So actually I got a job offer in Germany yesterday, but...

the salary is so low. Like 46K euro/year. That's quite ridiculous given that I have 5 years experience in analytics. My peers told me my market rate is around 55-60K euro/year. But given that the company is a startup, maybe they just want someone senior with an entry level salary. Well the company has already said that they were not convinced I am fit enough for the senior data analyst role, but I negotiated anyway, thought if I delivered a good presentation, they would consider me for the rate of 50-55K euro. They didn't change their mind. WTF.

Anyway I still have 13 interviews lined up anyway, so I ditched this company.
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Salary in germany depends highly on the location. North and West germany have different ones than east to south. The reason is the split of germany after WW2. Though the states are not split anymore for a long time, we still fight the consequences. At one end your might earn 45K a year, at the other one 55-60k. Its a huge pain in the ass. Obviously this isnt the same for every company and a lot of other things factor in. But to be honest, you should probably accept a salary of about 55K. Thats already a lot for germany in "standard" companies. You can expect a little higher salaries in well known companies.

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    SylverReZ @ SylverReZ: I'm alright thanks :)