I got a PSP1K for 50USD!

Yup. I scored it from one of my friends. I plan to marathon MMX3-6 and play Metal Gear Solid. But I need some more games to play. Come at me, temp! I'll accept anything from NES to GBA to N64 to PS1 to PSP! I just need good games!

Also, it has a small amount of sticker residue on it. Any way I can safely get this off using household cleaners?


earthbound0(MOTHER)(NES) and earthbound(Mother 2)(SNES) and after that Mother 3(GBA) with ENG patch if you can't read Japanese.
obviously using the correct psp emus.

play the series and your epeen will grow bigger

as for something actiony i second GoW:Ghost of sparta and add GoW: chains of olympus
Thanks for the reccomendations, guys! I'll be trying this out when I CFW it today.

[quote name='personuser' post='3654149' date='May 19 2011, 12:09 PM']IF you like MMX, you will LOVE megaman maverick hunter X.

I played it and loved it! I just wish there were ports for the other games!
OK, megaman and bass (SNES or GBA, but I prefer the SNES rockman and forte with an english translation patch). Bass/Forte plays like X with an 8-WAY RAPIDFIRE CANNON HELL YEAH.
WHy a X3-6 marathon? GO ALL THEY WAY 1=6!

...Pretend 7 and 8 don't exist, they SUCK anyways.

Try the game boy Mega Mans on Masterboy, HARD. AS. HELL.

Get Disgaea 1 and 2, Patapon 1-3, DJ Max Portable (series), Gitaroo Man, oh man... there are plenty of good PSP titles to keep you busy.
[quote name='DarkShinigami' post='3654153' date='May 19 2011, 12:11 PM'][quote name='personuser' post='3654149' date='May 19 2011, 06:09 PM']IF you like MMX, you will LOVE megaman maverick hunter X.

i forgot that

he might also like Mega Man Powered Up(a remake of MM1 with better graphics and added stuff such as a level maker)
Also played that while I still had a PSP. I had a lot of fun with the level editor. The only bad thing about this PSP is that the wireless is broken -_-

EDIT: Thanks for the recommendations. I'll be sure to give 'em a shot. What emulators do they have for the PSP, anyhow?
[quote name='epicCreations.org' post='3654157' date='May 19 2011, 06:13 PM']What emulators do they have for the PSP, anyhow?[/quote]


Seriously, you've got everything from standards like NES, SNES, Genesis, Gameboy, etc, plus slightly less common ones like Sega CD and TurboGrafx 16, and even far rarer ones like PC98 and DOSBox! Jazz Jackrabbit on the go.

speaking of which, jazz jackrabbit is kinda megaman-like mixed with mario/sonic platforming. If you can get it running in PSP dosbox (I know it runs full speed) then give it a go.
[quote name='Schlupi' post='3654156' date='May 19 2011, 05:13 PM']...Pretend 7 and 8 don't exist, they SUCK anyways.[/quote]

Megaman 7 is a fantastic game. May not have brought much new to the series, but that doesn't mean it's awful.
If you're a retro-action diehard, get prinny 1 and 2 and castlevania dracula X chronicles. They're all hard like mega mons.
[quote name='MasterPenguin' post='3654216' date='May 19 2011, 05:54 PM'][quote name='Schlupi' post='3654156' date='May 19 2011, 05:13 PM']...Pretend 7 and 8 don't exist, they SUCK anyways.[/quote]

Megaman 7 is a fantastic game. May not have brought much new to the series, but that doesn't mean it's awful.

I personally hated everything those two games stand for. I am a hardcore Mega Man fan and I think the gameplay, story, added characters, and everything about the two were lacking.

Not to mention the BIG MAN HIMSELF even said the games ruined the cannon, and they also had nothing to do the with original team behind the other games and they were made against his will.

Sorry. I know some people like them but I don't. Either way it can't be played on PSP so it doesn't matter. :P

I was just saying ignore them because you can't play them on PSP so therefor you can't have a marathon with them.... on the PSP.
[quote name='Schlupi' post='3654234' date='May 19 2011, 07:03 PM'][quote name='MasterPenguin' post='3654216' date='May 19 2011, 05:54 PM'][quote name='Schlupi' post='3654156' date='May 19 2011, 05:13 PM']...Pretend 7 and 8 don't exist, they SUCK anyways.[/quote]

Megaman 7 is a fantastic game. May not have brought much new to the series, but that doesn't mean it's awful.

I personally hated everything those two games stand for. I am a hardcore Mega Man fan and I think the gameplay, story, added characters, and everything about the two were lacking.

Not to mention the BIG MAN HIMSELF even said the games ruined the cannon, and they also had nothing to do the with original team behind the other games and they were made against his will.

Sorry. I know some people like them but I don't. Either way it can't be played on PSP so it doesn't matter. :P

I was just saying ignore them because you can't play them on PSP so therefor you can't have a marathon with them.... on the PSP.


I thought 7 was OK, but two things ruined it for me:

1. It's called f*cking MEGA MAN X 7. Why the hell do I have to go through half the game until I can play as X?! Axl can't charge shots - he is NOT a suitable replacement.


8 I have yet to try.

on topic though, patapon.

patapon patapon patapon.

Once you start playing, you will be thinking "PATA PATA PATA PON PON PON PATA PON" ALL DAY. this sums it up quite well:
The X games were supposed to end at 5. 6 was made against inafune's will (hell, he didn't even know X6 was being made behind his back), but iirc, 7 and 8 had his help.

You will like 1 and 2. You'll feel something is different in 3 (they changed the team from 1-2). 4 cutscenes and VA suck. 5 is great. 6 and 7 are cash-in games. 8 is not bad.

Also, Try Kingdom Hearts BBS, MGS Peace Walker and Patapon. Dissidia is also a good choice.
[quote name='Devin' post='3654141' date='May 19 2011, 11:06 PM']FF Crisis Core. NAOW.[/quote]
Definetly this, mgs peacewalker, kh birth by sleep, and dissidia duodecim

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