So I was able to aquire a 60 gig PS3 with Firmware 2.76. I was originally gonna have this as a travel PS3; however, being that the firmware is low, I thought I'd try my luck and Jailbreak it. I figure this board gets asked this all the time and I apologize if this is repetitive; however, what are my options ? There seems to be so much stuff out there, I'm confused on what to install. What I pretty much want to do is to be able to play some emulators (retro systems as well as Neo-Geo and CPS2 games.). Also, if it isn't too hard, I'd like to be able to play my PS3 games (Not really caring about Priracy, just want to play the latest games I own (SCV, UMVC3, SSFIVAE, and SFXT). Thank for your time.