Hijacking thread
I’m trying to figure out how to get the metallizze for the gold cookie and the voodoo doll and all I can see is that I need high judgement link heights on a monster before talking with mayor georg
How high does the record have to be for either of them?
I managed around a 1500 height on the slime blob, but when I went to talk to mayor georg I never got anything from him even after spamming the talk button, besides some Zeno-9 cards
Do I have to have judgement link heights on multiple monsters or can I just do it on one and get those metallizes? If I only focus on one monster for the judgement link how high does I need to go roughly
Is it possible I can just wait to trigger a certain point in the story after getting kidnapped to the desert to get the metallizes instead of trying to get a higher judgement link heights then 1500? Because honestly I can’t seem to get past that without flubbing and losing the streak
I realize that since I’m replaying this game almost a decade after it’s initial release in the US there might not be a lot of people still checking but here’s hoping I might luck out on an answer