What's extasy like?

I go to parties at friends house, and there's just the usual thing going on y'know? People drinking lots of beer, we play beer pong, loud music, people smoking weed.

I smoke weed regularly. And I think I have a weak system as it doesn't take much for me to get high. And sometimes I overdo it and I get to a point that I call myself "scary high". That's where my hearing is vibrating and all I hear is "woom woom woom woom" like loud bass. And my vision starts freaking out, my brain is vibrating, my heart beats fast, and I don't know what's going on. And when I think of like what my brain is going through and all the electric signals going through it, and how a brain works, I start to panic and freak out.

And my one friend does quite a bit of stuff. He'll drink a lot, smoke a lot of weed, and he's done E a couple of times. I seen him do it, and seen what he was like. He was okay to be honest, he was able to walk around, but I think people were guiding him around and stuff. But he would just sit on a couch after swallowing the pill (like an hour or so after), and his eyes would constantly twitch. Like he couldn't keep them still. But I don't know what he was going through. And we had a DJ give us a light show with strobe lights, it was awesome.

What's it like being on E? I know it takes you to a place where, you wish you could stay there, and reality sucks for you afterwards.

I don't plan on taking it, just curious. Anybody done it before?


Not a clue. Personally I stay away from drugs. If I wanna feel like I'm on top of the world I'll drop by my girlfriend's house and...you can fill in the blanks from there.

Seriously though, I don't even smoke. To me it seems kinda retarded. When you think about it, what you're actually doing is rolling up chemicals you know to be toxic and deadly into a piece of paper, putting it in your mouth, setting fire to it and breathing in the resulting poisonous fumes. And then paying somebody for the privaledge. Call me crazy but I just don't see the logic in such an action. My brother tells me it helps him escape his problems. I prefer to face my problems rather than evade them, thanks. And if all else fails a Zelda marathon has much the same effect, only without killing me.
[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']Not a clue. Personally I stay away from drugs. If I wanna feel like I'm on top of the world I'll drop by my girlfriend's house and...you can fill in the blanks from there.[/quote]Hold hands? :unsure:

[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']Seriously though, I don't even smoke. To me it seems kinda retarded. When you think about it, what you're actually doing is rolling up chemicals you know to be toxic and deadly into a piece of paper, putting it in your mouth, setting fire to it and breathing in the resulting poisonous fumes. And then paying somebody for the privaledge. Call me crazy but I just don't see the logic in such an action. My brother tells me it helps him escape his problems. I prefer to face my problems rather than evade them, thanks.[/quote]Agreed.

[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']And if all else fails a Zelda marathon has much the same effect, only without killing me.[/quote]
ROFL! Zelda is pretty fun though.
Ecstasy is more a case of extreme hallucinating. It can has bad side effect, however.
If you don't stay conscious about the fact that your on drugs, you might freak out by the things you see.
The moment you get a bad trip, it's a bad trip all the way down.

It's fun, as long as you don't panic.

Source: A good friend.
[quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3617615' date='Apr 29 2011, 10:23 PM']Was that post necessary?[/quote]I think it was.
[quote name='JoostinOnline' post='3617632' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:44 PM'][quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']Not a clue. Personally I stay away from drugs. If I wanna feel like I'm on top of the world I'll drop by my girlfriend's house and...you can fill in the blanks from there.[/quote]play videogames?
do some dirty stuff?

[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']Seriously though, I don't even smoke. To me it seems kinda retarded. When you think about it, what you're actually doing is rolling up chemicals you know to be toxic and deadly into a piece of paper, putting it in your mouth, setting fire to it and breathing in the resulting poisonous fumes. And then paying somebody for the privaledge. Call me crazy but I just don't see the logic in such an action. My brother tells me it helps him escape his problems. I prefer to face my problems rather than evade them, thanks.[/quote]Agreed.

[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']And if all else fails a Zelda marathon has much the same effect, only without killing me.[/quote]
ROFL! Zelda is pretty fun though.
i also agree about the retardness of smoking
[quote name='aminemaster' post='3617665' date='Apr 29 2011, 08:13 AM'][quote name='JoostinOnline' post='3617632' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:44 PM'][quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']Not a clue. Personally I stay away from drugs. If I wanna feel like I'm on top of the world I'll drop by my girlfriend's house and...you can fill in the blanks from there.[/quote]play videogames?
do some dirty stuff?

[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']Seriously though, I don't even smoke. To me it seems kinda retarded. When you think about it, what you're actually doing is rolling up chemicals you know to be toxic and deadly into a piece of paper, putting it in your mouth, setting fire to it and breathing in the resulting poisonous fumes. And then paying somebody for the privaledge. Call me crazy but I just don't see the logic in such an action. My brother tells me it helps him escape his problems. I prefer to face my problems rather than evade them, thanks.[/quote]Agreed.

[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']And if all else fails a Zelda marathon has much the same effect, only without killing me.[/quote]
ROFL! Zelda is pretty fun though.
i also agree about the retardness of smoking
Lol, why did you edit my post?
[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 01:15 PM']Seriously though, I don't even smoke. To me it seems kinda retarded. When you think about it, what you're actually doing is rolling up chemicals you know to be toxic and deadly into a piece of paper, putting it in your mouth, setting fire to it and breathing in the resulting poisonous fumes. And then paying somebody for the privaledge. Call me crazy but I just don't see the logic in such an action. My brother tells me it helps him escape his problems. I prefer to face my problems rather than evade them, thanks. And if all else fails a Zelda marathon has much the same effect, only without killing me.[/quote]

I smoke but i can understand your opinion. It's just that smoking on your own has no purpose i guess. Smoking with a bunch of friends at a party is something else. No doubt one of them will try something stupid (like jumping his own leg like in family guy) and fail, which makes it all the more fun :lol:

And about the E, i don't know what the effects are so I really can't help out. E is bad mkay :P
I've done it a couple of times. It's an immense sense of euphoria. It's not anything like weed or alcohol! There is no hallucinating involved at all, unless you really really taken too much (never been there, never will).
You just take it and you wait. My experience tells me it doesn't come gradually, it hits you hard. It's like if someone puts you into feather boots and you start floating. You feel very light. When you take a stairs it doesn't feel like taking steps, it's like taking an elevator up! Objects appear to become very very crisp and clean, especially around the edges. You can't stop looking really! Then you get this incredible urge to dance on music. You bust out epic moves, but you really don't care actually. It's just like you must do it! Everything just looks nice and you don't feel one bad emotion at all. You start talking to random people, just for the heck of it. If you talk to girls and they really are bothered by your appearance, you simply won't notice it. I never ever thought once that I got rejected somehow, while I normally feel that pretty quick. The bad side is that your jaw gets his own life. The muscles really get tense and you start making horrible faces. Next day you really have a hard time eating shit! You eyes will twitch too every now and then, they just go up randomly. The pupils in your eyes also become HUGE, if you seen it once, you can notice anyone when using it! That's why most people will wear sunglasses. But that's as bad as it got for me! It doesn't feel like you're intoxicated like it is with alcohol, where you loose control and do stupid stuff. It's not like weed either where I start getting paranoia and hallucinate. It just feels like normal life but then so much better! I don't get why they ban it, in my opinion it is much less harmful than alcohol!

To be honest, tomorrow is queens day here, and I managed to get a few of the best ones around! It has been 8 months ago since my last go, so I'm really excited to go trough it all again! I'll tell my experience when you guys are interested!

Just found an epic video which exactly shows what I told about the moves, the jaws and the eyes!
It might not be from this decade (you'll probably notice from the music and the clothing) but the drugfeel is just the same now as it was then. You just can't help making those movements with your hands, yaws and eyes! I never seen this video before, but I kind of made the exact kind of hand movements as they did. It's like embedded into the extasy i guess!
[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:15 PM']Not a clue. Personally I stay away from drugs. If I wanna feel like I'm on top of the world I'll drop by my girlfriend's house and...you can fill in the blanks from there.

Seriously though, I don't even smoke. To me it seems kinda retarded. When you think about it, what you're actually doing is rolling up chemicals you know to be toxic and deadly into a piece of paper, putting it in your mouth, setting fire to it and breathing in the resulting poisonous fumes. And then paying somebody for the privaledge. Call me crazy but I just don't see the logic in such an action. My brother tells me it helps him escape his problems. I prefer to face my problems rather than evade them, thanks. And if all else fails a Zelda marathon has much the same effect, only without killing me.[/quote]

[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 07:15 AM']Not a clue. Personally I stay away from drugs. If I wanna feel like I'm on top of the world I'll drop by my girlfriend's house and...you can fill in the blanks from there.[/quote]


Yes, I posted just so I could say that.
I only drink beer occasionally and smoke some weed every once in a while, that's it. I've NEVER done any other drugs. I lost a lot of friends over the years to drugs. No, they didn't die, I disconnected from them. In my circle, it was coke or crack that seemed to be their drug of choice. I didn't want any part of it. Beer is legal and weed is basically harmless, not to mention having actual medical uses, but some of those hardcore designer drugs are scary to me, not to mention highly addictive. No thanks.

Drugs are one of the reasons I have so few real life friends.

From what I've seen of people on ecstasy, it just makes them act like small children or like they're retarded or something. They are fascinated by the dumbest things and really look like fools. I guess in some small way, I can see the appeal at a certain level, but I don't want any part of it myself.

I have enough problems in my life without adding idiotic drugs into the mix.
[quote name='Rayder' post='3618009' date='Apr 29 2011, 10:32 AM']I only drink beer occasionally and smoke some weed every once in a while, that's it. I've NEVER done any other drugs. I lost a lot of friends over the years to drugs. No, they didn't die, I disconnected from them. In my circle, it was coke or crack that seemed to be their drug of choice. I didn't want any part of it. Beer is legal and weed is basically harmless, not to mention having actual medical uses, but some of those hardcore designer drugs are scary to me, not to mention highly addictive. No thanks.

Drugs are one of the reasons I have so few real life friends.

From what I've seen of people on ecstasy, it just makes them act like small children or like they're retarded or something. They are fascinated by the dumbest things and really look like fools. I guess in some small way, I can see the appeal at a certain level, but I don't want any part of it myself.

I have enough problems in my life without adding idiotic drugs into the mix.[/quote]
Have you ever thought of infinite space?.....it just goes on.......and...on....and on.............and on.
here's a link for the OP
I will leave the moralising to others if for no other reason than there are more important things at this point.
Ecstasy has downsides like everything else but risks are somewhat overstated (same could be said of most drugs really) if you know what goes.
I would suggest that if you are going to do this leave one person low/able to function and avoid doing it at a party when in less controlled situations- have fun if you want but if you can reduce risks easily enough then do so. It is not necessarily going to be the same trip (a rave is one thing- sitting around watching a film- and if it works the film will be amazing even if it is not an amazing film) but minimising risk is a good idea.

I am not sure of the situation on the ground around you but I told it is fairly similar across the world that does such things so I will carry on.

There are a lot of chemicals that act like ecstasy (a street name) or MDMA (one of the more common chemical initialisms and quite popular as well) and in many cases are sold as ecstasy despite not being as such or "just as good as/better". Obviously it depends on what is subbed in instead but these have can really nasty effects when mixed with alcohol (thinking things like GBL which is a really common substitute and depending on your local in the world it is legal*).

*it is next to impossible to "ban all drugs"- you have to be selective (blacklist certain chemicals- I do not know if any governments attempted to ban certain groups or base ) and as chemistry tends not to operate along such lines (see any fairly basic chemistry book) new drugs get made with GBL being an example of one that got popular as a result of this experimenting- if you are interested in this sort of thing might I direct you to Alexander Shulgin's book "Pihkal" and the other "Tihkal" as well as simple searching for his name and seeing some of the presentations and interviews he has done over the years.

Be aware of hyperhydration- many people on MDMA will drink way too much fluid which is not good for you. Indeed many argue it is this that does a lot of the damage.
Equally be aware of dehydration- as mentioned people are often taken to dancing and if you are at a nice rave (especially a proper rave/party in a place without some semblance of air conditioning)....... The two are not mutually exclusive either.

Beware of Wednesday/midweek blues- there are various theories as to why it happens (a lack of serotonin* as you have used it all up being the chief one) but that is somewhat besides the point. On this note "one for the road home" probably will not do anything for similar reasons so it might be best to avoid it.

*one of the more important neurotransmitters and although I would be slapped for making such a comparison without a lot of qualifiers antidepressants of the SSRI class (which actually have been noted to reduce effects of ecstasy- sidenote mixing such drugs is seriously risky unless you know what goes) operate in a similar manner to MDMA.

Those are the big three things to cover but I do encourage you to do some more reading. Do also consider your method of ingestion can change things (some snort, some bake it into a cake or some food (do read there as I do not know what temperatures and solvents it can handle/requires), some have tablets, some make "bombs" from the powder (wrap it in a paper and hope it holds until it gets past your stomach) and there are others I am not thinking of right now).
I would really prefer it if people didn't come in here and say things like drugs are bad or to stay away from it and stuff like that... it's not the point of the thread at all.

I did do some reading on it, that if you have a weak system, your first trip could be your last...
[quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3618517' date='Apr 29 2011, 05:52 PM']I would really prefer it if people didn't come in here and say things like drugs are bad or to stay away from it and stuff like that... it's not the point of the thread at all.

I did do some reading on it, that if you have a weak system, your first trip could be your last...[/quote]
Lol, I should probably stay away from it (not that I do drugs to begin with). Second hand cigar smoke makes me sick.
Not good, never touched hard drugs, seriously grab a beer it'll increase your lifespan and stay away from drugs.
[quote name='Hop2089' post='3618615' date='Apr 29 2011, 04:28 PM']Not good, never touched hard drugs, seriously grab a beer it'll increase your lifespan and stay away from drugs.[/quote]


I'm going to continue to smoke weed until I die, and I'm going to continue to drink until I die.

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