Yet again, Americans prove just how pathetic they are

Seriously. This kind of crap...really makes me want to just pack up and leave this country. Patriots can say whatever they want, but this country is garbage now. After 50 STILL will only ever boil down to racism. Some of those signs literally make me want to puke.

"If Brown can't stop it, then a Browning can"? What? What the hell is wrong with people like this?

"Impeach Obama." Not really the message that's stupid, but really. Putting Obama down to Hitler's level? Hitler was a good leader, and a genocidal one. Obama isn't as good of a leader as he could be, and I've yet to see him go after entire groups of people with the single intent of killing them.

"Marxism is an Obama-Nation" I didn't know we were communist now. I didn't know that Marxism was actually bad. Communism as it is right now is bad, but Marxism at least had some good points to it...

"Undocumented Worker" Can people use their brains please? At least he was born in the damn states. Unlike some other old fogey's we know...

"No Voo-Doo Medicine" And religious "medicine" isn't the same thing? Again, people. USE YOUR BRAIN.

"Bye Bye blahblahblah Hello Socialism" Isn't Canada socialist? They're doing far better then we are, last I checked... This country is so...afraid of everything that stands for something better...

"Please don't $pend my future" and "Kill the Bill, Save the Babies". Using the kids as essential billboards just makes me want to punt that woman. Please. Someone let me. Then again, yet another person wanting to take away someone elses choice.

"Kill the bill or face the November Slaughter" Planning a riot, are we? Wait until 2012, please. Seriously though. Are people this fucking stupid?

Sometimes I wonder just how this country got to be anything big at all...


Personally I am leaning towards the idea that country is a somewhat archaic concept (a bit further than I might take it at present time but is a good grounding) and as a demonstration of sorts I shall point no further than the US itself- (a US population (numbers) by state chart) although post Schengen agreement Europe (perhaps instead the EU or the EC) might turn out a slightly better one as might the Nordic Council or even the UK/GB itself depending upon where you want to look at in relative time periods. Anyhow that graph shows no one state has all that many people compared to some places (the UK land area: , a somewhat confusing US one: , and a worldwide one: ) so having now established that any one state is a more or less worthless entity aside from perhaps the biggest few on a global scale the collective is a major player. Such things also carry into my opinions on immigration but that is not necessarily a different debate but one I shall sidestep for the moment.
If you want a further example how many of you find gangs based on where you live amusing (around here some of the kids have even taking to using postal codes- their changing nature lost on them apparently), I also believe it is customary to link XKCD at some point during a post like this . Reductio ad absurdum maybe but I would like to hear an argument to outright dismiss said talking point.

Similarly "best" is an odd one, I think about such things sometimes although usually in the context of an individual person as it pertains to a given field of endeavour and more specifically the subfields within that (any number of examples spring to mind but I reckon it either all boils down to adaptability and specialisation- before anyone mentions it I would argue they are far from antonyms). Back to countries though you also have the inherently difficult task of assessing (or worse assigning numerical values) to a given determination of "good" (I find is perhaps relevant here- the first part is good but the truly relevant stuff starts around 4:25).

Having scanned through the thread though I am somewhat amused the word democracy was not bandied about more (at all?) but the point was made in other slight differences- whose (remix?) version of a given philosophy (just to be a bastard I will spin religion into the mix- how many slight variations on the same theme let alone similar ones (see definition of abrahamic religions) exist?).

As for "supporting the layabouts" surely the key is raise the base level for everyone (see we compare things to our friends/those around us). Re food induced diabetes- never heard of the Darwin awards?

I am sure there are numerous other points I could make and while I would usually pose a question at the end of such a post I am purposely not going to this time.
[quote name='TrolleyDave' post='2692769' date='Mar 22 2010, 08:11 PM']Biggest mistake the UK ever made was scrapping higher free education.[/quote]
Not in Scotland... :yayfreeuni: :yay:
[quote name='FAST6191' post='2693327' date='Mar 22 2010, 10:45 PM']Having scanned through the thread though I am somewhat amused the word democracy was not bandied about more (at all?) but the point was made in other slight differences- whose (remix?) version of a given philosophy (just to be a bastard I will spin religion into the mix- how many slight variations on the same theme let alone similar ones (see definition of abrahamic religions) exist?).[/quote]

If you mean my list of what I find positive about Communism then not all are core Marx and Engels ideology. It's also stuff brought up by other Anarchists, Socialists and Communists. Communism and Anarchism both being kind of splinter groups from Socialism. Don't get me wrong, I don't fully agree agree with Communism, but I don't think any one political or economic viewpoints is the way. I believe in a mix of ideas. The democracy concept is stressed by Marx though. There was supposed to be a strong central party that decided policy, direction etc. but they always had to put it to the people first. It was a means to stop natural human corruption. As shown by people like Stalin, Mao etc. it's still just as easily corruptable so isn't a working strategy. The main thing to remember about Communism is it was designed to be implemented after a revolution. You are right, there's as many interpretations of Communism as there are religious interpretations.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2692279' date='Mar 22 2010, 09:55 AM']Socialism = slavery to the government. You give them most of the money you work for and they decide how best to spend it. Liberals really are about micro managing every aspect of life for people. Telling what to eat, what to buy, what to look at, all for your own good. It's really fashistic. We must remember that Hitler was a socialist. All the worst actors in modern history were ether socialites or communists. It's all about control, money, and, power. On the other side you have personal and economic freedom. And I have to ad that it was under Bush and the Republicans that America was set on this disastrous path buy putting two wars and new entitlements on our national credit card. So it's not a one part issue it's both.

I'll tell you another thing it drives me nuts to have to pay for the health care of obese people who can't stop stuffing their mouths with shit and become diabetic. I chafe at the thought that I'm paying for my neighbors kids because that slut is using getting pregnant as a career path. Now I can't afford to have another child because I have to pay for everyone else's. I have to pay to keep a roof over some drug addicts head that lives down the street. I'm the one who gets penalized for working hard and being responsible. I'm all for safety nets, but not for subsidizing irresponsible behavior and that's what socialism does. The best intensions always have the worst consequences.[/quote]Dude, do you have any idea what socialism is? You're the exact problem everyone here is discussing. I'll be honest, I didn't read anything after that sentence. You know why? It's probably all bullshit. You DO know that while the US is mostly following capitalistic ideologies, we've had a mixed economy for years? A mixed economy is a mixture between (in most cases of mixed economies) socialism and capitalism. What the hell do you think Medicare and Medicaid are? One-hundred percent industries completely inspired by capitalism? Absolutely not. What about public school? I'm not sure if there are federal laws on public schools, but every single state controls their public schools, as well as their public universities.

[quote name='Jamstruth' post='2692308' date='Mar 22 2010, 10:09 AM'][quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='2691405' date='Mar 22 2010, 04:43 AM']-It's called Imperialism. We aren't even the first country to do it. Before World War I, the four superpowers of Europe (in my opinion) were the complete and utter assholes of the world. It is because of Europe's mistakes our government felt a need to impose themselves in Europe's agenda. Look at the League of Nations after WWI: a complete failure. The United Nations was 100x more powerful because we were in it. Later called NATO, by the way (IIRC).[/quote]
UN is not NATO. NATO is a seperate entity from the UN and is a lot smaller. NATO stands for Northern Atlantic Treaty Organisation and comprises of most of Europe and North America. The UN is a much bigger organisation comprising of many of the world's countries.
Also I love how you're so self important in America "Everything sucks unless we're in it" -_-[/quote]OK, thanks. I was mixing them up a little bit.

Er, those were only a few instances. I'm sorry if it came off that way, but I'm sure many countries in Europe can handle problems by themselves nowadays. Who knows, we may not have been very strong either if we were involved in the two World Wars from the start like countries in Europe have been.

[quote name='Pliskron' post='2692494' date='Mar 22 2010, 11:28 AM']You're a fucking idiot. The state education system had been a failure. Social programs have been a failure. Social Security is bankrupt. I'm all for safety nets but not for funding all the bullshit that just makes people lazy and unproductive. Yes it is harder for me to become a millionaire when the government takes more that 50% of my income and lines the pockets of their political supporters then gives the rest to stupid bitches that can't be bothered to use birth control because they know they'll get my money. Thats the real social injustice. Any yes Hitler was a socialist he was head of the national socialist party. Yes socialists do tell you what to eat. They're trying to ban salt in restaurants right now. Yes they do tell you what to think. Look at the speech codes in schools. I can't own a skunk, or a double edged knife not that I want ether but tell me thats not micro managing a persons life.

I'll leave you with a quote from Ben Franklin
“I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” – Ben Franklin[/quote]*facepalm* Your claims are pretty "out there;" where are you getting all of this information from, anyway? Yes, you named some of the flaws of communism, good job. What about flaws of capitalism? Paying minimum wage to a family of six while the president and CEO of the company (lets say McDonald's) makes millions. Granted, working hard gives you better chances of success here, but some DO fail even with hard work. Also, inflation and deflation of our currency is a MAJOR problem we face with the type of "economic roller coaster" we have.

Again, that is a flaw of socialism. But here's the problem, that's pure communism, something that no country has ever adopted. Besides, you speak as if we're actually becoming a communist country. It'll never happen. The People won't ever allow it. Look at the original post; that's just for a HEALTH CARE BILL. Imagine if the government were to try and centralize property to the federal government in America! Anyways, even if we did, what makes you think we'll adopt that principle?

Look, communism doesn't make people work less hard, its the fact that they are unmotivated to work hard. When Benjamin was alive, Russia had absolutely filthy living conditions for its serfs. No matter what they did, they were poor and hungry. If you were poor and hungry all the time, you wouldn't even have the energy to do much else besides farming (much didn't have the energy for that either. This wasn't just happening in Russia, but it was the worst there).
I was thinking more along the lines of any time such a thing comes up in debate "we have/are bringing them democracy" being the buzzword/phrase of choice (if I was not about to watch a film I would spend some time in tracking down a news clip compilation of a few hundred talking heads (surprisingly few will know of the idea coming from ancient Greece) but if you wish to read my somewhat glib comment as something more I shall not stop you.
[quote name='FAST6191' post='2693517' date='Mar 22 2010, 11:30 PM']I was thinking more along the lines of any time such a thing comes up in debate "we have/are bringing them democracy" being the buzzword/phrase of choice (if I was not about to watch a film I would spend some time in tracking down a news clip compilation of a few hundred talking heads (surprisingly few will know of the idea coming from ancient Greece) but if you wish to read my somewhat glib comment as something more I shall not stop you.[/quote]

If you get time to track down that film clip I'd be well interested in seeing it!
Well America is at the cross roads. Our system has sparked the technological innovation that has lead the world and been the engine to the world economies for the past 100 years. Our system not communism or socialism has been the world leader in creating new drugs, space exploration, the development of the computer industry. So the choice is are we going to be world innovates and keep the system that made us a great nation or are we going to slip into European style socialism, go broke, have high taxes, a nanny state, perpetual 10% unemployment. Trade prosperity for handouts. I honestly have no idea what side will win or if some combination of the two will ultimately prevail but I do know that this fight will cause a lot of upheaval over the next three years.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2693562' date='Mar 22 2010, 04:49 PM']Well America is at the cross roads. Our system has sparked the technological innovation that has lead the world and been the engine to the world economies for the past 100 years. Our system not communism or socialism has been the world leader in creating new drugs, space exploration, the development of the computer industry. So the choice is are we going to be world innovates and keep the system that made us a great nation or are we going to slip into European style socialism, go broke, have high taxes, a nanny state, perpetual 10% unemployment. Trade prosperity for handouts. I honestly have no idea what side will win or if some combination of the two will ultimately prevail but I do know that this fight will cause a lot of upheaval over the next three years.[/quote]
So you are trolling. :D You're pretty good IMO. :O
Just read some of this stuff (like the first 3 pages), and honestly you guys are the retarded ones if you think all the Tea Partiers put up similar signs. I also remember a topic I started a while back, and I did some research, and I still don't like what I studied. If you watch ONLY the news stations that broadcast only the views of Democrats, then you are by far missing the whole picture. This bill would do me some good, my medications for Bi-polar disorder cost me over 2000 dollars a month (Parents still pay for them), and to be quite honest I want no part of the money in this bill. At most I would only want SS/MCA until I can get a decent job with or without health insurance, or until I can pay for it. I don't need pussy government handouts. :)

I do take major offense to the Pelosi name of Tea Bagger, as I went to one of the rallies. I only saw two... TWO racist signs! For pete's sake I may be a sheep, but I have brains enough to figure this stuff out as I go...

EDIT: OMG a photshopped Glen Beck picture. How much skill you have good sir. :bow: :sarcasm:
[quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='2693570' date='Mar 23 2010, 12:51 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='2693562' date='Mar 22 2010, 04:49 PM']Well America is at the cross roads. Our system has sparked the technological innovation that has lead the world and been the engine to the world economies for the past 100 years. Our system not communism or socialism has been the world leader in creating new drugs, space exploration, the development of the computer industry. So the choice is are we going to be world innovates and keep the system that made us a great nation or are we going to slip into European style socialism, go broke, have high taxes, a nanny state, perpetual 10% unemployment. Trade prosperity for handouts. I honestly have no idea what side will win or if some combination of the two will ultimately prevail but I do know that this fight will cause a lot of upheaval over the next three years.[/quote]
So you are trolling. :D You're pretty good IMO. :O

Exactly what I was thinking. How long are you going to keep trolling, or do you really believe what you say ?
Wait..did you say that Europe has a 10% unemployment rate?
I'm sure you mixed us up :)
5,7% ..and the people that are unemployed aren't flat broke. Isn't that a HUGE difference in our 'bad' system and your 'great' system?

The 'world leader' part...I'm just gonna ignore that, because that's just BS. A system that makes world innovates? Not really. Newton didn't invent formulas because the English system was that great, he was just smart. Same goes for Da Vinci, Edison, Wright Brothers etc. It's just because they were smart people (and creative).

Last but not least:
You keep saying that Europe is broke, I really don't get it. Where is your source?
[quote name='Hidoshi' post='2693663' date='Mar 22 2010, 05:26 PM'][quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='2693570' date='Mar 23 2010, 12:51 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='2693562' date='Mar 22 2010, 04:49 PM']Well America is at the cross roads. Our system has sparked the technological innovation that has lead the world and been the engine to the world economies for the past 100 years. Our system not communism or socialism has been the world leader in creating new drugs, space exploration, the development of the computer industry. So the choice is are we going to be world innovates and keep the system that made us a great nation or are we going to slip into European style socialism, go broke, have high taxes, a nanny state, perpetual 10% unemployment. Trade prosperity for handouts. I honestly have no idea what side will win or if some combination of the two will ultimately prevail but I do know that this fight will cause a lot of upheaval over the next three years.[/quote]
So you are trolling. :D You're pretty good IMO. :O

Exactly what I was thinking. How long are you going to keep trolling, or do you really believe what you say ?
Wait..did you say that Europe has a 10% unemployment rate?
I'm sure you mixed us up :)
5,7% ..and the people that are unemployed aren't flat broke. Isn't that a HUGE difference in our 'bad' system and your 'great' system?

The 'world leader' part...I'm just gonna ignore that, because that's just BS. A system that makes world innovates? Not really. Newton didn't invent formulas because the English system was that great, he was just smart. Same goes for Da Vinci, Edison, Wright Brothers etc. It's just because they were smart people (and creative).

Last but not least:
You keep saying that Europe is broke, I really don't get it. Where is your source?
[/quote]His ass.

But seriously, I've already asked him that, but he's posted nothing.
Euro area unemployment is 9.9%

Yea that's a great system. Currency is taking a dive. We also have states with really low unemployment you can't just cherry pick one state and say "look look" we're doing great. Spain, Greece, and Italy are all drowding in debt and threating to bring everyone else down with them. So there you go . Fucking Netherlands. What do like 10 people live there. Not really a big economy is it?
[quote name='Hidoshi' post='2693663' date='Mar 23 2010, 01:26 AM']5,7% ..and the people that are unemployed aren't flat broke. Isn't that a HUGE difference in our 'bad' system and your 'great' system?[/quote]

I think you missed this part. Thanks to a social system people that are unemployed aren't flat broke and they get the chance to look for a new job.
Nice stereotypes btw, 10 people in the Netherlands. Bet you've never been outside of the US.


Look at this, dark green is the 'original' European Union, the lighter green are countries that joined in 2004 and lightest green is countries that joined in 2007. The countries that joined are poor countries and thanks to that the unemploment percentage rises. But thanks to the European Union these countries will all get richer and get more welfare.

And lol, you mentioned Italy, yeah one of the BEST European countries. Berlusconi FTW :sarcasm:
Can someone PLEASE just block Pliskron from posting in here? It's obvious he's either a slave to his parents, believes everything they say, is a troll, or just doesn't have a brain
[quote name='Hidoshi' post='2693740' date='Mar 23 2010, 12:57 AM']I think you missed this part. Thanks to a social system people that are unemployed aren't flat broke and they get the chance to look for a new job.
Nice stereotypes btw, 10 people in the Netherlands. Bet you've never been outside of the US.[/quote]

10 people in the netherlands, 420 every day, yet still live better than they would if they were in America.
Well you made my point for me. No one has to work. Everyone gets handouts. That's a shitty system in my book. I'd rather work and keep what I work for. Not float a bunch of bums. Sounds like a formula for running out of money. Oh Greece was giving handouts and now they're broke. Yeah good system. Everyone has money until there is no money left to hand out. I know rioting will solve it.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2693703' date='Mar 23 2010, 12:45 AM']Euro area unemployment is 9.9%

Yea that's a great system. Currency is taking a dive. We also have states with really low unemployment you can't just cherry pick one state and say "look look" we're doing great. Spain, Greece, and Italy are all drowding in debt and threating to bring everyone else down with them. So there you go . Fucking Netherlands. What do like 10 people live there. Not really a big economy is it?[/quote]

You can't look on Europe as one country or one system. Sure there are a bunch of common laws but each country is still a country in it's own right, governed by it's own government. It's not exactly like the state. So comparing Europe as a whole to the USA is an incorrect analogy. This'll be my last post though cos the last comment you make proves you're just a troll. It's been fun though.
Yeah I throw facts at you that you can't deal with so I'm a troll. That's convenient. It has been fun btw.

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