Recently, I decided to hack my Wii for the 3rd time and I just fixed my hacked New 2DS XL. Im hoping to play my DS ROMs on it, but i got a problem: I only have a 214 GB, 4 GB, and 512MB Micro SD Card. The Wii is using the 214 GB card, and I used to have a 64 GB one, but It got lost. I still wanted to play my DS ROMs on my 2DS, so I got an idea: What if i just use the 214 GB card for both the Wii AND the 2DS? At first, it seemed fair, but I came to the realization that the files and folders might get mixed up between the two and i wouldn't tell which homebrew from which. I came up with the solution of just making partions, but i dont know if the Wii and 2DS will read the same or different partions. If you have a solution or answer to my predicament, please tell me. Thanks )