Hello folks, as you know I've been a jerk on the temp for the past 6-7 months. Well the reason why was because of this.
So I'm deciding to leave GBATemp due to my mental-like issue increasing higher and higher.
In July of 2010, I went up to my Grandmas for a family reunion, But we stayed there earlier before my dad went up so it was just me and my cousins. So while I was up there, my step-Grandpa got pissed at me easily, he did the same thing with my dad when he was growing up so he just wants to do the same shit on me, so he did, but I held my anger all in side, but as you know before any of this shit happened I was a really nice guy here on the temp. I had many great friends on here, and at the time Advi was my boyfriend. So kept My anger all In side and I became one angry mother fucker, but that wasn't all. Since December 2010 I developed a mental-like uncontrollability of my words, I came up with words like "niģger cunt" and "fagģot dick". I was constantly loosing my mind, I was saying things I shouldn't of said, like hating on AGLCB for calling him Fascist because of supporting LBGT (Which are cocksuckers and goodfuckers in a good way), and hating Secret-sauce because of his asperger's (Even though they can be really sensitive sometimes). Even though in real theroy I liked Vulpes, until he became a mod, he became a douche to alot of people, especially this one time at AGLCB, where he (Vulpes) was joking around he would give sexual pleasures to the OP but he edited it because he realized the OP was gay, I found it really offensive. There was one other thread (Couldn't seem to find it.) where he was being an ass to AGLCB again when AGLCB started a thread about colored titles, AGLCB was asking if he wanted one and then Vulpes rudely says "Did anyone ask you if you wanted one?", what a cunt. And later I was banned on the IRC even though it was a silly reason, lilysypha (Who banned me from IRC) banned me because of belligerence, yet I never used caps or "!" I was calmly just trying to discuss something, I tried PMing lily 2 times but she never replied. But I don't care if she wants to be immature and not discuss this then thats fine. All and all, I'm sorry for what I've done for the past year.
So I'm deciding to leave GBATemp due to my mental-like issue increasing higher and higher.