Ralph Baer created Simon, a game of memory, in 1978. Following the success of Simon many companies released "clones" that more-or-less provided the exact same experience. Castle Toy's Einstein, released in 1979, was once such imitation.<br><Br>
Unlike Simon, Einstein is rectangular in shape and measures approximately 9x4 inches. Einstein features 4 plastic colored buttons, described as "touch panels", back lit by small 2.5 volt bulbs. The game incorporates 4 levels of difficulty, where level-1 requires 9 correct sequences to win and level-4 requires 32. The game was released in two versions, one using 4 C-batteries, and the other using 2 C-batteries and 1 9-volt battery.
The version I picked up uses 4 C-batteries. I was surprised to find out that the 4 lights under the "touch panels" still operated. The panels have a "press here" area towards the center middle edge that does not always register a push. I've yet to take the system apart and give it a good cleaning, so perhaps that can be fixed.
I picked this game up with the original box (in excellent condition), and the original instruction booklet for $2.50. The system has both battery covers. The shell is in excellent condition with hardly any ware. The only problems I see are 1 scratch on the green plastic button and the fact that the system needs a quick cleaning.
I've wanted to buy a Simon for awhile, so this will fill the void until I find one.
-Another World
The version I picked up uses 4 C-batteries. I was surprised to find out that the 4 lights under the "touch panels" still operated. The panels have a "press here" area towards the center middle edge that does not always register a push. I've yet to take the system apart and give it a good cleaning, so perhaps that can be fixed.
I picked this game up with the original box (in excellent condition), and the original instruction booklet for $2.50. The system has both battery covers. The shell is in excellent condition with hardly any ware. The only problems I see are 1 scratch on the green plastic button and the fact that the system needs a quick cleaning.
I've wanted to buy a Simon for awhile, so this will fill the void until I find one.
-Another World