My disappointments with the Nintendo Switch, as a (ex) Nintendo fan

I owned all of the Gameboy line. I got a Nintendo DS day-one and a Nintendo 3DS as well, at a price point where the majority of Nintendo 3DS users have not spent. I also owned a Wii that allowed me to play both Wii and GC games. Just a premise.

I will happily skip the Game Boy and the Game Boy Color. Although they had their strong competition, they couldn't do anything to compare. I will also skip the Game Boy Advance because, even though I still think that selling an advanced console without any sort of backlight is criminal, they made multiple versions of a version with light.

The Nintendo DS is my favorite console I grew up with. A big complain I had were cheaters. They were EVERYWHERE and ruined any online game. Games like Metroid Hunters, with a very promising online play, were destroyed by cheaters. You could no longer have fun unless you went into some random forums and play with people you were trusting not to use cheats. Another big complain I have was the console's incompatibility with WPA-protected routers. You had to buy a DSi and play DSi-enchanted games to finally play with WPA. Whatever, I still loved the console.

Then the 3DS was announced and we were promised a lot of things. There was a HUGE list of games that were supposed to come out during the first year and we were also promised graphics much better than the PSP, other than a great 3D experience. These were the problems:

- Console was 249.99 euros
- We were told to buy it now while the price is as it is because it would have gone up
- When the console came out, there were no good games. Just those placehold games to keep yourself busy while waiting for something big to come up
- No eShop
- No internet browser
- We STILL have friend codes to deal with??
- The only game worth waiting for in 2011 was Starfox 3D. A remake of a not-so-successful game
- The 3D effect is great, but you could only see it clearly if you didn't move an inch
- No second analog
- Hardware problems, like the bottom screen hitting the upper one, damaging the screen
- Cameras were trash
- No video playback
- No GBA virtual console

If it weren't for the backwards compatibility with DS games, I would have never supported this console this early. Eventually the games showed up and I started loving it again.
But then the Wii U came out and Nintendo wanted to cripple the console to push people into buying more Wii U. Example? The 3DS version of Mario Maker is a joke.

Regardless of these problems, I've always played and supported Nintendo games and was really looking forward to the Switch. These are my problems with it:

- Still the hardware damaging itself
- Still the lack of games at launch and nothing in the following months
- No voice chat unless you use a complicated way to
- Awful internal storage
- Expensive
- No internet browser (lol)
- No touchscreen (my mistake, it has it. You can stop writing OMG THE TOUCHSCREEN IS THERE!!11 I SHOWED HIM LOL)
- A highly controversial online pay service even though Nintendo is famous for not giving a damn about online play

I'm sorry, but I stopped supporting new Nintendo consoles. They just can't keep with times. They are making toys, that's it. The only reason for me to buy a Switch would be if they announce a new PMD game. In the meantime, I will wait for the obligatory Nintendo New Switch in two years.
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Glad to see you are not a blinded nintendork who cant recognize when nintendo releases underpowered shit for casuals with their damn gimmicks.
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I'm bored of my Switch and won't be booting it up till Binding of Isaac is released here (July 14). Think I'll get the WiiU out and play Sonic Unleashed on it.
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I quit being a Nintendo fan boy when they shut down Project M. Since then, i have been realizing how crappy of a company they are. Their customer support sucks, they overprice a lot of games (1, 2, switch), and they disregard loving fans who make projects in tribute to them. I don't want Nintendo to fail, but i certainly want them to hit rock bottom (only for a little) and fix the crap they have been doing for years.
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Man I almost forgot about Pokemon Prism and how they shut the guy down THE DAY BEFORE THE RELEASE OF THE FINAL VERSION.

Yup, fuck Nintendo.
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Each day that passes it makes the Switch feel more and more like the WiiU.
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@Vipera I mean, just look at valve. They make BANK off of fan games like Black Mesa, Counter Strike, They Hunger, ect. The list goes on and on. If Only Nintendo would realize and say , "Hey, maybe we can make some money off this. Let's higher these talented people." Instead they are like, "WE MUST PROTECT OUR IP!!!! SHUT IT DOWN SHUT IT DOWN" Person-"...but it will make you mon-" "SHUT IT ALL DOWN!!!!!!!!"
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Star Fox 64 wasn't successful? K

I won't lie. The WOW factor went fast with me on the Switch. I've gone back to playing my regular games, and now it's gathering dust. Kind of sad. It had promise, but it's fading.. Fast..
Switch has a touchscreen, and while I do really enjoy mine, I can see how others may be disappointed in it so far.
I'm not going to argue with you. The Switch does have its downsides. (Especially friend codes. I mean, they better release a better method when Online play officially hits).

I haven't scene the hardware damaging itself (except for the dock scratches so early on, but I was going to buy a screen protector anyways).

The lack of games makes sense. Nintendo wants to spread things out so that all of their "big" games (Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, and some others) aren't eaten up at launch and then they'd have no things for people to buy in the following months.

The no voice chat is a huge downside for me. I wanted to here little 9 year olds yelling how they fucked my mom.

The internal storage is limiting, but I'd rather go out and buy a 128 GB microSD (or bigger) instead of have the Switch go up a butt ton in price for a 500 GB MicroSD (especially when there are cartridges).

Yes its expensive. But (forgive for using the classic response) it is a console/portable hybrid. You can take it to a friends house who doesn't have a switch and play switch games. That is definitely a plus for me.

I'm supporting Nintendo with their choice to opt out of a designated browser. Most people can just use a phone or a computer. The last time I used the 3ds' and Wii U's browser were for exploits. That sends a message to Big N.

There is a touch screen. In fact, it is a better touch screen than the 3ds/Wii U because it doesn't need a fucking stylus. I lost those things so many times. Plus, it is multi-touch like a phone.

The online play is very concering for me. Hopefully Nintendo learns their lesson from Wii U/3ds and uses decent servers. Especially for Smash 4.3/2 /s

If I could afford a PS4 or an Xbox One, I would get one. But I am not a huge fan of MMOs which is usually what happens on that console.

I didn't expect to like the Switch, but I bought one just for Zelda, and I fell in love. It is a really well-built console, with some promising games. I can understand your viewpoint, but waiting for the next PMD to buy one is stupid.

Anyways, please don't take any of this against you personally. Its just that I feel people are ill-informed when they write these hate posts (especially if they haven't experienced it first hand). Before I bought one, I would have agreed with this post.
I have to say myself that I love and enjoy the console, with all its high points and shortcomings.
As for current usage, I am playing a lot Disgaea 5 right now, and I could have done that if I had the game on PS4 sure, but I still do it on the Switch and like to do it in a portable fashion.
I don't know what is all the hate about anyway, of course it has shortcomings, but... I don't know, to be honest in the last two months I've played a lot more on the Switch than on my other consoles, sure because of portability.
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I'm super disappointed in nintendo as of late, BotW was a disaster in my opinion, the switch is an underpowered mess, they cut Wii U support as soon as the switch released despite saying they wouldn't, they released the switch without even finalizing the online portion of it... It's a fail-train as of late.
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I don't think "Nintendo Fan" is considered buying a console they make, but the games they make. For example, a capcom fan, buys only capcom games, not consoles. I buy consoles to play games, not cause "The console is amazing, is so awesome." While extra features help make a console useful in some regard, you shouldn't buy consoles just cause someone you have high regards for produces it. Games are what sells a console, not the console itself. We don't buy consoles cause it has so many things especially if we don't plan to use it all. We buy it cause what the content creators provide.

I bought my switch cause I want Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and some other games I'm looking forward to. Yes the switch right now is very underwhelming due to is lack of... everything and that just how it is. Nintendo never was one to try and sell console based on "How good everything is compared to other competitors of the market." I guess is a Indirect competition. They are not trying to get better stuff, but have more unique way of playing a game. If a game is fun and keeps your attention on their products, that is all they need. Pretty graphics i suppose help but how the games are played plus how many games they can get for the system seem to be their priority. (of course is only observation) Maybe the not so high end performance hardware stuff is good thing cause not the system doesn't cost more than $300 like ps4 or xbox one did when they released in 2013. I rather have low cost system with not as much focus on graphics but better gameplay than paying more money for a console Just to have to go out and buy something like 4K monitor to see it all working properly.

On wii u and switch, you get 720P HD graphics on a portable screen (wii u gamepad) and you hardly need a tv to play it on. for $300 mean while ps4 pro or xbox one s (Anything else uncoming.... project scorpio) You need to spend over $400 for the console, 4K tv, with all that HDR and other stuff, and the talk about vr, you could also get, VR equipment to use without tv, which cost more than TV anyway, just to see a better game than we could have before. Is it worth spending more than $300 for better graphics? You can get a lower cost but functional portable HD game system that also works on tv with money left over for games.

I'm not really defending nintendo or anyone, just saying that they have been in a different direction than other companies for long time and is never was about high quality looking stuff, if that what people was expecting from nintendo, maybe is not the thing for them. Switch may not be better than ps4 or xbox one hardware speaking.
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Can I also say your arguments are lacking?

No touchscreen? Already been addressed.

Expensive? Got any evidence to back that up? Still tired of seeing that bland statement with no substance.

$20 a year for online play isn't controversial.. Plus the incentive with online enabled retro games.

The voice chat I agree 110%. For being all about family and social gaming. They're trying hard to prevent social interactions...

I respect all opinions.. But there's just some things that need backed up, otherwise it's just nonsense.
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@memoir it is expensive in some countries. In chile the fucking switch costs +500 usd with no games. That's fucking expensive and the ps4 cost less, a loooot less here compared to it.
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@omegasoul6 my mistake, I will fix it.

@blujay we had the same argument with the 3DS, when it came to games. "Nintendo is gonna release stuff later". They didn't. Well, they did, but it was too late to not piss any day-one user off. And the dock should not scratch the screen, this is bad design, already happened with the 3DS. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

@sarkwalvein maybe you would know why I dislike the Switch if you read all my post ;)

@Sonic Angel Knight I have over 100 games for my 3DS and Nintendo first party titles cover a big part of it. I have always supported the company even after what they did with the 3DS and still tried to kill it off to make the Wii U more successful. I never stopped believing, until the Switch came out.

@Memoir how is 300 euros for a Nintendo console not expensive? It's the highest price they asked so far for a console. There is going to be a price cut for sure. Just like they did with the 3DS. And it's controversial how they treat online gaming as I have already explained in my whole post you probably didn't read
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I can't attest to that as I don't know how they set pricing in certain countries.

Here, paying $300 for what you're getting isn't a bad deal. Not in the least.
It's normal for Nintendo fanboys to defend Nintendo, it's what fanboys do to the companies they love to no end.

The Switch has a massive gap in having a decent gaming library and by the looks of it it'll only improve sometime around 2018.

Let's take a look at the potential full (or mostly) list of retail Switch games this year.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
  • Super Bomberman R
  • Switch 1-2
  • The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
  • Cave Story+
  • Splatoon 2
  • ARMS
  • Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
  • Has-Been Heroes
  • Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
To be released / confirmed (and not delayed).
  • Super Mario Odyssey
  • Troll and I
  • Lego Worlds
  • Syberia 3
  • Yooka-Laylee
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2
  • I Am Setsuna
Of all these games I've decided to only get/pre-order:
  • BotW
  • MK8D
  • TBoI:A
  • SMO
  • XC2
  • And maybe TESV:S

The Switch seriously has a shitty library of games which can kill one's love for gaming. Even as a semi-fan (not huge anymore) of Dragon Ball I might get Xenoverse 2 for the Switch or go with the PS4 version ultimately.
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Wow there is a lot of salt in here.

One thing I will say is that if you don't own an ip, then you have no right to release any material relating to it. Unless of course you license the material legally. That's just how things work, it's dumb to get mad at Nintendo for protecting the only thing they have. Unique ip's and characters.
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