Modern Combat 3 ANDROID PORT PSVita v1.0 - gl33ntwine


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Title : Modern Combat 3
System : 2011 Apple iOS Gameloft, S.A. & Google Android Gameloft, S.A. Google, Inc. & RIM BlackBerry Gameloft, S.A.
Web :
Description :
An intense 13-mission campaign with impressive cinematics and memorable moments. A frantic multiplayer with 12 players, 6 maps and 7 different modes. An addictive ranking system with more than 90 experience ranks. High-tech modern weaponry with modifications and attachments. Next-gen high-quality visuals that will compete with the RAGE and UNREAL engines.

Release Name : Modern Combat 3 - PSVita Port v1.0
Author : gl33ntwine ''Volodymyr Atamanenko''
Version : v.1.0 (First Release)

VITA Port Info :
This is a loader of the Android release of Modern Combat 3 v1.1.7g, based on the Android SO Loader by TheFloW. The loader provides a tailored, minimalistic Android-like environment to run the official ARMv7 game executable on the PS Vita. You will need the original game data files to be able to play this game. Detailed setup instruction are available on GitHub.
Modern Combat 3 Fallen Nation is a 2011 first person shooter developed and published by Gameloft Montreal for a number of mobile platforms. The game is set in 2028 where North Korea, Russia and Pakistan join forces to invade USA, thus causing a global war. Modern Combat 3 features an intense 13 mission campaign with impressive cinematics and memorable moments.

Download :

Requirements :
- libshacccg.suprx
- kubridge.skprx / v0.3.1 update version
- Android Data Files / v1.1.7g latest version
- (Optional) NoTrpDRM for trophies

Setup Vita System :

- Make sure that you are either on 3.60 enso or 3.65 enso firmware version. Other versions may work too, but no support are provided for them! If you experience any issues apart from described in the Known Issues section, please upgrade or downgrade your firmware accordingly before asking for support.
- Install or update kubridge and FdFix by copying kubridge.skprx and fd_fix.skprx to your taiHEN plugins folder (usually ur0:tai) and adding two entries to your config.txt under *KERNEL:
NOTE : ! Don't install fd_fix.skprx if you're using the rePatch plugin !

* update kubridge.skprx v0.3.1
v0.3.1 Hotfix Latest
Enable support for swp instruction.
Fix deadlock in initial 0.3.1 release
NOTE : Even if you had kubridge.skprx installed before, most likely you still need to update it, since a new version of the plugin was released at the same time as this port. kubridge v0.3.1 or newer is required to run the game
- Make sure you have libshacccg.suprx in the ur0:/data/ folder on your console. If you don't, use ShaRKBR33D to get it quickly and easily.

Install Android Data Files :

- Legally obtain your copy of Modern Combat 3 for Android in a form of an .apk file and data files. This port is tailored for v1.1.7g (latest) version of the game. Other versions may work too but no support is provided for them.
If you have it installed on your phone, you can get all the required files directly from it or by using any APK extractor you can find on Google Play.
Verify that your build is the correct one using sha1sum (can also be found as an online tool). sha1sum for lib/armeabi-v7a/ must be be0d5e8779899e081a538b3930ec711d2df8aeb4
- Open the .apk with any zip explorer (like 7-Zip) and extract the file lib/armeabi-v7a/ from the .apk into ux0:data/mc3/ on your Vita. Example of correct resulting path: ux0:data/mc3/
- Fetch the game data files from your device. You can find them at /sdcard/Android/obb/ Copy both files you find there ( and to ux0:data/mc3/ on your Vita. Example of correct resulting path: ux0:data/mc3/
- Unpack the video files from the game data. To do that, open your with any zip explorer (like 7-Zip) and extract all files to /ux0:/data/mc3/data/briefing on your Vita. Example of correct resulting path: ux0:data/mc3/data/briefing/Briefing_M01.mp4
- Install ModernCombat3.vpk (

Optional :
- Install CapUnlocker. It may give you a bit better performance.
- For trophies to be unlockable, install NoTrpDRM.

Controls :
Button - Action
joysl - Move
joysr - Control camera
trigl - Aim
trigr - Fire
dpadu - Sprint
dpadd - Crouch
dpadh - Change weapon
circl - Grenades
squar - Reload
start - Open Menu

Known Issues :
- Multiplayer doesn't work, same as on Android, because the servers have been shut down.
- X button works only in main menu. For in-game interaction prompts and pause menu you will have to use the touchscreen.
- The highlight effect on interactable objects is constant instead of flashing like in the original game due to some GXM limitations.
- In Mission 7, crosshair is not showing when the sniper rifle is zoomed in. You will have to no-scope it :^)

Disclaimer :
Modern Combat 3 Fallen Nation is copyright © 2012 Gameloft. All rights reserved. Gameloft and the Gameloft logo are trademarks of Gameloft in the U.S. and/or other countries.
The work presented in this repository is not "official" or produced or sanctioned by the owner(s) of the aforementioned trademark(s) or any other registered trademark mentioned in this repository.
This software does not contain the original code, executables, or other non-redistributable parts of the original game product. The authors of this work do not promote or condone piracy in any way. To launch and play the game on their PS Vita device, users must possess their own legally obtained copy of the game in the form of an .apk file.

Credits :
- Andy "The FloW" Nguyen for the original .so loader.
- Rinnegatamante for help with rendering issues, audio/video playing issues, video player code, trophy support code.
- CatoTheYounger for quality assurance.
- Once13One for LiveArea assets.
- GrapheneCt for CapUnlocker.


First Test :
PSTV 3.65 + 64GB Sony Memory Card + kubridge v0.3.1 + fd_fix + PIBConfig
Data Version 1.1.7g apk + obb
File Size = 1.4GB include Videos
Multilanguage = YES / German = Working
Result = WORKING / testing 30 minutes so far, Graphics are amazing on 4K big flat screen

Thank You gl33ntwine ! And bythos for new kubridge version !
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Nominate for the BEST graphics and textures ever see on a Vita Android Port ! Speakless ! 10/10 Points

Modern Combat 3 is technical milestone better compare to the original Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified Vita title. The map world and missions in Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified are very small and overall the graphics quality is very bad.
The Map world and scenario plus missions are far bigger in Modern Combat 3 than compare to Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified.
Very amazing are the sun and water effects ! Also the nature tree and palms are mostly great, I love that. I play it with PSTV on 4k big flat screen and the feeling is amazing. Plus for the gore fans, MC3 has a lot more blood than CODBO Declassified. MC3 has also this time stopper scripts when someone get hit, like in Max Payne.

The only negativ point is the terrible storyline, its just one of this american propaganda games with racist against russia and north korea. Its the wrong time to bring something like this gl33ntwine. Truly its a pain for me to play it, in the same time I see the great work here.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Testing the latest update ->

(gl33ntwine or Rinnegatamante, when you read this, I have currently no contact details otherwise here)

There is maybe something wrong with the latest version Modern Combat 3 PSVita Port v1.1 Latest, everything works fine, but I was play the first 10 minutes for testing and in the Outside area maps the Sky has wrong colors like green or red and sometimes blue, this is only in the Sky/the Sun (should be only blue of course). This was not in the first Version, this was correct working. Otherwise the new version feels a bit faster in the framerate.

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