The Rebound

So some of you may know i had an incredibly bad day a few months ago where the only good thing was i met this chick at the bus stop.

Well we got a long pretty well, for awhile. something was there and we both knew it. but then she went for another guy. so i backed out, told the guy good luck and that was it. I don't do chicks who have room for someone else. eventually forgot about it and that was it.

But recently she broke up with him, because he cheated on her more times than i can count with both hands. she's still infatuated with him but at least she knows better than to go back as the same thing will happen again. so now she's back talking to me. 800 texts within the last few days. and i can tell she's only talking to me for comfort, which is fair enough. but now she's asking if i want to get into a relationship with her.

sirreh beetches. i still do like her a bit but i don't want to be in a relationship because of a rebound.

also been listening to a lot of kero one lately. new album is bosss. also got into fashawn.


fashawn is a sick rapper. can't wait till he gets his name around more, some say he's another Nas.


I really don know. I understand what you mean about not wishing to be the rebound guy. That's my greatest fear about relationships, that they are settling rather than actually wanting to pursue a relationship. But if there is one thing I can tell you, its that you should go with your gut. If you think something might be there, explain your situation so she acknowledges how you feel and is forced to question her motives behind it.
Trust me when I say that I see your reasoning and maybe it would be a good idea to hold off for a while until she is over him as it wont do anyone any favours as you will probably have a voice at the back of your mind questioning whats going on. I still think the best thing to do its to talk about the situation. Show her that your willing to be mature and she will probably act the same (at least in regards to this event). Just curious but how old are both of you as that could answer a lot of questions itself?
Rebound relationships are a no-no.
They hardly ever work out because they are in fact, formed out of grief.
After breaking a relationship, people can feel pretty lonely, and thus rebound relationships are born. People tend to pick people that would be the easiest to get with, regardless if they truly want a relationship or not.

Comfort her, but for a relationship it'd be best if you waited for her to 'calm down' and think clearly. Which in the end might land her in another relationship with someone else, but the chances of it working would be...slim at best.
She'd have a better chance of getting a valmanway from Dracula then she would holding a relationship formed from a rebound. (sorry, my mind drifted to Castlevania:HoD)
*rereads own post*

Nope nothin' said there that doesn't apply to everyone.
14, 22, or 50, it's all the same. Especially for rebounds.

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