Wii Commodore 64 Emulator
Frodo is a Commodore 64 emulator written by Christian Bauer. It was ported to the Wii by Simon Kagstrom. It is currently at V3.

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Wii Commodore 64 Emulator
Frodo is a Commodore 64 emulator written by Christian Bauer. It was ported to the Wii by Simon Kagstrom. It is currently at V3.

Changelog said:* Merged with the Frodo trunk and build the "SC" version. This should improve emulation somewhat (although there are cases where it's the other way around!). The palette also changes because of this.
* Save prefrences together with the C64 state when saving snapshots. This is useful e.g., to have game-specific keybindings
* More menu options to type common key sequences, turn on 1541 CPU emulation etc
* Link with Yohanes version of SDL-Port, which perhaps brings USB keyboard support. I haven't tested, so please test and fix the code.
* Fixed some key binding bugs
* Misc smaller improvements here and there