The old Luma chainloader requires files to be linked to a button.... So rename safeB9SInstaller... to "X_SafeB9SInstaller.bin" and put it in Luma/payloads. Then hold "X" before you press power.I followed step by step the guide for the arm9loaderhax to boot9strap upgrade. In one step says to press start to boot safeb9installer but when i do that it boots to godmode9 instead of safeb9onstaller. How can i change that?
Then you already have Boot9Strap...... Are you trying to update it? Your title and OP say you're trying to install it initially....8.1.1
YOU ALREADY HAVE B9S installed.... What are you trying to do?I was messing with godmod9 right now and i found that i can install boot9 from there. It says install to firm0 firm1 or both. May i ibstall from here just to make sure i have installed it?
Dude, Luma 8.1.1 only works on B9S....... Da fuck?I'd suggest using the safe installer. I've never installed b9s in that way, so if you don't know what you're doing, you could brick the system. is there a arm9loaderhax.bin on your sd card or a boot.firm?
The fact he's using that version confirms he's using it..... He doesn't need to do anything else. Arm9loaderhax files aren't compatible so there is no risk of incompatibilities or anything. It boggles my mind how hard it is to follow simple instructions......I know, but there's no telling what he has on there if he doesn't know whether he installed b9s.
Dude, for the last time. If you're running Luma 8.1.1 you 100% have B9S installed. That version of Luma WILL NOT WORK without it. Period.The truth is that i tried to install it when it came out in May i think. But i dont remember if i did it correctly
8.1.1 ONLY works with v 1.2 and above.... As I said. OP has version 1.2 of Boot9Strap at the update b9s with the safe installer if that's what you're trying to do. I can't recall how long ago version 3 came out. there may be a later version? I have version 3 on my system. version 2 and 3 use the same safe installer even though, I believe, the instructions are for version 2.