1st Semester Report Cards .

so i am got em back . though some marks went down , i am still happy that most increased !

French - 85% [never taking this again]
Math - 91% [eh , should've worked harder . . . math is an easy subject]
Gym - 81% [LOL . i am bad . i already know , it's cause i don't participate a lot :P]
Science - 85% [it went up , from 75% to 85% in the time between midterms and end of semester o_o]

Avg. - 85.5%

overall , i did good IMO . all my marks went up by 3% but french and science . french down by 3% and science up by 10% .
it's weird , 3 is one of the most used numbers for me . most of my assignments and tests always have 3 marks lost , though iunno if it is my lucky or unlucky number .


I got like almost the same: 86.63% AVG.
Then again, the politicians here are really skullf***ing the grade system, trying to implement the A-F system.
Nice grades, lol.

My grades were terrible all through highschool...except PE/cooking/accounting.
PE was hilarious. I did NOTHING ever, and I got a 90 in it on average.
The only time I did do something was being forced to be defense in soccer, and got the ball point blank-slammed into my nuts....

Oh scratch that I also played baseball because basically every hit I made was a home run and thus could walk across the bases at my leisure.
LOL hells malice . is cooking fun ? i was gonna take that next year , since well , free food + cooking xD . and possibly Com Tech too . If not , photography over cooking if the class is full .

mine are pretty low tbh ... especially Science and Gym . the only way i can get a good mark is to start off good , then maintain it . i am already hating English . it's boring as hell . same goes for Geography ... but Geography doesn't make me as tired .
My grades last semester

Spanish II A- (because like 10% of the grade is participation and I never raise my hand)
PE II (required class...) B-
Algebra II H A
Chemistry H A
English II H A
World History H B+ (fffffffffffuuuu I do all my work and get A's on tests)

Rank 29 out of 550 sophomores. This semester I'm going to try and stay at 4 A's and 2 B's or better.
Cooking was my favorite class, but that was mostly due to my cooking teacher being super awesome. Also really need some friends in the class. All cooking class was for me was socializing and making some good food, haha.
I screwed up bad first semester
Here's what I got:

History - 74% [Don't ask, the whole class apparently had a problem with essay writing and my teacher said we were making too many mistakes. Almost failed the first 2 essays then I realized I had to stand on both legs. Jumped from 62% at Mid-Term]
Mutlimedia - 76% [Teacher had a problem stating when each assignment was due. So I got almost all assignments late and he took off 10% on each + I screwed up on 2 tests by barely passing]
Science - 94% [I SCREWED UP on my summative. I got one question wrong and the following 3 quesitons were wrong too. Out of 6 sections, I got 1 whole section wrong. If I had gotten it right I would have a 96% atm. Got a 95% on final exam - I guess its okay not my best work.
Careers - 90% [Dropped from a 99% because I screwed up on the last assignment which was to make a resume and cover letter and apparently got a 60% on it. I dont understand why.]

Overall: 83.5% - Not to happy about this
I'm on a quarter system at my college. So classes last only 10 weeks.

But, I had:

Management 310 : A
CIS 310 : A
BUSN 420 : Meets Expectations
Accounting 202 : D

I suck at accounting. Glad I got no more of 'em to take!
Pharmacology I AB
Medicinal Chemistry I BC
Drug Delivery Systems B
Compounding AB
Pharmacotherapy I A

Besides MedChem, went really well.
Genetics: A
English: A
Health Sciences: A
Pre-Calculus: A
Anatomy and Physiology: A
U.S. History: A
French 2/3-4: A

Probably about a 93% or 94% average or so.
[quote name='Ace Faith' post='3449246' date='Feb 9 2011, 05:30 PM']I got like almost the same: 86.63% AVG.
Then again, the politicians here are really skullf***ing the grade system, trying to implement the A-F system.[/quote]

What's the problem? All that A-F does is add letters to your percentages...
ah you guys got great grades .
i gotta work hard this semester .
maybe attempt to spend more time rather than rush my work .
possibly do a little homework or so :P
I got a 4.6 gpa. My teachers are all pretty lenient and don't asign homework that much. I'm taking 3 APs (5 total classes), and I rarely have homework. I don't know why. ._.
[quote name='kiafazool' post='3449898' date='Feb 10 2011, 05:23 AM']I screwed up bad first semester
Here's what I got:

History - 74% [Don't ask, the whole class apparently had a problem with essay writing and my teacher said we were making too many mistakes. Almost failed the first 2 essays then I realized I had to stand on both legs. Jumped from 62% at Mid-Term]
Mutlimedia - 76% [Teacher had a problem stating when each assignment was due. So I got almost all assignments late and he took off 10% on each + I screwed up on 2 tests by barely passing]
Science - 94% [I SCREWED UP on my summative. I got one question wrong and the following 3 quesitons were wrong too. Out of 6 sections, I got 1 whole section wrong. If I had gotten it right I would have a 96% atm. Got a 95% on final exam - I guess its okay not my best work.
Careers - 90% [Dropped from a 99% because I screwed up on the last assignment which was to make a resume and cover letter and apparently got a 60% on it. I dont understand why.]

Overall: 83.5% - Not to happy about this[/quote]

I don't get it. Does your grade system differ a lot from ours? Or is it that you're extremely self criticismic? (I create new words every day. Accept it)
As in, your science, is it 94/100?

My average is 6,9/10.. I must say, that's not too good... But I can easily do way better, but I just don't :/ Because I spent too much time on fun stuff :P

Really, 83,5/100 is great, I don't see how you could be unhappy. Really, you did great :P
(Unless of course, if your grade system is strange.)
[quote name='tijntje_7' post='3451122' date='Feb 10 2011, 11:14 PM']self criticismic[/quote]
self... criti.....cal?
Seems like Tempers are ambitious students, after all :D
well people got some highstandards if a 94% isn't great . it's hard to maintain such high grades , and since he did such a small mistake , i'd be pissed off too if i was in that position !
Maths - 81%
English - 83%
French - 81%
Science - 78%
IT - 76%
History/Geography - 70%
PE (Physical Ed) - 90%

D: I didn't do too well. I barely handed in anything (assignments, homework, etc.), though.

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  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    now THAT made me laugh.
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    I cant see it @Xdqwerty
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its cause you guys are kids, that joke went over your heads, sorry I don't know too many kids jokes.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Pay to chat on gbatemp in 2015
    Join date 2024
  • Nemesis90 @ Nemesis90:
    @Kirbydogs No different than now other than cultural differences. Forums have always had community drama and infamous users.
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @K3Nv2 only reason why I said that was because 2015 seems for civil than 2024
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You must be new to the internet
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Imagine the tears if temp had downvotes
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Civil? I mean this isn't really a kids chatroom, you are supposed to 15+, which you admitted that you are not even.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's pretty common for one person thinking they can come in and just change an entire community that's older than them
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    Fair enough
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    We should take a breather, I guess we all got a little excited there.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Be glad some sites ban just because they don't like you
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its all cool. Much love to all. No more jokes from me today.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    People get it their heads or so attached that some sites are like second life's to them that's where they get over emotional over something that doesn't even matter just don't care what others say online
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    and it's friday we should all be uploading GIFs or I have another temper tantrum
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Almost October and it's still 95 out
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    this is a webp... from GIPHY. GIF-EE.
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @K3Nv2 where are you, arizona?
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty I would appreciate if when you post a YouTube link/ picture you can provide context or a description
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty my browser doest let me see things at times
    S @ salazarcosplay: @Xdqwerty my browser doest let me see things at times