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  • finally replaced the circle pad on my o3ds. currently completely hooked on luigis mansion dark moooooooooooon
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    Reactions: DTApple
    is it possible for an old 3DS to only use the right speaker, preferably in mono? my left one is distorted because when I was a kid I accidentally ran onto beach water while not being aware of having the system in my pocket. help, please

    If I'm not mistaken, the 3DS has an option to set the sound output to Mono, Stereo or Surround.

    Or you mean like, physically modifying the console to get both channels to one speaker? If so, just solder L and R output to one speaker.
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    Reactions: apaltado
    no, my issue is the left speaker sounding crunchy distorted. i want sound to only come out from the right one, mute the other
    I don't want to go through replacing that speaker yet, that's why I thought of this
    C [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto], [ditto]
    gonna see my fav band asia menor the 27th this month i'm super stoked for it, wishing it'd last forever :')
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    heck i hate being autistic, worst thing is I'm not even sure if it is the autism part of me that I hate or my own personality alone
    You're not alone. You don't need to hate yourself over being autistic, I'm sure you have some pretty unique talents to share. :D
    Being on the spectrum makes you interesting.
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    Reactions: SylverReZ
    thank you for the kind comments, as I said I'm not sure if my issue comes from being autistic I'm still figuring stuff out sorry for venting here I shouldn't have done it worst yet without any context. im really sorry. goodnight
    how much time does it have to pass for the newcomer tag to go away
    It's not based on time. It's based on experience.
    The more you post, the greater your "rank".

    With 10K posts you become a Global Miderator 😉
    oh i see thank you
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    Reactions: JuanMena
    Newcomer is based on post count and not EXP, if I remember correctly its 100 posts to become a regular member. And unfortunately you can't get moderator rank with posts or EXP
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    Reactions: apaltado
    took my cat to the vet with my dad few minutes ago, she's been meowing in a weird way, kind of like darth vader (sorry) so we think she may have caught a cold. she also had a piece of cut grass inside her eye, which was pretty terrifying. worst of all the vet went too harsh with his thumb to take the grass out of her eye. I really, really hope she gets better
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    Reactions: Nikokaro
    what would super mario odyssey 2 look like?
    Find out this E3 lolol
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    Reactions: Chary
    If it's a sequel on the same console, it would definitely use the same engine and assets, so it would probably look exactly the same, maybe with some minor graphical improvements.
    Nintendo did this several times already and, honestly, it's a pretty logical decision to make.
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    Reactions: apaltado
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Imagine the tears if temp had downvotes
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Civil? I mean this isn't really a kids chatroom, you are supposed to 15+, which you admitted that you are not even.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's pretty common for one person thinking they can come in and just change an entire community that's older than them
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    Fair enough
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    We should take a breather, I guess we all got a little excited there.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Be glad some sites ban just because they don't like you
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its all cool. Much love to all. No more jokes from me today.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    People get it their heads or so attached that some sites are like second life's to them that's where they get over emotional over something that doesn't even matter just don't care what others say online
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    and it's friday we should all be uploading GIFs or I have another temper tantrum
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Almost October and it's still 95 out
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    this is a webp... from GIPHY. GIF-EE.
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @K3Nv2 where are you, arizona?
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty I would appreciate if when you post a YouTube link/ picture you can provide context or a description
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty my browser doest let me see things at times
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @salazarcosplay, its a clip of dk saying "not funny, didnt laugh"
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty the work browser is limited in what it can show me
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    I am honestly surprised gba temp is viewable thats why im here everyday most days
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Facebook is getting bullshit 90k likes on a video I get a strike just for sharing it lmao
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    "Biden ate a deer. Trump didn't." Then, the other way around, "Trump ate a deer. Trump didn't."
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Biden turned me into a newt!!!
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Psionic Roshambo why is that the case
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Biden made me need viagra
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Biden made me need viagra