Wii Region Misadventures 1

My Wii's bluetooth module recently broke (somehow) after messing around with a drivekey.
I ended up buying 2 broken Wii consoles that were just video and disc drive problems. Specifically, BECAUSE they are very minimal issues, and only because I greatly suspected that they are BootMii boot2 compatible.

Upon boot up, the is disc drive grinding. Not good. After plugging in my cheap Wii2HDMI adapter, I saw in the capture card that it was getting no signal. If it were actually getting some kind of output, it'd show a video signal - whether 480i or 480p. Tried putting in a GameCube disc, disc read error.

Fixing these problems are for a different blog post, however, since it doesn't pertain to the blog entry topic.

First thing first, install the Homebrew Channel. Since they're both 4.3U, LetterBomb is required.

After getting into the HackMii Installer, my BootMii suspicions were confirmed. They're both boot2 BootMii compatible. Fast forward after installing BootMii as boot2 and getting NAND keys and dumps of both consoles, it's now time to experiment.

The guinea pig is gonna be the worst condition console overall. The one with video problems and was used by what seems like a family with kids, judging by the amount of saves of kids games and parental controls enabled. The parental controls part was easy to crack. Marcan has a tool for it. https://wii.marcan.st/parental

The first experiment, is a CLEAN downgrade of the NAND. This doesn't use the bullshit that others recommend doing 🤦‍♂️ .

For context, this is what I'm referring to.
The entire experiment from the start is flawed because they didn't bother beginning with even a clean Korean NAND, even with BootMii at hand. The excuse of "not having a Korean Wii" is just asinine, unless they want to start from unopened 3.3K console, which is stupid to even think of having in the first place.

Oh. And the r/WiiHacks community is filled with generally very unhelpful comments. Most of them just are just "herp-derp did you Wii on yourself LMAO", memelord content.

First thing to do, create a new NAND using ohneschwanzenegger. I referenced the sthetix "virginize" YouTube video, but didn't like how he started from a previous NAND backup.

After experimenting and comparing NANDs, I now know why this method was chosen. When creating a new NAND from an existing NAND in ohneschwanzenegger, the bad blocks don't transfer. This is why a previous NAND backup is selected. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or the tool is just bugged, but this shouldn't its behavior.

Creating a new donor NAND with the Korea region selected and comparing between the original dump and the new donor NAND with a different region, the bad blocks are the same on both ends.

This is good.

Flashing this new region changed NAND, I successfully booted into the Korean Wii system. I tried booting Bannerbomb, but I just kept getting a Wii error that I'm unaware of. I'm thinking that since I'm using a 16GB (micro) SD card, it is incompatible with this lower version system menu. iirc, SDHC support wasn't added until much later on in the Wii's life cycle.

End goal:
The point of getting into the Homebrew Channel is to install the Korean key, if it is already not present - because Korean consoles come with this key, exclusively. My USA console will not have this key present. The entire point of this topic is to replicate a Korean console near perfectly without having to overpay for one, region change to USA, install 4.3U, brick with Error 003, and fix it with my DriveKey.

That's the end of part 1. Part 2 will continue when I care more and have blank DVD-Rs to waste.
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Just out of curiosity, what is the difference between a regular Wii and the Korean one?
The Korean key is in the SEEPROM as a form of anti-piracy. If the console was modified in any way, it will lock you out of your system, not without removing the key with a homebrew utility first.

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