Dreams. Also I'm leaving on a trip.

Leaving tomorrow to go visit my dad for a few days, will likely not be on during the time other than to pop a news article or two. Unless the place my dad moved to is boring. Then I'll likely be on the internet a lot as usual... but probably not messengers since I'm leaving my desktop here.

I had a dream last night, the night before, and about three nights ago. I'll do them in chronological order.
  • I'm Gordon Freeman and I'm in like, an aquatic study section of Black Mesa. I'm finding my way through the tunnels and such, when suddenly I hit a room with giant metal fridges in it. Also there's one duck, and a lot of ducklings. Like 20 ducklings. SO MANY DUCKLINGS THEY COULDN'T FIT UNDER ONE FRIDGE! So they were hiding under two. I'm thinking to myself "What are ducks doing here?", then I notice a water slide puzzle thing that I need to go through. It's so obvious! Ducks can't solve this puzzle, you need Gordon Freeman to solve this puzzle! Then I woke up.

  • I start off in some other country with friends, it's like old stereotypical Germany or something. We've got this "hot dog" (which was like an old-style sausage), and we're trying to solve if the famous hotdog is real or not. So I slice it in half to look at it's contents. It's got chunks of fried chicken and a muffin in it, so it must be the real 1832 Random Famous Lady hotdog! Oh wait, we solved the mystery but stole and damaged a valuable artifact. Crap, the cops are onto us now!

    We've gotta' escape now, but thankfully as somebody from the US I totally imagine EU countries as only being half a mile in size, so the tunnel that leads to the next country is down the street! But wait, how do I avoid the cops? I know, I'll pretend I'm a dog and walk on all fours. I'm a furry, I could totally pull it off!

    So I actually try it, and I make it past the cops. One of them looks at the wanted poster, then to me, and says "No, the guy we're looking for isn't retarded, this can't be him." THE PERFECT DISGUISE.

    Reaching the other side of the tunnel, it curves upwards and lead into a graveyard in the other country. My friend/accomplice is there, leaning against a gravestone, wearing a leather jacket and other bad-ass gear. Then when I come up to him and let him know we gotta' run, his outfit changes to stereotypical sidekick gear, because his magic power is to have his outfit change to reflect the mood he's giving off or something.

    Since the graveyard was on a hill we run and jump off the hill and land on some rooftops. We sneak around them for a bit to avoid suspicion (because people on a roof are totally not suspicious), when we spot a trap door. Being the situational-brave non-retarded group leader I decide to hide in here myself. Turns out it's Black Mesa! Also suddenly my dream's graphics are Half-Life 1 quality.

    So I'm wandering through tunnels when I see some scientists driving a little car or kart thing with huge spikes on the front (think a vehicle from the Carmageddon series), apparently to tear down doors so they can actually get stuff done without having to crawl through air shafts to get from one room to another. But wait, one of the scientists has a problem. "Lamarr needs her shotgun ammo!" So the cart stops near a ledge, and on the ledge is a headcrab doing the little headcrab dance animation at a box of shotgun ammo. The random scientist grabs the headcrab and ammo, and they continue on their merry way.

    I wander around away from them when I notice two scientists driving a normal cart, no spikes. Well I'm in front of them instead of behind them, and getting tired of having to avoid detection I activate the notarget cheat to render myself invisible to NPCs. So I stick around for a few minutes to note the "patrol" pattern of these scientists, when I notice that they're going through one room that I can't get into normally. Since I'm a huge fan of hidden content in video games I decide to try to sneak up behind them and slip into the room before the door closes. I fail twice (with the physics just pushing me back out), then the third time I get in.

    I'm stunned. Since this is an area that the player normally never enters I expected it to just be an empty room or something, but it was a lunch room, and fully set out, and it even had a scientist NPC sitting at a table. Since many areas in the first Half-Life games weren't living areas it was cool to see an actual lunch room set out. Then suddenly when I turned around inside the room it changed to a first-grade classroom. Given that this involved models and textures that weren't used elsewhere I decided to take some screenshots, but as I was trying it morphed into a library and the rows of books were blocking my view.

    Then I woke up.

  • Trying to get some place, on my bike, to visit my in-dream girlfriend. I'm actually riding my bike down car roads and reading signs for highways and stuff, and I'm getting lost. Thankfully I'm talking to her through a headset I'm wearing so I'm not totally lost. I arrive to her workplace and she's eating lunch, fast food lunch. She says the burger really sucks so she's not eating it, so she eats the fries instead. And these are good fries, you know, the kind that are fast like the frozen fries you get at home, but these don't come out soggy because they were baked and THEN fried.

    Then suddenly I decide to unwind by going down a huge waterslide! Also this waterslide is a new kind of transportation/road. Also there's furries riding in the same area as me, a lion, a zebra, something else, and an eagle, all female. We all have small inner tubes except the eagle, because she's 1337 and can fly through the water or something. So I'm floating along with them and relaxing, when suddenly the water picks up, and it's like a ride, and I'm having fun. I'm having so much fun that we're wading around near each other and I decide to float on my back head-first and it's so damn relaxing and I'm all "Oh this feels so good!" out loud, then I realize how wrong that sounded and my dreams are totally judging haters so I flip over and try to regain my composure...

    Then the ride ends at a normal road intersection, and oh dear, the lioness got hit by a car. She's reverted to her feral/animal form, and she's like, embedded in the pavement, it looks like she got a car dropped on her or something. Too bad in my dream country there's no free health car, so we can't call an ambulance (because that's totally how the fear propaganda works, amIrite) so I just try to console it and keep it from injuring itself further until help can arrive, but it dies while I'm talking to it.

    So while we're considering what to do with the body (because jesus christ it's a lion in the middle of the intersection, but it's not technically our problem), I wake up.


Wow man, it sounds like you have some interesting dreams. I wish I could stay in a stable REM sleep long enough to maintain a stable dream. My dreams oftentimes change during the course of sleep.

One dream had a dude that looked much like me, but he was in a suit and top hat. We were in a white room that had designs and patterns much like the interior of Castle Oblivion. The man said "You will long to find this place again, but you will not find it." Then the man contradicts himself and says; "Rest assured though, we will meet again" Then it was like the movie inception, a dream within a dream. Countless times between the dream-dreams I found myself returning to the white Castle Oblivion room again and again. I think I was there a total of three times. Nonetheless when I woke up, I felt like I rested for a week! I checked the date and time and I was only asleep for the normal 8 hours.

I have a bad habit of trying to map out the settings of my dreams and placing them on a "Realm Map."

I hope you enjoy your trips.
Getting out of your local or annual areas is a nice way to refresh your mind.
  1. Use computer with 3G internet in bad reception.
  2. Type up multi-paragraph update on how your vacation is.
  3. Submit to find disconnection.
  4. Realize you're using IE8, which makes no attempt to save form data whatsoever.

Too lazy to re-type it in detail since it's been a long day, but I was up at 6:20 to catch the bus, then arrived at 3 PM, and went boating. Water skiing is fun, but my soft nerdy computer hands couldn't take going more than a few times and I only managed to go about 40 feet at the most (haven't water skiid in years), while an older man with the white hair and beard was one-handing it and making me look pathetic. XD He's a cool guy.

Might re-do a summary later after I help my dad move and get some stable internet.

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