Gaming Last Pokémon SM Zygarde Cell


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Under Your Bed
Either way, I'm gonna follow a Tipo from a person on Reddit to enter Hyperspace from Canyon Peak. It'll take you to an alternate reality in which it doesn't matters if it's day or not, you'll be able to get all Zygarde cells (Counting that there's no bug, just excluding day/night exclusiveness).
Can you tell me how to do that?


New Member
Nov 27, 2016
United States
In save file: location 1D8C ~ 1E49: Zygarde Cells Collected
Data Length = 190 bytes (0xBE) @ 2 bytes per cell = 95 cells total

0x0200 = Have Collected
0x0100 = Not Collected?
0x0000 = Don't Show? (before Cube collected?)

Note sure the address for the 'CORE' (purple) ones are located
but there is only 5 of them so its not really that important as
you can easily check the 5 'CORE' locations if you have all the cells.

edit: Maybe this can get added to PKHex as well once the location list
is made so people can check which cells they are missing.

edit2: locations 1D42 and 1D52 changed from 0x63 to 0x64.
This is possibly the number of cells collected / total cells in your cube?

I too had 99 collected, can couldn't find the last one, went through the list
on serebii at least 5 times, day and night, when I found the cell i was missing
I exported my save, went back in game and collected it and exported my save again.

edit3: going to try and make a location list of which address in the save is which cell, will post here when done.


Zygarde Cells by Savegame Address Order:
Melemele Island - Total: 14
1D8C - 14 - Verdant Cave - Trial Site
1D8E - 13 - Ruins of Conflict - Outside
1D90 - 02 - Route 1 (Day)
1D92 - 07 - Route 3
1D94 - 06 - Route 3 (Day)
1D96 - 12 - Kala'e Bay
1D98 - 08 - Hau'oli Cemetery
1D9A - 05 - Route 2
1D9C - 04 - Route 1 - Trainer School (Night)
1D9E - 10 - Hau'oli City - Shopping District
1DA0 - 03 - Route 1 - Outskirts
1DA2 - 09 - Hau'oli City - Shopping District (Night)
1DA4 - 01 - Route 1
1DA6 - 11 - Iki Town (Night)

Akala Island - Total: 18
1DA8 - 15 - Route 4
1DAA - 29 - Paniola Ranch (Night)
1DAC - 28 - Paniola Ranch
1DAE - 32 - Wela Volcano Park - Top
1DB0 - 27 - Lush Jungle - Cave
1DB2 - 17 - Route 7
1DB4 - 20 - Akala Outskirts
1DB6 - 31 - Royal Avenue (Day)
1DB8 - 30 - Royal Avenue (Night)
1DBA - 26 - Konikoni City (Night)
1DBC - 24 - Heahea City (Night)
1DBE - 18 - Route 8
1DC0 - 19 - Route 8 (Day)
1DC2 - 16 - Route 5
1DC4 - 22 - Hano Beach (Day)
1DC6 - 25 - Heahea City
1DC8 - 21 - Diglett's Tunnel
1DCA - 23 - Hano Beach

Ula'ula Island - Total: 30
1DCC - 52 - Malie Garden
1DCE - 51 - Malie City - Community Center (Night)
1DD0 - 50 - Malie City (Day)
1DD2 - 49 - Malie City - Outer Cape (Day)
1DD4 - 34 - Route 11 (Night)
1DD6 - 35 - Route 12 (Day)
1DD8 - 36 - Route 12
1DDA - 59 - Secluded Shore (Night)
1DDC - 46 - Blush Mountain
1DDE - 37 - Route 13
1DE0 - 47 - Haina Desert
1DE2 - 57 - Ruins of Abundance - Outside
1DE4 - 39 - Route 14
1DE6 - 40 - Route 14 (Night)
1DE8 - 60 - Tapu Village
1DEA - 41 - Route 15
1DEC - 45 - Aether House (Day)
1DEE - 61 - Ula'ula Meadow - Boardwalk
1DF0 - 42 - Route 16 (Day)
1DF2 - 62 - Ula'ula Meadow - Grass
1DF4 - 44 - Route 17 - Building
1DF6 - 43 - Route 17 - Ledge
1DF8 - 56 - Po Town (Night)
1DFA - 33 - Route 10 (Day)
1DFC - 48 - Hokulani Observatory (Night)
1DFE - 54 - Mount Lanakila - Mountainside
1E00 - 53 - Mount Lanakila - High Mountainside
1E02 - 58 - Secluded Shore (Day)
1E04 - 38 - Route 13 (Night)
1E06 - 55 - Po Town (Day)

Poni Island - Total: 28
1E08 - 85 - Seafolk Village - Blue Food Boat
1E0A - 86 - Seafolk Village - Unbuilt House
1E0C - 79 - Poni Wilds (Day)
1E0E - 80 - Poni Wilds (Night)
1E10 - 78 - Poni Wilds
1E12 - 64 - Ancient Poni Path - Near Well (Day)
1E14 - 65 - Ancient Poni Path (Night)
1E16 - 66 - Poni Breaker Coast (Day)
1E18 - 84 - Ruins of Hope
1E1A - 72 - Poni Grove - Mountain Corner
1E1C - 73 - Poni Grove - Near a Bush
1E1E - 75 - Poni Plains (Day)
1E20 - 77 - Poni Plains (Night)
1E22 - 76 - Poni Plains
1E24 - 74 - Poni Meadow
1E26 - 69 - Poni Coast (Night)
1E28 - 68 - Poni Coast
1E2A - 71 - Poni Gauntlet - On Bridge
1E2C - 70 - Poni Gauntlet - Island w/ trainer
1E2E - 81 - Resolution Cave - 1F (Day)
1E30 - 83 - Resolution Cave - B1F (Night)
1E32 - 88 - Vast Poni Canyon - 3F
1E34 - 87 - Vast Poni Canyon - 2F
1E36 - 90 - Vast Poni Canyon - Top
1E38 - 89 - Vast Poni Canyon - Inside
1E3A - 63 - Ancient Poni Path - Brickwall (Day)
1E3C - 67 - Poni Breaker Coast (Night)
1E3E - 82 - Resolution Cave - B1F

Aether Foundation - Total: 5
1E40 - 91 - B2F - Right Hallway
1E42 - 92 - 1F - Outside - Right Side
1E44 - 93 - 1F - Outside (Day)
1E46 - 95 - 1F - Entrance (Night)
1E48 - 94 - 1F - Main Building

Zygarde Cells by Number Order:
Melemele Island - Total: 14
1DA4 - 01 - Route 1
1D90 - 02 - Route 1 (Day)
1DA0 - 03 - Route 1 - Outskirts
1D9C - 04 - Route 1 - Trainer School (Night)
1D9A - 05 - Route 2
1D94 - 06 - Route 3 (Day)
1D92 - 07 - Route 3
1D98 - 08 - Hau'oli Cemetery
1DA2 - 09 - Hau'oli City - Shopping District (Night)
1D9E - 10 - Hau'oli City - Shopping District
1DA6 - 11 - Iki Town (Night)
1D96 - 12 - Kala'e Bay
1D8E - 13 - Ruins of Conflict - Outside
1D8C - 14 - Verdant Cave - Trial Site

Akala Island - Total: 18
1DA8 - 15 - Route 4
1DC2 - 16 - Route 5
1DB2 - 17 - Route 7
1DBE - 18 - Route 8
1DC0 - 19 - Route 8 (Day)
1DB4 - 20 - Akala Outskirts
1DC8 - 21 - Diglett's Tunnel
1DC4 - 22 - Hano Beach (Day)
1DCA - 23 - Hano Beach
1DBC - 24 - Heahea City (Night)
1DC6 - 25 - Heahea City
1DBA - 26 - Konikoni City (Night)
1DB0 - 27 - Lush Jungle - Cave
1DAC - 28 - Paniola Ranch
1DAA - 29 - Paniola Ranch (Night)
1DB8 - 30 - Royal Avenue (Night)
1DB6 - 31 - Royal Avenue (Day)
1DAE - 32 - Wela Volcano Park - Top

Ula'ula Island - Total: 30
1DFA - 33 - Route 10 (Day)
1DD4 - 34 - Route 11 (Night)
1DD6 - 35 - Route 12 (Day)
1DD8 - 36 - Route 12
1DDE - 37 - Route 13
1E04 - 38 - Route 13 (Night)
1DE4 - 39 - Route 14
1DE6 - 40 - Route 14 (Night)
1DEA - 41 - Route 15
1DF0 - 42 - Route 16 (Day)
1DF6 - 43 - Route 17 - Ledge
1DF4 - 44 - Route 17 - Building
1DEC - 45 - Aether House (Day)
1DDC - 46 - Blush Mountain
1DE0 - 47 - Haina Desert
1DFC - 48 - Hokulani Observatory (Night)
1DD2 - 49 - Malie City - Outer Cape (Day)
1DD0 - 50 - Malie City (Day)
1DCE - 51 - Malie City - Community Center (Night)
1DCC - 52 - Malie Garden
1E00 - 53 - Mount Lanakila - High Mountainside
1DFE - 54 - Mount Lanakila - Mountainside
1E06 - 55 - Po Town (Day)
1DF8 - 56 - Po Town (Night)
1DE2 - 57 - Ruins of Abundance - Outside
1E02 - 58 - Secluded Shore (Day)
1DDA - 59 - Secluded Shore (Night)
1DE8 - 60 - Tapu Village
1DEE - 61 - Ula'ula Meadow - Boardwalk
1DF2 - 62 - Ula'ula Meadow - Grass

Poni Island - Total: 28
1E3A - 63 - Ancient Poni Path - Brickwall (Day)
1E12 - 64 - Ancient Poni Path - Near Well (Day)
1E14 - 65 - Ancient Poni Path (Night)
1E16 - 66 - Poni Breaker Coast (Day)
1E3C - 67 - Poni Breaker Coast (Night)
1E28 - 68 - Poni Coast
1E26 - 69 - Poni Coast (Night)
1E2C - 70 - Poni Gauntlet - Island w/ trainer
1E2A - 71 - Poni Gauntlet - On Bridge
1E1A - 72 - Poni Grove - Mountain Corner
1E1C - 73 - Poni Grove - Near a Bush
1E24 - 74 - Poni Meadow
1E1E - 75 - Poni Plains (Day)
1E22 - 76 - Poni Plains
1E20 - 77 - Poni Plains (Night)
1E10 - 78 - Poni Wilds
1E0C - 79 - Poni Wilds (Day)
1E0E - 80 - Poni Wilds (Night)
1E2E - 81 - Resolution Cave - 1F (Day)
1E3E - 82 - Resolution Cave - B1F
1E30 - 83 - Resolution Cave - B1F (Night)
1E18 - 84 - Ruins of Hope
1E08 - 85 - Seafolk Village - Blue Food Boat
1E0A - 86 - Seafolk Village - Unbuilt House
1E34 - 87 - Vast Poni Canyon - 2F
1E32 - 88 - Vast Poni Canyon - 3F
1E38 - 89 - Vast Poni Canyon - Inside
1E36 - 90 - Vast Poni Canyon - Top

Aether Foundation - Total: 5
1E40 - 91 - B2F - Right Hallway
1E42 - 92 - 1F - Outside - Right Side
1E44 - 93 - 1F - Outside (Day)
1E48 - 94 - 1F - Main Building
1E46 - 95 - 1F - Entrance (Night)


edit4: finally, all Done, if anyone wants to add this info into PKHEX feel free to do so, I recommend
doing read-only, as there may be other 'flags' that get set when you pick up the cores.

edit5: attached a "cell_check.txt" (rename to "") its a python 2.7 script.
place it in a folder with your exported 'main' save and double click the script / run it with python
It will report to you which cells you are missing and the locations of them.
you can use the guide on serebii (it has pictures) to help you find them :)

I tried to find my save file from viewing my SD card via wireless (data management) but there was so many folders/paths. Would you happen to know which folder it is in/where to find it? I can't wait to do this! :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2015
United States
@Rakvorauth: You'll need to be able to run homebrew on your 3DS, if you can, just export your save with 'JKSM (JK's Save Manager),
once exported, it should be stored in 'SD:\JKSV\Saves\<GameName>\<ExportName>\') inside that folder should a file named 'main'
this 'main' file is your decrypted save (which can also be opened in PKHex), you can use the python script on that decrypted save to
get a list of the locations that aren't marked as 'collected' in the save file (i just check for any location not marked as '0x02 - collected')

edit: If you can't run homebrew on your 3DS but you have a friend that can and you are using a gamecard version
of the game (not a digital copy from the eshop) you can let them borrow your gamecard and they can export the
save for you instead. If you have a digital version and can't run homebrew, you might be out of luck.
Last edited by c4388354,


New Member
Nov 27, 2016
United States
@Rakvorauth: You'll need to be able to run homebrew on your 3DS, if you can, just export your save with 'JKSM (JK's Save Manager),
once exported, it should be stored in 'SD:\JKSV\Saves\<GameName>\<ExportName>\') inside that folder should a file named 'main'
this 'main' file is your decrypted save (which can also be opened in PKHex), you can use the python script on that decrypted save to
get a list of the locations that aren't marked as 'collected' in the save file (i just check for any location not marked as '0x02 - collected')

edit: If you can't run homebrew on your 3DS but you have a friend that can and you are using a gamecard version
of the game (not a digital copy from the eshop) you can let them borrow your gamecard and they can export the
save for you instead. If you have a digital version and can't run homebrew, you might be out of luck.

Thank you for the help :)


New Member
Nov 29, 2016
I exported my save file and analyzed the values you specified. I am sitting at 96/100 in game and could only find 2 values in my hex that didn't exist?

Added image above, maybe someone can tell me why this didn't work.

In save file: location 1D8C ~ 1E49: Zygarde Cells Collected
Data Length = 190 bytes (0xBE) @ 2 bytes per cell = 95 cells total

0x0200 = Have Collected
0x0100 = Not Collected?
0x0000 = Don't Show? (before Cube collected?)

Note sure the address for the 'CORE' (purple) ones are located
but there is only 5 of them so its not really that important as
you can easily check the 5 'CORE' locations if you have all the cells.

edit: Maybe this can get added to PKHex as well once the location list
is made so people can check which cells they are missing.

edit2: locations 1D42 and 1D52 changed from 0x63 to 0x64.
This is possibly the number of cells collected / total cells in your cube?

I too had 99 collected, can couldn't find the last one, went through the list
on serebii at least 5 times, day and night, when I found the cell i was missing
I exported my save, went back in game and collected it and exported my save again.

edit3: going to try and make a location list of which address in the save is which cell, will post here when done.


Zygarde Cells by Savegame Address Order:


edit4: finally, all Done, if anyone wants to add this info into PKHEX feel free to do so, I recommend
doing read-only, as there may be other 'flags' that get set when you pick up the cores.

edit5: attached a "cell_check.txt" (rename to "") its a python 2.7 script.
place it in a folder with your exported 'main' save and double click the script / run it with python
It will report to you which cells you are missing and the locations of them.
you can use the guide on serebii (it has pictures) to help you find them :)


Itosugi Masahiro's Loyal Reader
Jan 17, 2016
I exported my save file and analyzed the values you specified. I am sitting at 96/100 in game and could only find 2 values in my hex that didn't exist?

Added image above, maybe someone can tell me why this didn't work.
Why the hell are you manually doing what the script would do? Just use the script and it will give the 4 remaining cells.
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New Member
Dec 1, 2016
Since I have power saves for my 3ds, could I export my game save to it and someone else who has power saves be able to import it to their game and then use the script to see what I am missing? I'm only missing one and I've rechecked multiple times and it's annoying as shit...
Last edited by Spinarack,


Itosugi Masahiro's Loyal Reader
Jan 17, 2016
Since I have power saves for my 3ds, could I export my game save to it and someone else who has power saves be able to import it to their game and then use the script to see what I am missing? I'm only missing one and I've rechecked multiple times and it's annoying as shit...
You don't have a PC with you right now? Anyways, just use JKSM (CFW) or save_manager (homebrew), upload the save and send me the link (Unless powersaves export your save as a "main" file. Then, export with power save and upload your save)


New Member
Dec 1, 2016
You don't have a PC with you right now? Anyways, just use JKSM (CFW) or save_manager (homebrew), upload the save and send me the link (Unless powersaves export your save as a "main" file. Then, export with power save and upload your save)

The thing is, the Internet where I'm at is so bad it can barely load anything. It's literally less and 100kb per second and that hard to get, it's even more rare to get 200kb per second... so I can't even watch a video to show me how to even install homebrew... powersaves does a Back up of my game's save, but i dont know how to upload it

Edit: well, I figured it out by accident... I'm missing a damn core that I thought I got, but I guess since I dropped my ds by accident and the card got ejected that I didn't save it before hand... good job me.. (face palms self)
Last edited by Spinarack,
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Itosugi Masahiro's Loyal Reader
Jan 17, 2016
I have zero clue as to how to check the script.

I can export my save, but I don't know how to get the script to run.
Put both the script and your save on the same folder. Also, make sure that you have Python 2.7 (the version is important, it might not work if you install Python 3.x) installed. If it still doesn't work, upload your save and send me the link. I can run the script for you and tell you which cells are missing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2014
United States
Put both the script and your save on the same folder. Also, make sure that you have Python 2.7 (the version is important, it might not work if you install Python 3.x) installed. If it still doesn't work, upload your save and send me the link. I can run the script for you and tell you which cells are missing.

To save time, here.


  • main.rar
    41 KB · Views: 154


New Member
Dec 7, 2016
United States

So I've been having the same 99/100 zygarde issue and this page is the closest thing I have found to finding an actual solution, but although I do have a decent knowledge of Python, I am completely clueless when it comes to putting things on my 3ds and I'm pretty sure that if I try to put anything on my system I will fail miserably and break everything, so I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. I did back up everything from my SD card onto my laptop (I got Moon on the eShop) and I know where the save file is, but when I put a copy of it in a folder with the cell check program it gave an error along the lines of "file or folder 'main' could not be found" which I'm guessing is to be expected but again, I am pretty dang clueless about this stuff.

Basically I guess my question is, can the file I have saved to my laptop be used in this program, and if not, is there a way to make it usable without using my 3ds so I don't have to risk doing something stupid and breaking the thing?


Itosugi Masahiro's Loyal Reader
Jan 17, 2016

So I've been having the same 99/100 zygarde issue and this page is the closest thing I have found to finding an actual solution, but although I do have a decent knowledge of Python, I am completely clueless when it comes to putting things on my 3ds and I'm pretty sure that if I try to put anything on my system I will fail miserably and break everything, so I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. I did back up everything from my SD card onto my laptop (I got Moon on the eShop) and I know where the save file is, but when I put a copy of it in a folder with the cell check program it gave an error along the lines of "file or folder 'main' could not be found" which I'm guessing is to be expected but again, I am pretty dang clueless about this stuff.

Basically I guess my question is, can the file I have saved to my laptop be used in this program, and if not, is there a way to make it usable without using my 3ds so I don't have to risk doing something stupid and breaking the thing?
Upload it and I'll run the script for you.

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