Like I said... humid. I had more to post, but I accidentally closed the tab. Lolwat. Stupid AOL. It was about my week, and the minimal budget music video we're shooting for school. And by minimal budget, I mean my 10 bucks I spent on picture frames for the props.
; I'll probably post it up here when I finish editing it next month.
Here's a list of my current thoughts and happenings. I hope you'll find it sufficient (but not boring!)
Thanks for spending the time to read this post... if you did actually read it for reals.
EDIT: Jesus, this post was a lot longer than I intended o_o
Here's a list of my current thoughts and happenings. I hope you'll find it sufficient (but not boring!)
- I'm deciding on a new domain name. People get confused when I tell them in person, and I'm kind of over it too... but I can't decide on a good domain to use. Any ideas? I'm open to domain hacks, and different domain endings, but $30/yr is my limit
BTW, I only use
- I'm going to be making a new site scheme... but I can't decide on what it should really look like... Color scheme wise, and layout wise. If you check it out now, it should be obvious how my navigation is currently... and I don't mind changing that. But I do need something brighter and different as far as the color and design scheme goes. The current one is bland. Any ideas?
- I've gotten to put off an English skit in school this entire week. I'll probably be doing it tomorrow though. Who the hell came up with the idea of using a Julius Caesar character (along with their lines) for a damn job interview? ...oh, right, my teacher...
- I trekked through the hills around my school (during class) and it was more of an adventure through a thick forest and mountainsides... since that's what it was.
I played Metal Gear Solid's Encounter theme, and the director+supporting actor were pretty entertained. We found our location but it isn't perfect...
- TREYFREY writes really catchy 8bit, and I've found myself addicted to Sabretooth and Brown Eyes. I was thinking about scribbling a music video up for Brown Eyes in Flash, but the idea changes slightly everytime I listen to it...I'd have to do it in one sitting to get all of it down but I'm not sure I can manage that
- Haven't used my GameBoy Color in a little since I got it, so I'm trying to think of some good games to play. I haven't gotten any real inspiration musically, so LSDJ is a bust, and Super Mario Land has gotten boring... Any ideas?
- I've been trying to sort through my old harddrive to get rid of what I don't need, but I've been finding it hard to let go of data I downloaded. Am I a data hoarder?
- I think I lost my touch for drawing profiles. Once I got that good one with Brooke down, I kinda... can't do it again. I think I got overconfident and when I stopped for a little, my abilities I built up just bombed.
- We've been playing Pickleball (small tennis?) and Ping Pong in Physical Education... I suck at both. Seriously. I can't hit for crap, and when I do, it's when it would have been our point, had it gone out of bounds...
- I got around to finishing the Lucky Star anime, finally. What a waste... but the moe is always nice... I need good dramas to watch now, though, since I read (on these very forums) they are better for learning Japanese language and culture. Makes sense, since I doubt they have massive mechas and moe highschoolers everywhere...
- I'm debating between getting a 3-in-1 for my DS Lite to use with my AceKard, or selling my DS Lite (and AceKard?) for a DSTwo. I love the
AceKard, but I want to be able to play GBA games... and 3DS usage is a plus too...
Arguments for each (spoiler'd cuz it could be kinda lengthy)
3in1 favor:
- Perfect playback of GBA gaming (for obvious reasons)
- Actual SAV files
- Brew support
- Cheaper than a DSTwo
- Requires spending money I'm saving up
- Can't be used with 3DS
- Long game write/read times (so I hear?)
DSTWO favor:
- Drag and drop ability
- Supports tons of video formats
- Faster, specialized brew
- New DS features (RTS, etc)
- 3DS compatible
- I can sell my DSLite+AceKard
- Single cart for eferything
- No real GBAbrew support...
- More expensive
- Requires sale of DSLite and/or AceKard
- Different cart than I'm used to
- GBA compatibility is not perfect
A reply with your insight on a decision choice would be nice.
Thanks for spending the time to read this post... if you did actually read it for reals.

EDIT: Jesus, this post was a lot longer than I intended o_o