hi guys i have a big problem to my switch, i restore my nand to 5.1.0, but switch wont start,i haven't burned efuse,i check with bricmii and i have 6burned efuse but restore isn't success and i look at this guide :https://gbatemp.net/threads/switch-wont-boot-after-restore-nand-but-can-run-rcm.540019/ when i insert the boot0/boot1 fron 8.0.1 this replace myboot0 and boot1 but isn't my fw and switch has a blue screen i checked again with bricmii and my burned efuse is 9, i try to downgrade with manual choji, but when i extract the biskey didn't work because nand and boot isn't same, now i have a biskey it's work from hekate 5.0 but i follow this guide https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-...nofficially-without-burning-any-fuses.507461/ and nothing appear, i don't know why, the test from biskey it's ok i derive the biskey from sdsetup, because biskeydump didn't work and also briccmii tell me an error: https://imgur.com/oUad7Bd
the question is: there is any way to upgrade swtich to 8.0.1 with manual choji and not chojiNX? or a method to launch .nro from exemple hekate? because i don't enter to CFW and OFW i hope to have been as clear as possible
thanks so much
the question is: there is any way to upgrade swtich to 8.0.1 with manual choji and not chojiNX? or a method to launch .nro from exemple hekate? because i don't enter to CFW and OFW i hope to have been as clear as possible
thanks so much