Ideal Quick Shot Hockey


"The air powered game where the puck glides on a cushion of air, over 750 air jets!"

Quick Shot Hockey was released by Ideal (Hollis NY) in 1975. The game is a table top air hockey game designed for 2 players. The game measures approximately 2' 10" by 17". The entire frame is made out of 1970's colored plastic, and I wouldn't have it any other way! The goal area is bright orange and encases a bell. Each successful score rings the bell instructing the players to raise the score by 1 point. The game is powered by 4 D batteries, yet oddly works with only 2. I haven't yet taken it apart to see how it is wired up, but I am assuming the extra batteries were simply to make sure the fan reaches its maximum voltage. The fan is a very small fan that is designed just for the game, and in 2012 would be rather difficult to replace. I've already considered modding the area to accept a 12 volt 80mm PC fan, and that might be a future mod.

1975 Kmart Advertisement​
The game is in excellent condition. Besides a few minor bits of dust it appears as if it has not been used much. The battery compartment is exceptionally clean. The fan has absolutely no dust or debris on it. The game plays perfect and I am proud to be its new owner.

One thing I found funny about the game was the on/off switch. It is basically a bit of plastic that slides in between the battery and the connector. Pretty rudimentary but it does the job.

This game was another great thrift store find. I snagged it for $4.

-Another World


Can't believe no commented on this!!!

Super chidooo(cool/awesome in mexican slang)!!

i love air hockey so much, i always win!(lost 13 times)
super fun<333

and i cant believe its in near perfect condition, incredible buy.
Thank you for sharing. ^_^
i guess that most gamers don't appreciate a 37 yr old air hockey table. they don't know what they are missing. i'm having a blast with it.

-another world

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  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    thats gonna be my 18+ handle when I turn 18
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Peak comedy.
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    writing that down rn cus I got a year
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Get a job as a truck driver that can be your handle
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    omg not that kinda handle
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    I meant a username
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    also truck drivers are like slaves, I've spoken to a prior truck driver and the companies are hARSH
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You mean like any job that pays you
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    true but this guy had it really bad
    insuprisingly the company he worked for shut down in the ninetys but there are still companies like it
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    like he couldn't speak to anyone with the radio thing or he would get fired
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Not rules you have to follow on a job :ohnoes:
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    if its a rule then why have the radios installed in the first place sobs
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    For emergency or they could've already been there when they purchased the truck
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    bleh, true. sorry for doubting ya when it came to this lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I've had bosses yell at me over not putting things in a box just the way they wanted but they're in charge so I got over it
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    man I'm now happy I have a boss that doesnt care if I broke my leg and let me stay hired until I get healed
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    that was synced with my music and I almost had a stroke
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Pussy running from pussy
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    gah I wanted to change my username to something holloweeney but ig not cus I ain't waiting till december
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    like dexterholloyeen
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Apparently it's world egg day
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Apparently it's world egg day