Does posting this as a meme count as cheating.

, by jt_1258 👍10

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You: I can upgrade my pc whenever
Also you: Buys brand new parts for an entire new build
Noticed an annoying bug with the status updates. If you manage to play a video by clicking on the preview then you have no way to pause it because the controls are cut off, tapping again doesn't work and opening the full status update doesn't help because it's actually a separate player.
I don't think it's supposed to actually be possible to hit play on the status preview but I managed to do it on mobile just now.
CFW Do what nintendon't
F@#€ Ash Ketchum

Zelda freestyles it
Is it against the rules to ask how to dump DVDs? I've wanted to know how to do that because i have a disc of a movie that ive wanted to just watch without having to put a disc in...

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    S @ salazarcosplay: @Xdqwerty you could get the basic idea watching a few episodes