The 3DS is making it hard to not be embarrassed with my choice of gaming handhelds.

I purchased a 3DS on launch day from Amazon.com and with it got Rayman 3D. Before launch day I had some hands-on time with the 3DS and each of the launch titles and Rayman 3D was the only thing that even remotely interested me. It would be very easy for me to explain why I did not enjoy the other launch titles, but that would distract from the point of this post (which isn't about the launch titles).

So far I have enjoyed about 5 hours of fun with the 3DS, the rest of the time I have enjoyed storing it in a drawer. I was entertained by Face Raiders for a few hours, entertained by the augmented reality cards for less than a few hours, and entertained by Rayman 3D for a while longer. After that there hasn’t been anything here to hold my attention.

So far we have “retro” game remakes, in 3D no less, without any gaming improvements. Once again I am being asked to purchase a virtual copy of a game I already own the cart for (in most cases, see you have to understand that I didn’t pirate games until the PSX and stopped soon after all the PSX pirating made me play my PSX less and less). I am finding it very difficult to justify spending money, in this economy, on titles I have already won numerous times.

Zelda: OoT was a fun game on the n64 (regardless of one of the worst controller designs in recent gaming history), and it was even fun again on the GameCube (regardless of yet another bad controller design that caused physical pain to my wrists). It would make sense that the game would continue to be fun, but what justifies a 39.99 price? Well it’s in 3D and the visual have been updated for a “next-gen” handheld. So – what else? Nothing! Nothing to entice me to spend money on the game for a 3rd time. No new levels, weapons, etc. Its the same game with a Boss Rush mode.

I guess replaying the exact same game in 3D sounds fun, in theory, but in actuality the 3D effect of the 3DS isn’t very good! I’m forced to hold the 3DS about 14 inches from my face and to hold it out directly in front of my eyes. If I try to set it down towards my lap the 3D effect is lost, if I move it slightly to one side the 3D effect is lost, etc, etc, etc. My arms get tired after about 20 minutes of gaming. I think part of the issue is my aging eyes and the other half of it is that the technology is cool but not really cool enough for mainstream gaming as an integral part of a handheld’s hardware design.

While I am on the subject of the 3DS’ design, what is up with the menu system? The menu is very slow and I find not always as responsive as I would want. Why is Nintendo still using the block system for their storage capacity? I never really understood the block concept. I’m an adult, give it to me in bytes, I can handle it! What is up with that damn 3DS splash screen? Does it really have to play before I launch everything? Do I really need to see it all the fucking time? By now I think I know the device in my hand is a 3DS and I’m 99% sure those around me also know it’s a 3DS because it looks only about 10% the same as the DS Lite/DSi. The rest that don’t know it’s a 3DS will probably not be looking over my shoulder at the exact moment that stupid splash screen plays anyways. So how about an option to turn off the splash screen, is tha tsking to much? The 3D indicator LED, it’s such a nice green color, but why in the hell does it always have to be on? It can become a bit distracting when playing in low light situations, after while you can’t stop noticing it. As I’ve slowly progressed back into design elements, what is up with the screen wobble? What, during months of testing not one single person noticed this? Why does the bottom screen leave marks on the top screen? I love having to keep the screen protector that shipped with the 3DS between my two screens. I have to ask again, no one fucking noticed this while testing? Why in the hell does the unit never power up after it has been off for a long time (weeks – because why play something that lacks fun software). Holding the power button does nothing, but then after holding it for like 20 seconds I can tap it for less than a second and it will boot up the 3DS. Shouldn’t the thing boot up the first time I press the button and every time I press the button?

What really pushed me over the edge today was that I updated my system memory and logged into the eShop. I grabbed the Nintendo Video application, mostly so I was sure that my ID was registered for the 20 free software titles but also because I was curious. 10 minutes later I was hitting up Google for answers on how to delete the vids, why I can’t choose what vids to grab, why all the vids are aimed at 8-14yr olds, why all the vids download (replacing each other when space is full) and not stream, and finally how to delete the application. Long story short (to late) the Nintendo Video application is 3D advertisement that adults will be much to informed to waste their time on. It’s a good thing Nintendo is targeting children not yet informed enough to make their own decisions, now they can pester Mum and Dad to pay for things they see via the Nintendo Video advertisement application.

Nintendo has dropped the price of the 3DS by $80, and everyone who got suckered into hardware with no worthy software support (yet!) gets 20 free “retro” titles as an apology! That’s just great! How about my 80 bucks back? I could pick up a few PS3 greatest hits with that money. What do I want with 20 free titles I already own, have already beaten, and do not care to play again? I’m sorry but I’m continually feeling ripped off by this system.

The 3DS does some really cool things and it does them pretty well with room for improvement. The hardware specs have some real potential. I don’t know if I can wait for the software to catch up. I should have known better by the crappy launch line-up. What are we waiting for at this point? Nintendo 1st party software? Please say it ain’t so, I am so sick of Nintendo “franchises”. I’ve had my fill. Nintendo should stop beating a dead horse and grow the fuck up already. Its great that they want to continually market towards children and grown-ups who thought games were for kids (um -- casual gamers?). I just wish they would give more than a tiny percentage to gamers who grew up on Nintendo and who sadly have their best memories with the NES and SNES.

Flash Kits and great DS Homebrew have made me a bit jaded. I didn’t stop to see the DS gaming community for what it was until the end of the cycle. I picked up the 3DS while influenced by the great memories Homebrew has brought me. I should have focused on the last few years of game releases and then took a long hard look at the 3DS. Because, at this point, I’m starting to consider listing my 3DS on eBay.

Now, about this post… I felt like ranting. I wrote this to get something off my chest, its large enough as it is. I didn’t write this to defend my view from your opinion and as a result I will not read responses. But have at it, go attack each other and call out the faults of my post. Maybe a few years from now I’ll dig this up and pretend to care.

I’m off to grab my DSi XL and play some great Homebrew, emulation, GBA, and maybe even watch a DPG of Dr. Who Season 6.

-Another World


Yap, pretty much agree with everything.
I clocked about 11 hours as of RIGHT NOW.(most of which comes from "Alex Rider" duhhhh)

While I am on the subject of the 3DS’ design, what is up with the menu system? The menu is very slow and I find not always as responsive as I would want.
Either, the 3DS hardware is pretty weak to handle its OS or its just buggy and hasnt been optimized too well.

I was wondering why no one was talking about the OS. Sometimes when I click "home" button, screen stays black for a while, which makes me thing it froze.. and suddenly it resets. Other minor issues like that.

Since I dont own the a DSiXL any longer, I decided to get a battery extender and use it primarely for DS stuff.
It's like you cracked my scull opened, put your hands into my brain, read my thoughts, then wrote what I felt like about the 3DS.
well yes the 3ds part of ocarina of time sucks but think of it of having a n64 in your pocket on the go.......... i have this game for every version possible n64....... gamecube........ wii...... now 3ds i got it on sale and i enjoy playing it when i'm on the go........
It's sad to see this system judged so harshly after just 4 months and 5 days. Ridiculous.

The build-quality complaints are justified, but you do have a 15-month warranty.

Another World, I plead with you to hold on to your 3DS, you know there are going to be some can't-miss games in the system's future and probably even hombrew. Don't make the expensive mistake of selling your system and then having to rebuy it once Nintendo (and hackers) get their act together.

Remember March of 2005? The DS had an unimpressive library of games, was slow-selling, and was predicted to be trounced by the PSP. Nintendo was supposed to be forced out of selling hardware and go third party (sound familiar?). That was what was supposed to happen. Instead, Nintendo turned things around and the DS became a legendary system. It'll happen again with 3DS. A cornered and threatened Nintendo at work is an awesome thing to witness.

Patience, young grasshopper. Patience. :P
From what I can understand, every single 3DS from amazons preorder/launch had the faults.

I doubt anyone's gonna argue with that, really.

You forgot to mention uber low volume.
I don't own one, but reviews seem to be very mixed. Dunno what to think.
But never buy things at launch (at least consoles), wait for a revision or when a good quantity of games are out, there we can talk if the system is good or not.
Yeah, the 3DS is very disappointing... Like the original DS was with it's launch.

I'm gonna give the 3DS a few more months before I judge it as "bad". Several good 3rd/1st party games are on the horizon, so I think around that point is a good time to judge.

(btw, Are you getting a PSV? :P)
Although I have to agree with many of what you've said, I also must agree with Snailface that the 3DS is still very early in it's lifespan. Consoles always have rough starts, including the 3DS.
3DS is the first handheld I won't acquire. I own a DSi and I love it, besides the higher volume included (much needed), the System Menu was quite sturdy. When I saw the 3DS the first time, I really... hated it. If I was to play some N64 titles, I still have mine around, with both zelda, perfect dark, pokemon stadium 2, etc.

The thing is, the 3DS was a blame to myself as a heavy gamer since age 8 (now i'm 22). While I didn't like at all Sony products, the PSP was wonderful, it has a decent amount of power enough to run the best titles around, like breath of fire, tales of destiny (2), chrono cross, dissidia final fantasy, etc.

As for the DS (i), its exclusive titles like Mario & Luigi, Trauma Center, Pokemon, Mario Kart are quite nice to me, but I found that I'm a bit older now, and prefer to have titles which could lead me to enjoy more gameplay than Marios everywhere. The 3DS since launch day had some problematic issues with black screen of deaths, freezing, faulty screens. I am really, starting to hate the platform now.

Eye strain, (I used to have over 16 hours of heavy gameplay some years ago) but 3DS also gave me headaches, and some eyesight problems just about 2 hours of the much called "first - impressions".

I still love the N64, the Gamecube platform and such greatly built consoles with a lot of effort and design, even the Wii. As for now, I'm quite happy to have found the portable console for me, the PSP and I highly doubt I'll ever get rid of it.


Great topic Another World, I agree with most of your thoughts.
[quote name='Snailface' post='3808964' date='Aug 1 2011, 08:37 PM']Another World, I plead with you to hold on to your 3DS, you know there are going to be some can't-miss games in the system's future and probably even hombrew. Don't make the expensive mistake of selling your system and then having to rebuy it once Nintendo (and hackers) get their act together.[/quote]
That's pretty much what I wanted to say.
If you know there are going to be better titles later, it would be best to hold onto it because you'd be buying another one anyway.

That is unless you sell your 3DS, then another price drop comes.
Zelda: OoT was a fun game on the n64 (regardless of one of the worst controller designs in recent gaming history), and it was even fun again on the GameCube (regardless of yet another bad controller design that caused physical pain to my wrists).


Okay, I can understand the N64 controller design being a whore (even though it worked perfectly for me and thought it was the best controller before the 360 controller came), but the GameCube controller is pretty frickin amazing. Unless it's just for you it hurts... in which case, ignore this post.

[quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3809196' date='Aug 1 2011, 08:21 PM']
Zelda: OoT was a fun game on the n64 (regardless of one of the worst controller designs in recent gaming history), and it was even fun again on the GameCube (regardless of yet another bad controller design that caused physical pain to my wrists).


Okay, I can understand the N64 controller design being a whore (even though it worked perfectly for me and thought it was the best controller before the 360 controller came), but the GameCube controller is pretty frickin amazing. Unless it's just for you it hurts... in which case, ignore this post.


This is pretty much exactly what I was going to post. The Gamecube controller has always been comfortable in my hands. But if something with your hands just hurts using a controller shaped like that, oh well. The 360 controller design is probably one of the best to date though, ever. It fits so comfortably in my hands. Oh so comfortably. Nintendo should take lessons from that.
Oh god, I know the feeling far too well.
It's cool and all, but I'm really pissed that I can't trade it in for even a fraction of the original cost now that it's $80 cheaper. Oh, and I've got 2 giant fucking scratches on the top screen because some dumbass decided that the design feature that they used to prevent that would still work on differently sized screens. It's also EXTREMELY noticable with the 3d effect and it bugs the hell out of me. And I didn't get to actually use any features that I actually wanted until months after I bought it. Thanks, Nintendo.

I want a fucking Vita.
im never one to buy anything on launch due to THIS.

Im not defending the 3DS or anything, im not Ninty's agent, but i honestly can't remember a single handheld product (disregarding the Original Gameboy) that sold well on release and had a good library of games for it

However the 3DS has had a pretty bad start; then again at least nintendo had the respect of lowering the price AND take into consideration those that already bought the thing

I for one am waiting on some mario game or pokemon, and i might as well wait for the next inevitable handheld-rehash. 3DSlim or something :P
Nice post! Some of the main reasons I have decided not to bother with 3DS are many of things you listed about why you feel kinda burned by getting it. I have to say that I completely agree with your opinions here.

With the regular DS, if it wasn't for flashcarts, free games and homebrew, I'd have gotten rid of it long ago. I must admit, I'm quite spoiled by flashcarts and just can't justify in my mind buying any system where I would have to buy EVERY game I want to play on it anymore.

Maybe, if the 3DS or Vita get hacked, I may consider getting them, but not before. Yes, I know that sounds terrible, but that's how I feel about it and honestly don't care what anyone thinks about that.
[quote name='Rayder' post='3809373' date='Aug 2 2011, 01:34 AM']Nice post! Some of the main reasons I have decided not to bother with 3DS are many of things you listed about why you feel kinda burned by getting it. I have to say that I completely agree with your opinions here.

With the regular DS, if it wasn't for flashcarts, free games and homebrew, I'd have gotten rid of it long ago. I must admit, I'm quite spoiled by flashcarts and just can't justify in my mind buying any system where I would have to buy EVERY game I want to play on it anymore.

Maybe, if the 3DS or Vita get hacked, I may consider getting them, but not before. Yes, I know that sounds terrible, but that's how I feel about it and honestly don't care what anyone thinks about that.[/quote]

I feel a bit burned too, it was my first time indulging in a launch release. I probably need to rethink that for the PS Vita launch.
To each their own. The price drops in a week and a half, so for me.. I'm waiting until then. I've never owned the system, so I don't know what it's like the long term. However, I can say that after playing with it.. I love it. I want it. At first, I thought I'd have some problems. Longevity being one of them. I am, wholeheartedly, a gamer of ALL types. Some of you hate the 3DS, and with your reasoning. I respect that, but you have yet to list any of the good qualities or what it may bring us with the future.

The battery life is kind of horrid, but not much better than what the VITA will have. (Curse you ever expanding, power hungry technology.) 5-12 hours is pretty bad, considering I could squeeze 2-3 10 hour days with the original phatty. You know what I'm talking about.

The launch titles are nothing to laugh at, it can't start off perfect. There has yet to have been a console that sold one million units in a day. Let alone a console that people felt comfortable buying at launch. (lulz PS3/X360. Thanks for making us worry.) The list of future releases seems bleak, but there are games that may very well be possible on the 3DS. I can't wait to see those.

I'm very much excited to get my hands on one. The system menu sounds like it can easily be optimized VIA software update. (It is just built in software anyway, right?) The $170 price seems fair to me. I do admit that the ambassador program I'll regret missing out on. I looooooooooooOOoOOoOoOooveeee classic NES games. I can't even begin to explain that. At least they're not like Sony, and spit in their customer's faces... Then turn around and ask for forgiveness with a horrible "welcome back" package.... I've got nothing against Sony, so don't jump on me if you think I do.
[quote name='Rayder' post='3809373' date='Aug 1 2011, 10:34 PM']Nice post! Some of the main reasons I have decided not to bother with 3DS are many of things you listed about why you feel kinda burned by getting it. I have to say that I completely agree with your opinions here.

With the regular DS, if it wasn't for flashcarts, free games and homebrew, I'd have gotten rid of it long ago. I must admit, I'm quite spoiled by flashcarts and just can't justify in my mind buying any system where I would have to buy EVERY game I want to play on it anymore.

Maybe, if the 3DS or Vita get hacked, I may consider getting them, but not before. Yes, I know that sounds terrible, but that's how I feel about it and honestly don't care what anyone thinks about that.[/quote]

That's the only reason why my DS got played with was because of the flashcart. Those cards, I agree, spoiled the shit out of me. I went out today and got a 3DS and when I bought Zelda, I actually felt good, and excited. Like when I got a flashcart, I would put it to the side for a couple days, then play it. But everytime I get a new game, I get excited and want to play it. Maybe it's my inner child coming out.

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