Consoles vs. Computer

Well there are alot of people fighting over Consoles vs. Games lately.
I think that consoles are better because they are designed for games.
But Computers are great for online games that have alot of players, such as MMORPGs.
Or some games designed well for the Computer such as Sims 3, Counter Strike and some others.
That's my thought on it.
Oh and guess what, it's christmas eve EVE!!!


This discussion´s too wide.

In terms of 'gaming'

Consoles for gaming.

Computers for programming/processing heavy data like edition and so.

A computer while may have better bandwith to do things, will always be a computer and will be designed to do programmed desktop tasks.

A console IS designed for gaming, so no slowdowns, real hardware and stuff, real controllers.


Someone mentioned that a computer is being needed to program video games for Consoles. A computer is needed for all that includes a chip/bootcode just because you need to inyect the desired data so that doesn´t count.
[quote name='Rydian' post='3344670' date='Dec 23 2010, 08:07 AM']Computers lose in terms of price.[/quote]
for some reason i feel as if this is the only con of having a computer :unsure:

if you ignore the exclusives people put on console and compare every other game that isn't exclusive on PC to Console , then it'd feel as if PC would've won .
you can play games and do other things that aren't gaming related .
This thread is fail.

The only real differences:

PC has (often) more consistent and cheap online services, upgradeable parts, has cheaper games, and can generally be more powerful than a gaming console (especially 5 years into the console's lifespan...)

Consoles are hassle-free and easy to setup, have more large-budget titles, and generally have a closed-system, so compatibility is guaranteed.

Overall, who cares? Play the games you like.
look if you have 300$ to spend on a console or a pc, pc is the best option period. There is no room for arguing if a console can do it, there is a pc that can do it 2X better
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3345047' date='Dec 23 2010, 04:55 PM']look if you have 300$ to spend on a console or a pc, pc is the best option period. There is no room for arguing if a console can do it, there is a pc that can do it 2X better[/quote]
It's a shame you can't get a decent gaming computer for £300.
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3345047' date='Dec 23 2010, 08:55 AM']look if you have 300$ to spend on a console or a pc, pc is the best option period. There is no room for arguing[/quote]

Uh, your Highness, if I may, I prefer consoles over PC. I never play PC games because I prefer the consoles. How's that for an argument? IT'S CALLED OPINION AND PREFERENCE! GET USED TO IT!
PC wins as it can also be used to emulate multiple consoles.
Price wise, consoles win, however if you were to buy all the consoles and games that you could get on a computer for free, it might end up being around the same.
[quote name='Saken' post='3345074' date='Dec 23 2010, 05:05 PM']PC wins as it can also be used to emulate multiple consoles.
Price wise, consoles win, however if you were to buy all the consoles and games that you could get on a computer for free, it might end up being around the same.[/quote]
Are you talking about downloading games for free? That's illegal. :closdeyes:
And, as said before, comparing the price of all console bought to one computer is stupid, it's the same as comparing the consoles to every single type of computer.
Consoles are for convenience.
PCs are for the ultimate versatility and gaming experience.

Consoles play downgraded versions of games that are also on PC. Controls are compromised, FPS aiming is slightly automated, graphics are butchered.
It's a fact. Not an opinion that consoles play games worse then PC, and it'll always be like that because PCs can constantly evolve, while consoles are basically stuck as they are until the next gen.

Consoles are great for convenience though. I've never put a disk in my 360 and had it come up with some retarded error that took me hours to fix. Not that that happens very often on PC, but consoles are pretty much guaranteed to always work flawlessly.

EDIT: Also...yeah, PCs aren't as expensive as you may think.
Unless you want to flawlessly run every game on max settings in the near or distant future, you don't need to spend much on a gaming PC. Two years ago I got a $500 gaming PC that could run Crysis flawlessly. Now, two years later, it'd probably cost me incredibly little to get the same PC. I'd say about $300. Sure, it's a little more expensive then a console...but PC games are also a lot cheaper, and hell, a lot easier to pirate.
oh my god, look here is an easy way to settle it:

If console are more popular or better than a pc than there should have been more total consoles sold then pc right but its not true so there for pc is better get over it its a FACT
[quote name='jalaneme' post='3344729' date='Dec 23 2010, 01:41 PM']pc
expensive graphics cards that you have to upgrade EACH time a new game comes out (why do you think pc games are so cheap?) - A good graphics card will last just as long as a console
stuck on desk chair, no confy sofa for you! - Hook desktop up to flat screen TV, wireless keyboard and mouse/gamepad
to play most recent games you need a very good computer which will cost even more money! + graphic card upgrade each time! ?
game installs before playing entering the serial no e.t.c extreme measures to install the game thanks to very high piracy on the pc. -granted


cheat trainers for pc games you can cheat in any recent game you want with no penalties you can also hack and mod any part of the game, a good exsample of this is fallout 3/new vegas. - You can hack single player games easily, but hacking a MMO or multiplayer game will usually have anti hackers to prevent it and bans can be put in place. You might find hacking a single player game for your own amusement gets old quick.
better graphics than console games and sharper (but at a price to your wallet) - If the PC game is ported from the console it won't look any better.
hardware upgrade your pc with better custom case designs graphics cards and so on.
no firmware updates forced opon your system, you can upgrade when you want to upgrade. - Depends on the game, most online games will require you to update immediately and to avoid update on xbox just play offline.

closed system so no hacking mods or game trainers high risk of bans from console manifacturers - positive, to me. Stops people hacking online.
if the console breaks down you have to get a new one with limited warrenty. - There are repair shops specialising in games consoles.
no hardware mods, cannot upgrade the graphics card (apart from remove and upgrade the hard drive) - Games are made FOR the console not the other way around, why would you need to do this? >.>
less detail in graphics compared to pc games low resolutions - again, depends on the game, a PC game ported to console fine but the other way around, nono.
constant forced firmware updates removal of features vandalisim of your property bricks courption
lack of offline 2 player split screen seems to be a rare breed ths feature now. - Very few PC games that have offline multiplayer, pong comes to mind...

every game you buy you will never need to upgrade the specs, just buy the game put the game disc in and play (excludes ps3 bc of game installs)
hdmi 1080p upscaling - Only this gen consoles ofcourse.
confort of your very own sofa, not hunched up on a desk chair for long hours. - See above, wireless keyboard/mouse/gamepad.
get to use controller pads which are included with the console, you don't have to buy seperatly (unless you need extra pads for multiplayer) - some people prefer keyboards and mice so what is this?
nice big hd screens to play your games on 50" and so on. - Very easy to plug in a desktop to a HD tv.

sorry for spelling, my spell checker is not working.[/quote]
Input my own corrections.
If you are to make a detailed argument for and against like this, the arguments must be related to each other.
Ofcourse most of my input is relating (only) to PS3 and 360, as they are the closest standard to current PC games.
Won't be relevant to handhelds either.

Console Pros:
Relatively cheap compared to most computer gaming set ups.
Virtually hack-free multiplayer
Nothing running in the background to slow them down
OSes optimized for gamers
Won't be outdated by another console until new generation (first console of the generation will play every game that comes out until the death of the gen)

Console Cons:
More difficult to repair or replace parts
Not many mods compared to the PC
Only capable of gaming and multimedia functions

Computer Pros:
Customizable software, hardware
Mods available without hardware modification
Replacing parts is quite easy
Used for much more than just gaming and multimedia

Computer Cons:
Heavy OS not designed specifically with gaming in mind
HAXX!!!!!! Hackers online ruin games.
Outdated after some years considerably faster than a console
Gaming set ups can be expensive

[quote name='unnkown95' post='3345150' date='Dec 23 2010, 05:53 PM']oh my god, look here is an easy way to settle it:

If console are more popular or better than a pc than there should have been more total consoles sold then pc right but its not true so there for pc is better get over it its a FACT[/quote]

Wat, Jets are a much faster way of travelling, yet how many people do you see taking one to work.
Invalid argument.
People take a car, because it is cheaper to buy and run one.
[quote name='DeadLocked' post='3345173' date='Dec 23 2010, 06:11 PM']Input my own corrections.
If you are to make a detailed argument for and against like this, the arguments must be related to each other.
Ofcourse most of my input is relating (only) to PS3 and 360, as they are the closest standard to current PC games.
Won't be relevant to handhelds either.

Console Pros:
Relatively cheap compared to most computer gaming set ups.
Virtually hack-free multiplayer
Nothing running in the background to slow them down
OSes optimized for gamers
Won't be outdated by another console until new generation (first console of the generation will play every game that comes out until the death of the gen)

Console Cons:
More difficult to repair or replace parts
Not many mods compared to the PC
Only capable of gaming and multimedia functions

Computer Pros:
Customizable software, hardware
Mods available without hardware modification
Replacing parts is quite easy
Used for much more than just gaming and multimedia

Computer Cons:
Heavy OS not designed specifically with gaming in mind
HAXX!!!!!! Hackers online ruin games.
Outdated after some years considerably faster than a console
Gaming set ups can be expensive[/quote]
With most modern games, there are systems in place to prevent cheating online on PC. Meanwhile, there are hackers getting banned on XBL daily, as well as PSN where hackers run rampant (eg that one CoD6 exploit that never got patched).
Also, a gaming rig can be built for virtually the same price as a console - just it won't be future proofed. In this case, it would be more cost effective to get a console, however if you have money and care about support, PC gaming is the way to go.

Disregarding the baseless claims from non-PC gamers, there are real issues with PC gaming - most notably that quite a few games that are released simultaneously for PC/Xbox (and usually PS3) are poorly optimised at launch, and in more cases broken. This really isn't too much of an issue considering that after the games get patched, they generally perform and look better than their console counterparts, but quite sadly people would rather rage/moan/complain than wait a short while.

Console gaming is really just simpler, it's for the casual-core gamer, just interested in playing games, as opposed to someone willing to spend large sums of money regularly maintaining a PC just to keep up to date with hardware & playing significantly more of the time.
In the end the winner is rather subjective, so while I can say with confidence that PC gaming is for me, others are more suited (and prefer) console gaming.
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3345150' date='Dec 23 2010, 07:53 PM']oh my god, look here is an easy way to settle it:

If console are more popular or better than a pc than there should have been more total consoles sold then pc right but its not true so there for pc is better get over it its a FACT[/quote]

Thats a terrible way to judge things.

Twilight, CoD, WoW, and iProducts sell like hotcakes, yet all 4 of those things suck.
Sales mean nothing towards quality.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3345142' date='Dec 23 2010, 05:50 PM']Consoles are for convenience.
PCs are for the ultimate versatility and gaming experience.[/quote]

i think that sums it well.

[quote name='Coto' post='3345021' date='Dec 23 2010, 04:44 PM']This discussion´s too wide.

In terms of 'gaming'

Consoles for gaming.

Computers for programming/processing heavy data like edition and so.

A computer while may have better bandwith to do things, will always be a computer and will be designed to do programmed desktop tasks.

A console IS designed for gaming, so no slowdowns, real hardware and stuff, real controllers.


Someone mentioned that a computer is being needed to program video games for Consoles. A computer is needed for all that includes a chip/bootcode just because you need to inject the desired data so that doesn´t count.[/quote]

i have to disagree with that because a pc can do a lot more than it could 20+ years ago now pcs are even faster and surpass console gaming in terms of graphics (but again that will cost you)

[quote name='Tundra' post='3345125' date='Dec 23 2010, 05:39 PM']Objection! Here's a build I'm making for my friend:

Case - $25
4GB RAM - $30
500GB hard drive - $30
ATi 4850 - $50
430W PSU - $25
Motherboard - $50 ($40 for the board plus $10 for new BIOS chip)
AMD X3 & heatsink - $40

Total: $250

This system will pwn compared to a PS3, yet it's even cheaper! :yay:

Take that you console fanboys![/quote]

yeah that is cheap but how long will those specs last? i would say at least a year before those specs go out of date and then you will have to upgrade again to play the latest games (computers progress so fast it's not even funny, i brought my pc a year ago for $539 and it's already out of date) , with console gaming you buy the same console and that will last you a long time, no upgrading needed.
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3345150' date='Dec 23 2010, 05:53 PM']oh my god, look here is an easy way to settle it:

If console are more popular or better than a pc than there should have been more total consoles sold then pc right but its not true so there for pc is better get over it its a FACT[/quote]
Oh my fucking god. Of course there's going to be more PC's sold then consoles. Gamers aren't the only people who buy PC's you know. Not everyone buys a PC with the mindset of using it to play games. God, what a terrible argument.
well epople usually buy what is better, i bet if yuo asked 100 people if they could only have a pc or a game console of their choice 99 out of 100 would choose the pc while the 1 retard would choose the game console
[quote name='unnkown95' post='3345387' date='Dec 23 2010, 08:14 PM']well epople usually buy what is better, i bet if yuo asked 100 people if they could only have a pc or a game console of their choice 99 out of 100 would choose the pc while the 1 retard would choose the game console[/quote]
Well yeah, that's 'cause a PC can do more. But I doubt anyone's gonna come up to me and offer me a high end gaming computer anytime soon. If I had to choose solely based on using it to play games, I'd reconsider.
ok if you had the choice between a laptop with an i5, 4 gig ram, 17 inch screen, ati graphics, 500gig hard drive-dell computer (my computer which i payed 549.00 plus tax for) or a sony playstation 3, with 2 controllers, black ops, move bundle etc- so like 550$ worth of gaming stuff which bundle would you choose if you had to use it, you cant just turn around and sell it

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