Megalegacy98 Dec 20, 2017 Wow. Haven't done much on here in the past year & a half but looking at old posts... man. Pretty... well, cringy... Anyways what's up guys?
Wow. Haven't done much on here in the past year & a half but looking at old posts... man. Pretty... well, cringy... Anyways what's up guys?
Megalegacy98 Feb 3, 2016 Me + a friend tricked a guy into thinking that a math thing called Yourmomeom Theorem exists. (continued) Reactions: daxtsu
Me + a friend tricked a guy into thinking that a math thing called Yourmomeom Theorem exists. (continued)
Megalegacy98 Jan 6, 2016 If Cory in the House is best anime, then does that make Adventure Time best 1980 sitcom?
Megalegacy98 Jan 2, 2016 What the frick frick frick frick, frick frick, frick!
Megalegacy98 Dec 31, 2015 Gateway is GBATemp's dad. Whenever GBATemp has people hyping too much, daddy Gateway hates it, so he puts GBAtemp on a 504 Gateway Time-Out. Reactions: Seriel, Jacklack3 and Deleted-236924
Gateway is GBATemp's dad. Whenever GBATemp has people hyping too much, daddy Gateway hates it, so he puts GBAtemp on a 504 Gateway Time-Out.
Megalegacy98 Dec 27, 2015 THEMEHAX 2, IRONHAX 2, AND BROWSERHAX 2? GG SMEA AND YELLOWS8. GG Reactions: Seriel
Megalegacy98 Dec 24, 2015 Blocked Wii U updates, check. Got all the stuff I need so I don't need to go to eShop, check. OK, my body is ready for the 5.5.0 exploit!
Blocked Wii U updates, check. Got all the stuff I need so I don't need to go to eShop, check. OK, my body is ready for the 5.5.0 exploit!
Megalegacy98 Dec 16, 2015 Reactions: Seriel, VinsCool and T-hug