Going down a spiral.

Well, this is my last post before I sleep.
I have a terrible cold and also some long and short term memory problems.

P.S, For those who say I'm gay need to shut up, I've never been gay, I'm bi and I always have been.


Hope ya feel better....

And don't pay attention to people who say stuff about your sexuality.....people are just homophobic and generally assholes :glare:
[quote name='Fear Zoa' post='3513751' date='Mar 11 2011, 11:37 PM']And don't pay attention to people who say stuff about your sexuality.....people are just homophobic and generally assholes :glare:[/quote]
I don't really care about that there homophobic. That's there opinion.
I'm upset of people getting my orientation wrong.
then kindly remind them that they shouldn't say stuff unless they know what the hell they are talking about (which they apparently don't)

Also, make sure you remember to come back into this thread if you're having memory trouble.

Are those memory problems new?
If so, I second the doctor idea.

And resting is good for the cold.

[quote name='zeromac' post='3513804' date='Mar 12 2011, 10:18 AM']Hey atleast your bi-winning!

Just trying to lighten the mood

[quote name='Ikki' post='3516723' date='Mar 13 2011, 09:39 AM']Are those memory problems new?
If so, I second the doctor idea.[/quote]
It been happening for about half a year, and I've already seen the doctor, they say its not serious.

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