So as some of you know I bought a 360 about a week ago and I've become totally addicted it! Not in a if you take it away I'll start to turkey but in a bloody hell these games are amazing and I just can't get enough of the exerience kind of way! I've only got a handful of older games and a couple that I've borrowed but they've all been great so far, well apart from Colin McCrae Dirt - but then I'm more of a Sega Rally kind of guy. I know most people already have a 360 but I like to talk.
The games I've got/played so far are :
BioShock : Only got this today but I've been playing it most of it. This is an absolute diamond of a game, the atmosphere is unbelievable and the storyline is just so rich. I haven't got all that far into it yet but so far this is one of the most enjoyable FPS games I've ever played.
Medal Of Honor Airborne : Just got this today as well. I've loved all the previous MOH games but this one is only OK. The parachuting parts add depth but really I just find them annoying. Very fast paced though ad really nice graphics.
Need For Speed Carbon : I really liked this on the original Xbox. The 360 version looks alot nicer and for the most plays nicer but the drift sections are fucking horrible. The original Xbox drift sections were pretty enjoyable but this one is just not fun.
PGR3 : Enjoyed the first 2 and really enjoy this one as well. Bastard horrendous loading times though, even when installed to hard disk.
Saint's Row : GTA ripoff with alot of character. Lot's to do, some pretty interesting and original ideas and decent enough graphics.
FIFA '07 : Not had a chance to play this one yet.
The Darkness : Another FPS but pretty damned good. Really nice storyline, based off a comic which I've never seen so can't tell you how close the game is to it. Has an awesome opening sequence, one of the best I've ever seen. Has some interesting ideas in it and the level designs are pretty nice.
Stranglehold : The official sequel to Hard Boiled, one of my favourite movies, and starring Chow Yun Fat. This is in my top 5 games of all time. Lot's and lot's of action, and it captures the feel of the bullet ballet genre of movie perfectly. I love all the little touches like rolling on a food cart and blasting your way through the enemies. A couple of levels feel a bit sluggish as you run back and forth through them but they're early on, after that it's non-stop action. Great storyline as well.
GTA4 : Didn't really enjoy it all that much at first but I've stared getting into it. In all honesty I find Saints Row alot funner but it has nowhere near the depth of this one.
Colin McCrae Dirt : Don't really like this one, too sim-my for me. I prefer my racers to be more arcadey.
Also have Dead Rising and Sega Rally on the way.
One thing I don't like about the 360 is the amount of ventilation it needs! GTA4 and NFS:Carbon kept freezing on me. I thought I was going to have to return it but moving it from the shelf I had it on to the floor seems to have fixed the problem. It wasn't on an enclosed shelf or anything, really there should of been plenty of room for it to breathe but the greedy bastard needed more air!
The games I've got/played so far are :
BioShock : Only got this today but I've been playing it most of it. This is an absolute diamond of a game, the atmosphere is unbelievable and the storyline is just so rich. I haven't got all that far into it yet but so far this is one of the most enjoyable FPS games I've ever played.
Medal Of Honor Airborne : Just got this today as well. I've loved all the previous MOH games but this one is only OK. The parachuting parts add depth but really I just find them annoying. Very fast paced though ad really nice graphics.
Need For Speed Carbon : I really liked this on the original Xbox. The 360 version looks alot nicer and for the most plays nicer but the drift sections are fucking horrible. The original Xbox drift sections were pretty enjoyable but this one is just not fun.
PGR3 : Enjoyed the first 2 and really enjoy this one as well. Bastard horrendous loading times though, even when installed to hard disk.
Saint's Row : GTA ripoff with alot of character. Lot's to do, some pretty interesting and original ideas and decent enough graphics.
FIFA '07 : Not had a chance to play this one yet.
The Darkness : Another FPS but pretty damned good. Really nice storyline, based off a comic which I've never seen so can't tell you how close the game is to it. Has an awesome opening sequence, one of the best I've ever seen. Has some interesting ideas in it and the level designs are pretty nice.
Stranglehold : The official sequel to Hard Boiled, one of my favourite movies, and starring Chow Yun Fat. This is in my top 5 games of all time. Lot's and lot's of action, and it captures the feel of the bullet ballet genre of movie perfectly. I love all the little touches like rolling on a food cart and blasting your way through the enemies. A couple of levels feel a bit sluggish as you run back and forth through them but they're early on, after that it's non-stop action. Great storyline as well.
GTA4 : Didn't really enjoy it all that much at first but I've stared getting into it. In all honesty I find Saints Row alot funner but it has nowhere near the depth of this one.
Colin McCrae Dirt : Don't really like this one, too sim-my for me. I prefer my racers to be more arcadey.
Also have Dead Rising and Sega Rally on the way.
One thing I don't like about the 360 is the amount of ventilation it needs! GTA4 and NFS:Carbon kept freezing on me. I thought I was going to have to return it but moving it from the shelf I had it on to the floor seems to have fixed the problem. It wasn't on an enclosed shelf or anything, really there should of been plenty of room for it to breathe but the greedy bastard needed more air!