Hi, my name's TrolleyDave and I've become a 360 addict!

So as some of you know I bought a 360 about a week ago and I've become totally addicted it! Not in a if you take it away I'll start to turkey but in a bloody hell these games are amazing and I just can't get enough of the exerience kind of way! I've only got a handful of older games and a couple that I've borrowed but they've all been great so far, well apart from Colin McCrae Dirt - but then I'm more of a Sega Rally kind of guy. I know most people already have a 360 but I like to talk.

The games I've got/played so far are :

BioShock : Only got this today but I've been playing it most of it. This is an absolute diamond of a game, the atmosphere is unbelievable and the storyline is just so rich. I haven't got all that far into it yet but so far this is one of the most enjoyable FPS games I've ever played.

Medal Of Honor Airborne : Just got this today as well. I've loved all the previous MOH games but this one is only OK. The parachuting parts add depth but really I just find them annoying. Very fast paced though ad really nice graphics.

Need For Speed Carbon : I really liked this on the original Xbox. The 360 version looks alot nicer and for the most plays nicer but the drift sections are fucking horrible. The original Xbox drift sections were pretty enjoyable but this one is just not fun.

PGR3 : Enjoyed the first 2 and really enjoy this one as well. Bastard horrendous loading times though, even when installed to hard disk.

Saint's Row : GTA ripoff with alot of character. Lot's to do, some pretty interesting and original ideas and decent enough graphics.

FIFA '07 : Not had a chance to play this one yet.

The Darkness : Another FPS but pretty damned good. Really nice storyline, based off a comic which I've never seen so can't tell you how close the game is to it. Has an awesome opening sequence, one of the best I've ever seen. Has some interesting ideas in it and the level designs are pretty nice.

Stranglehold : The official sequel to Hard Boiled, one of my favourite movies, and starring Chow Yun Fat. This is in my top 5 games of all time. Lot's and lot's of action, and it captures the feel of the bullet ballet genre of movie perfectly. I love all the little touches like rolling on a food cart and blasting your way through the enemies. A couple of levels feel a bit sluggish as you run back and forth through them but they're early on, after that it's non-stop action. Great storyline as well.

GTA4 : Didn't really enjoy it all that much at first but I've stared getting into it. In all honesty I find Saints Row alot funner but it has nowhere near the depth of this one.

Colin McCrae Dirt : Don't really like this one, too sim-my for me. I prefer my racers to be more arcadey.

Also have Dead Rising and Sega Rally on the way.

One thing I don't like about the 360 is the amount of ventilation it needs! GTA4 and NFS:Carbon kept freezing on me. I thought I was going to have to return it but moving it from the shelf I had it on to the floor seems to have fixed the problem. It wasn't on an enclosed shelf or anything, really there should of been plenty of room for it to breathe but the greedy bastard needed more air!


Try Mirror's Edge, Call of Duty 4 or World at War and Assassin's Creed if you havent played them, all great, fantastic looking to
[quote name='Sstew' post='1643421' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:51 PM']Try Mirror's Edge, Call of Duty 4 or World at War and Assassin's Creed if you havent played them, all great, fantastic looking to[/quote]

I've tried out the Mirrors Edge demo and thought it was great. Will probably pick it up when I've got the cash along with COD4. I've been tempted to buy Assassins Creed cos it looked pretty good when I saw the ads and it's going pretty cheap. Looks like a Prince Of Persia style game, is it similar?
wow take it easy there. Give the games the time they deserve. Playing a crap load of games within a week doesn't do the game any justice.
Dead Rising is great for a time killer (And if you just love to kill zombies), CoD4 is a must, but CoD:WaW isn't one (Even though it is pretty good). Maybe Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts if you liked the original (Even though this one isn't that much like them).
"Hi, my name's TrolleyDave and I've become a 360 addict!

- Welcome TrolleyDave to (Not AAA but) A360A ;)

Racing games :

Between sim and arcade, nice game.

Nice more sim like

Sim nice as well

Do yourself the favor to try all of the demos from XBL (Both arcade and retail) before you go throwing 50 smacks on a game
[quote name='TrolleyDave' post='1643431' date='Dec 18 2008, 06:54 PM'][quote name='Sstew' post='1643421' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:51 PM']Try Mirror's Edge, Call of Duty 4 or World at War and Assassin's Creed if you havent played them, all great, fantastic looking to[/quote]

I've tried out the Mirrors Edge demo and thought it was great. Will probably pick it up when I've got the cash along with COD4. I've been tempted to buy Assassins Creed cos it looked pretty good when I saw the ads and it's going pretty cheap. Looks like a Prince Of Persia style game, is it similar?

Personally, (Haven't played the newest POP) but I thought Assassin's Creed was much better than the older POP's. Near the end it gets a little repetitive, but is definitely worth a play.
[quote name='dinofan01' post='1643432' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:55 PM']wow take it easy there. Give the games the time they deserve. Playing a crap load of games within a week doesn't do the game any justice.[/quote]

I know what you're saying, the games that have engrossed me enough to keep me playing for hours have got that kind of attention. I'm going to focus on BioShock and GTA4 for a while, but I like to have alot of variety so if I'm in the mood for a particular type of game then I've got it there to play.
I became a PS2 addict last week as well after I softmodded it. Unfortunately I burned so many games that it will take about a week to sort through the good and the bad D:
Well, the main reason I got a 360 is to enjoy a better version of Guitar Hero games (graphics, DLC, etc.) And yes, I care about how the gems look like, how big the flames are and the background animation in Guitar Hero.

Anyways, since I got World Tour, I've been playing it for 6 hours straight just because the game is that good. At the same time, I try to stop due to fear of possible RRoD.

Don't mean to bust your bubble but game lock-ups is one of the symptoms of RRoD. Hope you don't get it though.
[quote name='TrolleyDave' post='1643440' date='Dec 18 2008, 04:00 PM'][quote name='dinofan01' post='1643432' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:55 PM']wow take it easy there. Give the games the time they deserve. Playing a crap load of games within a week doesn't do the game any justice.[/quote]

I know what you're saying, the games that have engrossed me enough to keep me playing for hours have got that kind of attention. I'm going to focus on BioShock and GTA4 for a while, but I like to have alot of variety so if I'm in the mood for a particular type of game then I've got it there to play.
Oh okay. Im the type of gamer who likes diversity but it really isnt good for him. A games ends up getting shunned. Thats why last christmas I got three game and only got to enjoy two. Poor Battalion Wars 2...
or if your strapped for cash maybe a mod is more for you if you don#t mind not playing online that often that is
[quote name='AnimalCrossingX' post='1643433' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:55 PM']Dead Rising is great for a time killer (And if you just love to kill zombies), CoD4 is a must, but CoD:WaW isn't one (Even though it is pretty good). Maybe Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts if you liked the original (Even though this one isn't that much like them).[/quote]

I played it at a mates house and got really into it. I'm a massive fan of anything zombie killing related!

[quote name='keras' post='1643434' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:56 PM']"Hi, my name's TrolleyDave and I've become a 360 addict!

- Welcome TrolleyDave to (Not AAA but) A360A ;)

Racing games :
Between sim and arcade, nice game.
Nice more sim like
Sim nice as well
Do yourself the favor to try all of the demos from XBL (Both arcade and retail) before you go throwing 50 smacks on a game[/quote]

I tried the demo of Grid. It seemed alright-ish but I'm really only a fan of arcade style racers. Already been grabbng loads of the demos from Live. Pretty glad I did as well. I loved Mercenaries on the original Xbox but wasn't keen at all on Merc 2.

[quote name='Sstew' post='1643438' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:58 PM']Personally, (Haven't played the newest POP) but I thought Assassin's Creed was much better than the older POP's. Near the end it gets a little repetitive, but is definitely worth a play.[/quote]

I'll definitely pick it up once I've got the cash then.

[quote name='R2DJ' post='1643452' date='Dec 19 2008, 12:06 AM']Well, the main reason I got a 360 is to enjoy a better version of Guitar Hero games (graphics, DLC, etc.) And yes, I care about how the gems look like, how big the flames are and the background animation in Guitar Hero.

Anyways, since I got World Tour, I've been playing it for 6 hours straight just because the game is that good. At the same time, I try to stop due to fear of possible RRoD.

Don't mean to bust your bubble but game lock-ups is one of the symptoms of RRoD. Hope you don't get it though.[/quote]

I'm going to pick up a guitar and GH2 at some point. Buying the 360, games and new telly has wiped me out dosh wise though. I was a bit worried about the RRoD because of the freezes but it was only on GTA4 and Carbon and now I've moved it I've not had a single freeze. If it does RRoD I'll take it back to the shop and get it swapped so it's not too bad. I know MS warranty it for 3 years but the shop had a 1 year guarantee so it's no hassles really. Great console let down by such a poor design.
Sega rally is one of the best racers out there, tons of fun. Dirt is just too fucking hard to be enjoyable in my opinion! Grid is ok, not completely a sim, not completely arcadey, it can get frustrating though. I prefer saints row to GTA too. If you like boxing might I suggest Fight Night round 3, its getting on but puts all boxing games to shame and should be dirt cheap now. Also Call of Duty 2, 4 and 5 are essential if you like shooters! Stuntman ignition is also a lot of fun, whenever I play it I cant put it down. And theres Half life Orange Box too for value for money!

Seriously this is a great time for you to get into 360, theres a crap load of awesome games that cost hardly anything!

edit: if you have a newer version of 360 I wouldnt worry about RROD, if looked inside tons of them and the new ones have a huge extra heatsink to prevent it!
[quote name='dinofan01' post='1643472' date='Dec 19 2008, 12:13 AM']Oh okay. Im the type of gamer who likes diversity but it really isnt good for him. A games ends up getting shunned. Thats why last christmas I got three game and only got to enjoy two. Poor Battalion Wars 2...[/quote]

It's only really bad for me if I'm in the mood to play something but don't know what. Then I end up just flitting from game to game and end up never really playing anything. Usually I'm alright though, I'll play something because I'm in the mood to play it. It's one of the reasons I keep my older consoles around, there's nothing worse then wanting to play a game you enjoy and it not being there!

[quote name='DarkWay' post='1643479' date='Dec 19 2008, 12:16 AM']or if your strapped for cash maybe a mod is more for you if you don#t mind not playing online that often that is[/quote]

Nah, the classic games are so cheap now that it's not really a concern. By the time I've finished the games I've got now the current ones that are out that I want will be cheap enough to not hurt my pocket.

[quote name='p1ngpong' post='1643510' date='Dec 19 2008, 12:28 AM']Sega rally is one of the best racers out there, tons of fun. Dirt is just too fucking hard to be enjoyable in my opinion! Grid is ok, not completely a sim, not completely arcadey, it can get frustrating though. I prefer saints row to GTA too. If you like boxing might I suggest Fight Night round 3, its getting on but puts all boxing games to shame and should be dirt cheap now. Also Call of Duty 2, 4 and 5 are essential if you like shooters! Stuntman ignition is also a lot of fun, whenever I play it I cant put it down. And theres Half life Orange Box too for value for money!

Seriously this is a great time for you to get into 360, theres a crap load of awesome games that cost hardly anything!

edit: if you have a newer version of 360 I wouldnt worry about RROD, if looked inside tons of them and the new ones have a huge extra heatsink to prevent it![/quote]

I fucking love Sega Rally. I still prefer the Saturn version for playability but the 360 version is the only other decent version. Dirt is just too fiddly for my liking, and like you say it's just too fucking hard! Clipping a rock makes you tumble like a circus clown. I know it's going for realism but they could have thrown some enjoyment in there as well.

I'm definitely going to pick up Fight Night 3, I loved playing it on my mates machine. The slow-mo shots during a knockout punch have me in stitches every time. It's only like a tenner as well so it's pretty cheap. I really want COD2 but can't find it anywhere. COD4 and 5 I'll pick up when they come down. At the mo the only game that really tempts me at full price is Fallout 3, it looks incredible. I'll probably pick up Grid when it's cheap enough. The demo seemed ok-ish. Tried the Test Drive Unlimited demo as well but couldn't get into it at all. I do want Burnout Paradise though, the demo seemed pretty good and I really enjoyed the Xbox versions.

I've been watching The Guild as well! It's cheesy but it passes 5 minutes. I like the whole downloading stuff to watch thing. I'm not tempted to pay for any of them, but if the films were cheaper I might. If I could rent a hi-def movie for a quid or quid and a half then I'd do it, but it's not really worth what they're charging.

edit : Oh yeah, if anyone wants to add me my gamer tag is TrolleyDave.
fifa 07 for the 360 is my favourite fifa since fifa 98, only thing that lets it down is 90% of the teams are missing :D
[quote name='thegame07' post='1643796' date='Dec 19 2008, 02:09 AM']fifa 07 for the 360 is my favourite fifa since fifa 98, only thing that lets it down is 90% of the teams are missing :D[/quote]

Nice one, FIFA 98 is still my favourite so this one should be pretty good. When you say 90% of the teams are missing do you mean UK league teams?
[quote name='TrolleyDave' post='1643804' date='Dec 19 2008, 02:11 AM'][quote name='thegame07' post='1643796' date='Dec 19 2008, 02:09 AM']fifa 07 for the 360 is my favourite fifa since fifa 98, only thing that lets it down is 90% of the teams are missing :D[/quote]

Nice one, FIFA 98 is still my favourite so this one should be pretty good. When you say 90% of the teams are missing do you mean UK league teams?

All the english teams are there! All the top europe teams are there to but they removed all the shit teams nobody plays but its still nice to have them :(
:( We've lost another valuable forum member to the dark side of the force. You'll be missed mate. :grog:

j/k, I wish I had one too.
[quote name='Szyslak' post='1645540' date='Dec 19 2008, 07:01 PM']:( We've lost another valuable forum member to the dark side of the force. You'll be missed mate. :grog:

j/k, I wish I had one too.[/quote]

I've been wanting one for a while now, had the cash and thought fuck it I'll get one. The money really should've gone elsewhere but a 360 and HDTV were calling out me! I'll never disappear from this place, maybe go AWOL for a few days but never disappear.

[quote name='EmperorOfCanada' post='1645551' date='Dec 19 2008, 07:04 PM']Try Assassins Creed. It was fun for the 10 minutes that I got to play it :P[/quote]

I'll pick it up after crimbo! It looks good but has so many mixed reviews, but if you enjoyed it that's a good enough recommendation for me!

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    kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042: Ehh. I'll try it tomorrow