Hi there,
I have an unpatched Switch that I updated to 8.1.0 before I became aware of CFWs/homebrews - 10 burnt fuses.
I did a full backup (BOOT1/2, NAND, keys, fuses), then I set up emuNAND via Hekate/Nyx (5.0.0).
My configuration is the following:
- sysNAND: Clean 8.1.0 / untouched / play online
- emuNAND: Copy of sysNAND (8.1.0) / Atmosphere 0.9.2 / 90DNS / homebrews
Most of the homebrew I need works flawlessy on 8.1.0, apart from Amiibo emulation, but I can live with it.
The question: is there any point on downgrading my emuNAND via ChoiDujourNX?
(I read somewhere that if I downgrade I would have to use AutoRCM to prevent the Switch from panicking, or is it just for the sysNAND?)
I've seen plenty of people running lower firmwares, and I was wondering if there's a reason to keep it low like that.
I have an unpatched Switch that I updated to 8.1.0 before I became aware of CFWs/homebrews - 10 burnt fuses.
I did a full backup (BOOT1/2, NAND, keys, fuses), then I set up emuNAND via Hekate/Nyx (5.0.0).
My configuration is the following:
- sysNAND: Clean 8.1.0 / untouched / play online
- emuNAND: Copy of sysNAND (8.1.0) / Atmosphere 0.9.2 / 90DNS / homebrews
Most of the homebrew I need works flawlessy on 8.1.0, apart from Amiibo emulation, but I can live with it.
The question: is there any point on downgrading my emuNAND via ChoiDujourNX?
(I read somewhere that if I downgrade I would have to use AutoRCM to prevent the Switch from panicking, or is it just for the sysNAND?)
I've seen plenty of people running lower firmwares, and I was wondering if there's a reason to keep it low like that.
Last edited by Zi0P4tch0,