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Former GBAtemp member and suspected pedophile gets 20 year sentence

A former member of the community, not extremely active on GBAtemp but known for contributions to several projects on the 3DS hacking scene, Thomas Edvalson aka 'Cruel', has recently received a 20 year jail sentence for supposedly hosting a child porn site (although he firmly denied it). said:
Thomas Scot Edvalson, 28, appeared to be providing a website where other users could download images of child porn, according to a press release form the District Attorney’s Office. The site came complete with an online guide detailing how to use the dark web to set up a website for trading pictures of child sexual abuse.
Source: Gwinnett Daily Post
A thread was started on GBAtemp to discuss the issue a couple of months ago, before the final judgement was rendered. At the time our decision was to lock the thread up as it began to heavily derail. Some members and visitors took this as a 'cover up' and wondered why we didn't ban this guy's user account on GBAtemp.

We had long discussions in the staff forum and decided to wait for the final verdict (the appeal that is) before doing anything, thereby letting justice do its work. We banned this person from our forums immediately after we heard the final judgement and by the looks of it he won't be around again for a while. Since then, there hasn't been any new threads about the story but if there had been one, we would have allowed it for sure.

At this point we are wondering why anyone would think we are 'covering' this up? Why would we even need to? It's not like people don't know what happened already. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in this thread.

Furthermore, there is an ongoing story concerning another person, it's been posted on a Reddit thread (edit: now removed, but you can see screenshots here) and, again, we certainly won't prevent you from discussing it wherever you want just as long as you stay civil.

We at GBAtemp value freedom of speech above all, but within the boundaries of the law. If you think someone is guilty of a crime it is your duty to report it to the relevant authorities (not the GBAtemp admins, I mean the police). But otherwise let justice do its job. We do not believe that witch hunts have their place on GBAtemp.

The staff
Last edited by Costello,


Listening to a song ad nauseam
Aug 25, 2014
On his bed
United Kingdom
So are you trying to tell me that adults even fully understand the consequences of their actions in relation to sex? I know so many adults that are totally freaking out when they find out that they have a kid coming. Adults are pretty fucking stupid too. We have sex for fun, which is also part of our instincts, and we do it when we are horny not stopping to think about what might happen and how life will change if someone gets pregnant.
I can promise you, my 12 year old knows damn well about what sex it, why people have sex, why people want to, how and sperm inseminates an egg, how birth defects happen, how dna works (in a general level). My daughter knows so much that she will be just like her mother and not get a boyfriends until after becoming an adult. Children are completely capable of understand all of it, and can many times make much better decisions then us reckless adults.

It also helps that our 12 year old takes care of our 2 year old quite a lot and she understands how much of a handful having a baby can be. She will be the responsible child in the family.

Our 16 year old virgin just can't seem to get sex off his mind though. Luckily, no chick will ever get with his neanderthal ass.

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Exactly. This really should have never been posted up on this site in the first place.

Hahaha, your daughter sounds like a favourite of yours


XFlak Fanboy
Apr 12, 2009
United States
Hahaha, your daughter sounds like a favourite of yours
We have 6 kids in total. She is the only one without a disability. She is very smart, very interested in helping children with needs. She loves to learn about things. Also help that my wife is a bio pharmaceutical engineer, so the conversations about why genetic defects happen and explaining how cells divide and so much about biology aren't uncommon topics. It also helps that I am working on having a farm and she wants to raise animals.

We really started explaining the whole reproductive process after her half-sister was born with downs. So, she actually has 6 siblings with varying disabilities, but the one with downs is not from my wife nor myself.
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Listening to a song ad nauseam
Aug 25, 2014
On his bed
United Kingdom
We have 6 kids in total. She is the only one without a disability. She is very smart, very interested in helping children with needs. She loves to learn about things. Also help that my wife is a bio pharmaceutical engineer, so the conversations about why genetic defects happen and explaining how cells divide and so much about biology aren't uncommon topics. It also helps that I am working on having a farm and she wants to raise animals.

We really started explaining the whole reproductive process after her half-sister was born with downs. So, she actually has 6 siblings with varying disabilities, but the one with downs is not from my wife nor myself.

Well, im sorry to hear that about the other 5 but all the best to you and your family. Your daughter sounds like an inquisitive one, its always a good thing to have children who question everything you say, it indicates an active mind that under the right circumstances will flourish.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
If they understand that, I see no reason to prohibit sex as long as they are of good mental and physical health (meaning theyve completed puberty, not hit it.)

How can you tell if a girl understands that sex will increase her chance of cervical cancer? Or that she understands what the emotional consequences will be?

Consent is a very subjective term, if they say yes, then objectively i can have sex with them, if they say they want to stop then i should respect that decision. Any other way of thinking imo, isnt objective.

Saying yes doesn't necessarily mean they she has given you informed consent. You could still be convicted of rape even if she says yes and doesn't say no. If she's drunk, or you told her a lie that caused her to say yes then you're on sticky ground. She may also say that she felt intimidated to say yes, although this would be harder for her to prove.

Someone in Switzerland has recently been convicted of rape because he didn't wear a condom and the woman said that she had told him to wear one.

The lesson here is that casual sex is not worth it and be very careful about who you do have sex with.
Last edited by smf,


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
I want to bring up a little more sensitive part of this subject that is not directly related to the perp but to pedophilia in general and our social dilemma with it.

Back hundreds of years ago it was not uncommon for a younger female to have sex with a man of her age or older. Even back before that it was common for the males to try to mate with a girl as soon as she was ready to bare children. There is a instinctive thing ingrained in many male species out there, and that is to mate as often as possible, with as young as possible, and with as many as possible. The reason why is because the males have tried to spread their seed as much as they can so that their genetic line carries on much further. That is the way we evolved. It has only been with advances in communication and civilization have we started to develop ethics and morals that have made us accountable for our actions and has set laws of the land. We now understand that everyone has rights. We understand now the way a body and mind matures and at what rate it does and when someone should be generally capable of making their own choices and such.

Who knows, maybe 1,000 years in the future there will be a global age of consent that it high like 30 and back low again like after the first period.

But those natural instincts not only affect that some people are still neanderthals and have the urge to procreate with someone so young, many men still cheat like crazy or have hundreds of partners without ever committing into a relationship. The difference between now and back 20,000 years ago is that we are far more conscience of our choices because of accountability. People have to actually tell themselves that they are going to make a "good" choice and resist from making "bad" choices. Back then, everyone did whatever they wanted. Many people were victims, many where offenders, and not just in the sexual aspect of things. Murder wasn't such a big deal because people thought more about themselves than they do today.

Take a good look in the animal kingdom, because that is what shaped our ancestors. Compare the ways animals do things in the wild and relate that to the tendencies that people have today with stealing, fighting, sex, caring for family members, and so much more. There is no age of consent when breeding dogs. It generally is once a dog can become in heat they can bread, and that is usually between 1.5 to 2 years of age. Animals don't hold trials because johny chimpo hit riley rhino with a club. Animals steal shit from each other all the time. We are the only species that hold it's member accountable for their actions, otherwise nature is a free-for-all.

So what is my point to all of this. Treating people for pedophilia is a difficult thing because you are basically trying to tell someone to fight their natural ancestry instincts but they are too much of fucking neanderthals to really have that higher level of conscience decision making to know how to make the right choices bc their stupid instincts kick in.

In the end, anyone who has offended and has an attraction you children does not and will not ever be able to fit into todays society where the majority of people are above falling to their natural instincts, even with some kind of treatment besides a lobotomy. The only thing we can do to protect the children and the innocent is to separate these people from the rest of society and sterilize them so they can't have children of their own to abuse. Even chemical castration is not effective enough to guarantee that there will be no more offenses by a particular person.

I hope the way I explained things was well enough for you all to understand how I am trying to convey the thoughts in my head, but I fear I might have lost some of you in the process. But this is a topic that I do hold some knowledge about and I figured I would quickly try to share.
Ah yes the coolidge effect, mate as much as you can. The benefit of being a human is our plasticity brain, and intelligence different from other animals which allows us to adapt to our environments using logical thinking and reasoning skills. Nature has made it so we can over come our genetic predispositions to survive. We have a general tendency to fight with people when angry, but in the working environment it can cost us our jobs and our survival, so we have the ability to refrain from those predispositions to survive, with our prefrontal cortex acting as a filter from those dispositions.

With logical reasoning and thinking we can decide whether our actions will benefit or hurt us in the long run and we can act accordingly. Thats the beauty of being human. And of course we're still evolving who knows, maybe we'll evolve out of being attracted to pubescent teens, since we have changed our environment to not allow it and punish those who do. If they are isolated and not allowed to breed then evolutions will ween out those pubescent attractions.

Just like how we changed our environment to a farming life style from hunter gatherer, and some of us have evolved to be tolerant of lactose in the last 10,000 years. This evolution happened because of decisions we made, we affected our own evolutionary, not nature, in the same way we affect a dogs evolution. Especially since our todays environment is different from our ancestors, mating young isn't as beneficial. Our environment has changed and we need to adapt to it to survive. Mental maturity takes a lot longer to reach, we need to have skills and schooling our ancestors didn't need in order to survive in todays world, and that takes longer to reach. Making laws to prevent young marriages, can help people focus on schooling, instead of focusing on mating and on raising a baby.
Last edited by SG854,


Listening to a song ad nauseam
Aug 25, 2014
On his bed
United Kingdom
How can you tell if a girl understands that sex will increase her chance of cervical cancer? Or that she understands what the emotional consequences will be?

Saying yes doesn't necessarily mean they she has given you informed consent. You could still be convicted of rape even if she says yes and doesn't say no. If she's drunk, or you told her a lie that caused her to say yes then you're on sticky ground. She may also say that she felt intimidated to say yes, although this would be harder for her to prove.

Someone has recently been convicted of rape because he didn't wear a condom and the woman said that she had told him to wear one.

How can I tell? I ask her, if she understands all the consequences. And its unlikely she will. Thats why Adults have sex and kids dont.

Im not talking about circumstance, im discussing a situation in which there are no social factors.


gbatemp's shadiest warez dealer
Aug 9, 2016
United States
Can we stop talking about this please?
The only reason this is on the front page is because the guy who allegedly did this made free shop. If he didn't , I doubt anyone here would care.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
It's morally wrong how people that accept an age of consent as an excuse to take advantage and fuck kids in some backwater shitholes.

Depending upon the countries on your passport(s) it may still be illegal for you to travel somewhere either with the express purpose, or for it to happen anyway.
It is actually one of the few areas of law that leaves a country's/area's borders.

To answer the what about images discussion that gets to be fun.
Generally as the server is in France and the owner is French (albeit variously living in China) the baseline would probably be French law. I did a quick search but could not find much other than France has also ratified various conventions of rights of children. Will probably have to search in French for this one.
I know in the UK it is 18 for pictures, despite being 16 for unilateral age of consent (give or take quirks like those in positions of power - teachers, carers and what have you). It was 16 for a while but I think it became 18 to harmonise with other places, which does also lead to the amusing quirk of you technically being able to look up cp in libraries if you go back through old papers and find the topless 16 year old women in them.
It has still yet to be seen what will properly happen with Section 63 of the 2008 Criminal Justice and Immigration Act (usually dubbed the extreme porn bill) but that could make things even more fun.

bullshit, please name me 2 notable people that have publicly had a sexual attraction to children but have never done any illegal actions and lived their live to the end without offending. Please, I want to see some examples. I am sure that none exist because all of them have offended or anyone that did not ever offend just kept it as a secret their whole lives out of fear of getting killed.

What bearing does being out and "proud" of such a thing have on the ability to not offend? Such an argument is dangerously close to a strawman.

It's nothing to do with consent or not consent, a child doesn't have the proper information to even provide consent
That is not a rhetorical flourish, that is what the law says.

Well that's a damn shame. I'll let the jury decide.
The case has already done and had a verdict handed down.

Can we stop talking about this please?
The only reason this is on the front page is because the guy who allegedly did this made free shop. If he didn't , I doubt anyone here would care.
Costello already said this was after accusations of covering up/downplaying things. It probably would not have played out like this were it just some that wanted helped with a R4 one day, however this is not that.


XFlak Fanboy
Apr 12, 2009
United States
What bearing does being out and "proud" of such a thing have on the ability to not offend? Such an argument is dangerously close to a strawman.
The point that I am trying to make is that anyone whom has a sexual attraction to children will eventually offend.

If I were to just say "tell me of someone..." then I would get a response like "I know this guy, Frank, and he...". I want some verifiable proof that someone actually has had a life long sexual attraction to children without ever offending. I don't think anyone can produce results. And the fact is, there is no verifiable data that there is even a percentage that don't offend since the majority of those likely will never come out until they are caught. Even if they mention it to a therapist, that is all confidential so there are no verifiable data points. All that anyone knows as of right now is that anyone whom has a sexual attraction to children has offended or will eventually offend.

Hell, it's easier to get data points about drug addicts.
Last edited by DeadlyFoez,

Deleted member 408979

Gbatemp amphibian
Dec 22, 2016
Well they already went after the admin of the site, how about they go after the ones that visited it?

>implying that none of them had VPNs (which is most likely false.)

Sort of off-topic, but i think that Interpol should sniff around the church too.

The amount of pedophile priests is fucking huge.

About the age thing, if its something like a 16yr old and a 20yr old I can sort of get it since its just 4 years of difference.

But if its a 30yr old trying to hit it off with a 10 yr old, im sorry but get that guy into the fridge (jail)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2016
United States
heh, i was joking about the 3ds homebrew app that you use for cia installation. You really not need to call the real fbi since the nsa is already keeping a eye on all of us.
you got me xD though I needed the laugh too. Hope your having a good day.
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There's hope for a Xenosaga port.
Jun 29, 2007
The point that I am trying to make is that anyone whom has a sexual attraction to children will eventually offend.

If I were to just say "tell me of someone..." then I would get a response like "I know this guy, Frank, and he...". I want some verifiable proof that someone actually has had a life long sexual attraction to children without ever offending. I don't think anyone can produce results. And the fact is, there is no verifiable data that there is even a percentage that don't offend since the majority of those likely will never come out until they are caught.
That sounds very much like the words of the Chechen Leader Razman Kadryov regarding gay concentration camps in Chechnya, denying the existence of such camps as gay people don't exist, going something along these lines:
"Gay people don't exist in Chechnya, even if there were gay people in Chechnya law enforcements wouldn't need to round them up because their relatives would send them somewhere from which there is no returning"

The world is the Chechnya of pedophiles, I am not surprised they wouldn't come out publicly to seek for help considering this, so in the end it is almost impossible for you to get your proof or numbers.

I really believe the world should be as severe as it is with offenders, but much more supportive with people that want to seek help, but of course, that is IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Even if they mention it to a therapist, that is all confidential so there are no verifiable data points.

No it's not. If you confess to a crime to a therapist then there is no guarantee of confidentiality. If the therapist knows that a child is in danger then expect to get a visit from the police.

In the past people who came forward for help in the uk were turned away and told it was only available to offenders. However there are charities setup now.
Last edited by smf,


XFlak Fanboy
Apr 12, 2009
United States
No it's not. If you confess to a crime to a therapist then there is no guarantee of confidentiality. If the therapist knows that a child is in danger then expect to get a visit from the police.
Yes, if you confess to a crime. But if you just tell them that you have a sexual attraction to children but have never offended there that stays confidential.


Nov 29, 2010
Behind you
I wonder why people voted to not lock this thread, yeah The Cruel was arrested but he did it to himself, choice were made consequences were handled.
Talking about it and filling the front page with this ain't gonna change his fate, just one ''tragic'' mistake he did, we can call it mistake, and he was brought to justice.
He created the freeshop app for the 3DS but right now I think some users already took over his work and continued the updates.


There's hope for a Xenosaga port.
Jun 29, 2007
Is there a way to keep people from liking your posts or replying to you?Like a "Block user" function?
As far as I know if you ignore the user it will stop sending you notifications about it happening.

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I wonder why people voted to not lock this thread, yeah The Cruel was arrested but he did it to himself, choice were made consequences were handled.
Talking about it and filling the front page with this ain't gonna change his fate, just one ''tragic'' mistake he did, we can call it mistake, and he was brought to justice.
He created the freeshop app for the 3DS but right now I think some users already took over his work and continued the updates.
Because discussion is good, IMHO.
Also, there was no option about "Leave it right where it is and lock it", specially when you don't know how to read like me /s
Last edited by sarkwalvein, , Reason: Idiot, it is the first option!


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
United Kingdom
Yes, if you confess to a crime. But if you just tell them that you have a sexual attraction to children but have never offended there that stays confidential.

If you have children or work with them and you aren't prepared to separate yourself from them then the risk would be too high for the therapist to stand by.
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XFlak Fanboy
Apr 12, 2009
United States
If you have children or work with them and you aren't prepared to separate yourself from them then the risk would be too high for the therapist to stand by.
That legally would be very difficult for all parties involved. If the person has not offended and they do not indicate that they intend to offend then the therapist would be stuck in a very difficult spot. She potentially could prevent children from getting hurt, but she would also be risking a major lawsuit by the person getting fired. I would hate to be that therapist.
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