Search results

  1. Wooaw2005

    Gaming DSi Wifi card not working/not making contact properly? Causing "An error has occured" screen.

    Hi, I've recently been having problems with my DSi (Unlaunch, HiyaCFW). It was recently showing the "An error has occurred screen" when launching a game/app and sometimes not booting at all (screen black, flickers white for a second when home/power button is clicked. However, when I bend my...
  2. Wooaw2005

    Homebrew How do I display an image using devkitpro?

    I was wondering how would I display images using devkitpro. I have read over the source of the example ( and have tried to do so myself. However, I can't seem to get it to work after many attempts. It would be...
  3. Wooaw2005

    Hardware Old 3ds slow and keeps crashing

    Hello. I have been having an issue with my brother's old 3ds. When I turn it on, it takes a few seconds to boot up into the main menu. Then, it functions normally until I open an app. When I open an app, the system crashes completely and I have to hold the power button to force shut it down...
  4. Wooaw2005

    Hardware Need help with removing destroyed screws on old 3DS.

    I have been having an issue when disassembling my brother's old 3DS to fix it. One of the black screws in the top right corner is destroyed to the point where the #000 screwdriver just slips. This one of the screws that you remove after the back plate. Any and all help appreciated!
  5. Wooaw2005

    Gaming DSi not booting

    Recently, my DSi (EUR) has not been booting recently. When I press the power button, my power and signal lights work just fine but I get not video (black screen) and no sound. My DSi was softmodded with CFW using flipnote lenny. It had been working fine for years and ran without problems for...
  6. Wooaw2005

    Gaming [Help] Just purchased Mirror's Edge on PC and fails to connect to EA license servers

    So today I got myself Mirror's Edge (2009) on PC and redeemed the key on Origin. When I tried to open the game, it errored out saying that it cannot connect to EA license servers and to retry. I've retried multiple times, toggling compatibility settings and even set up a mobile hotspot with...
  7. Wooaw2005

    Homebrew [Help] Homebrew not working

    So, I have my DSi with HiYA CFW and SDNAND installed. I got bored of the roms I have so I thought of getting gbaemu4ds (homebrew) It failed to load through TWiLight Menu++ and Unlaunch gave me error: "fatinitDefault failed!" I tried other homebrew (like hb games) to no avail. Could somebody...
  8. Wooaw2005

    Gaming Installing roms on DSi Menu?

    I have got TWiLight Menu++ but I would like to install my roms on the main DSi menu for convenience Could anyone tell me how (if possible)?
  9. Wooaw2005

    Gaming Mario & Luigi : Partners in Time and the broken baby shells

    So, I recently got the above mentioned game and it plays normally until I use shells with babies. The sprites and graphics freeze, music keeps playing and it sometimes unfreezes, sometimes stays. Note: this only happens with non-piggyback babies Pls help, the game is a rom on the SD, DSi with...
  10. Wooaw2005

    Tutorial How To Make A USB DS Charger

    You've been in this situation: Running around the house, looking for the DS charger but all you find is the broken one Today, I'm going to teach you how to make a USB one that you can plug into any old USB port. As long as the cable is intact, you can use a broken DS charger TO AVOID FRYING...
  11. Wooaw2005

    Hardware PLEASE HELP!! 3DS (OLD) DEAD!

    So, when I boot the 3ds (old), it takes a while, flickers once, makes a "pft" sound and dies. Same with charger plugged in. Its has been dropped and died ever since. There is no soft/hard mod. Please help. All help appreciated :) Video:
  12. Wooaw2005

    Hacking Hiding WADs

    Hi, I am a newbie wii hacker. I've got homebrew, priiloader, bootmii and all those things. But I was wondering if there was a utility for hiding installed channels or installing WADs secretly. If there is, could someone please direct me to such tool. P.S: I am aware of HideAndSeek but it is not...
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