Dude, give me time to type up a list of stuff you have to do.
1) Follow
Part 1 to set up Homebrew.
2) Follow
Part 3 to set up Luma3DS custom firmware.
3) Follow Section II - Injecting FBI from
Part 4 to set up FBI, which is what you will use to install the digital version once you convert it to a .cia using Decrypt9.
4) Download and extract the latest releast of
Decrypt9WIP. Move the 3ds folder from that zip to the root of your SD card. Make a new folder called files9 on the root of your SD card.
5) Access the Homebrew Launcher from your sysNAND then launch Decrypt9.
6) Go to Gamecart Dumper Options -> Dump Cart to CIA. It will then try to dump the physical cartridge and then convert it to a .cia. Exit Decrypt9 by pressing Start to reboot the system after it has finished dumping the cartridge.
7) Go to your emuNAND by accessing the Homebrew Launcher and selecting Luma3DS. After it loads your emuNAND, open your Health&Safety app which should now be FBI.
8) After FBI launches, go to SD and then go to the files9 folder. Your .cia file should be there. Press A on the .cia and then Press A on Install CIA.
9) Wait for it to install then press the Home Button to return to the Home Menu where you'll find your newly installed game.
You're not helping. Like, at all.