to not go through a tedious refund process like other companies sometimes try as hard as nail not to (somewhat dodgy ones, that is).

Shinko's provided you with the PlayAsia link but an alternative is GameSeek though they're based in UK and they're only getting stock in by January 30, 2015.



On permanent leave
Dec 31, 2013
I can't believe it... I just go to a forum to ask somebody for some advice to help me, and instead I just get a lecture on how bad of a person I am
Listen, I gave you the best advice possible, what were you expecting to achieve here? If this is how you honestly feel about my response then I don't think any advice here is going to help you.

Just to make it clear I don't care who you are or what happened to you, and I care even less to come and say you're a bad person. It's fine to ask a company to provide an alternative, but you must understand they have the right to refuse doing that and instead refund you, which is what happened according to you. Case closed. Stop doing business with the company anymore and move on with your life. It's as simple as that.

Again, a preorder is not a guarantee of anything. Unless you had it in writing that they guarantee delivery of the adapter, just let it be. And welcome to the real world. :)

P.S. If I sound negative to you, you're reading too much into my words. Don't lose sleep over this. Have a nice day.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2007
Well I know how Nin-Nin is, they worked pretty good if everything goes smooth. I bought some limited editions games from there, but when shit goes wrong. Their customer services is absolute horrid. Takes forever for any response and usually they will just half hearted the problem and call it a day. I think one time I preodered 3 Metal Gear Rising Limited editons and pay them full with my paypal, on the day of shipping they immediately cancel 2 out of the 3 of my order, saying they forgot to put a limit (i preorder that on the first day too). And in the they refund me back in another currency making me lose 400$ on the process because the Yen was so high back then.

But anyways all I got to say is Nin-Nin works well, but don't rely on any customer service when shit goes bad. They so slow to reply your emails it took them like two weeks before they replied. I'm not sure if they only end up replying, because I harass them on Facebook.


On permanent leave
Dec 31, 2013
I think one time I preodered 3 Metal Gear Rising Limited editons and pay them full with my paypal, on the day of shipping they immediately cancel 2 out of the 3 of my order, saying they forgot to put a limit (i preorder that on the first day too). And in the they refund me back in another currency making me lose 400$ on the process because the Yen was so high back then.
That you lost money in that case is shitty, but that's not the company's fault and they don't have to compensate for the difference in currency. It's not like they purposely schemed to do that. And it's only fair they limit orders afterwards if they didn't get the limit right the first time.
because I harass them on Facebook.
And this is crappy practice because the social media staff they hired probably have no idea what you're talking about and your case will be forwarded to whoever last handled it. You're wasting your time disturbing employees who have zero control over your situation.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2007
That you lost money in that case is shitty, but that's not the company's fault and they don't have to compensate for the difference in currency. It's not like they purposely schemed to do that. And it's only fair they limit orders afterwards if they didn't get the limit right the first time.
And this is crappy practice because the social media staff they hired probably have no idea what you're talking about and your case will be forwarded to whoever last handled it. You're wasting your time disturbing employees who have zero control over your situation.

Well its more like you wait for like two weeks with no response, then as soon I send a message saying I have a little problem with my order on facebook it was like an instant reply. I don't think any customer service should take two weeks to reply on a really simple question. Anyways I wouldn't be too angry if they cancel my order within the first couple months instead of waiting for last moment during shipping to cancel my order (I preordered 6 months in advanced, it should have given them more then enough time to know if they didn't have enough quantities). Its like you order lunch from a restaurant and they decided to deliver you half of your lunch and missing the other half and then tell you later that they could only make half of it. Its kind of a dick move imo, they know they will be short supply but still bother not putting a limit on there.

I would only will shop at Nin-Nin if i can't get it at Nippon-Yasan.


On permanent leave
Dec 31, 2013
Its kind of a dick move imo, they know they will be short supply but still bother not putting a limit on there.
In a perfect world that'd be true. I've worked in retail (in management) in a popular electronics store and sometimes simple things like updating a website can be almost impossible to do on time if the company has outsourced their IT/web to another company. So again it's not like they purposely did that. No company wants to do their customers a disservice on purpose. It'd be bad business, no one with a right mind would do such a thing.

What happened to the OP happened to me as well. I had ordered the Smash Bros. + GameCube adapter bundle and I didn't receive it. Only two weeks after release was I informed they couldn't deliver. So what I did was ask for my money back. I'm still doing business with the company, though. They could do nothing about my situation and though I was very frustrated, complaining to them wouldn't have resulted in anything. Shit happens, it's part of life.

(I eventually bought my GameCube adapter from a scalper for the lowly price of $80 USD.)

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