The USA is full of vampires


And I don't mean literal ones. Seriously. It seems for just about every type of crime: "death! off with their head! kill him! sentence him to death!" Seriously, what good will killing someone do? Maybe the crime is murder. Will taking his or her life bring the dead back to life? No. Killing a murderer does absolutely no good. At all. All it will do is cause more pain for his or her family. Pain begets pain. Sorrow begets sorrow. Death begets death.

People are so...bloodthirsty...both literal, and figuratively. Why are people taking pleasure in watching others die? (Games excluded, those are bits of data.) The media gets ratings and revenue from people sentenced to death. And people get a guilty pleasure out of it, whether they'll admit it or not.

We have the highest jail rate(Dunno if China's is higher, can't remember), and last I checked, highest death punishment rate in the world(I may be a tad off on this, correct me if I am...).

My question to you guys is: Why? Why so seri-bloodthirsty? It's as if...if someone does just one thing you don't like, you're crowing for blood... And if it's not our fucked up judicial system doing it, it's people taking matters into their owns hands. Which is that much worse...

Highest jail rate, and that jail rate is paid for by the working class.
Highest death penalty rate(Excluding China, for sure...), again, paid by the working class. Death is expensive, people, both psychological and monetarily.

For as much as people like to say we're better, just how much better are we then...say...China? North Korea? I can't say we're all together much better then them. IT's as if we're in the dark ages again...quite literally, you can't trust anyone anymore...;-; Heck, the IRS is doing a new(?) thing where if you know someone is cheating on taxes, you can turn them in and get MONEY for that. Now they're turning people against each other? And the sad thing is, people are doing it! Yet more bloodthirst. Yeah, I'm rambling, but oh well.

People say we have rights? What rights? Certainly none that I see. "Right to marry who you want." Yeah. Tell that to a Christian then mention gays, lesbians, the like. Let's see what happens.

Freedom of Speech: Not really. If the government doesn't like something, it can, it will, and it has censored stuff.
Freedom of Religion: Definate no. Here, it's either you're a goddamn christian or it's gtfo. There's no freedom of religion here. Don't think there ever was. Yeah, you can practice it. But the rate things are much long before Christians, Catholics, Muslims, any of them..., decide they've had enough. Theres absolutely no tolerence. And don't try sugar coating it. It's a fact. Just look at GLBT rights.
Freedom of Press: Again, not really. If someone doesn't like it, one way or the other, it'll get demolished(not talking about buildings).
Freedom of Assembly: Uh-huh. No. You can organize, but if the government doesn't like it, they'll shut you down. Heck, if no one else cares, they may STILL shut you down. It's disgusting.

Then there's the whole busted up Patent system. You "infringe" on a patent, rest assured, whoever it is will try, and most likely succeed, and bleed you dry. I'm looking at you, Apple. And you, Nintendo. Hell, any big business has done it at least once.

Oh yes, did I mention suing? You can sue, and I've seen it happen, for someone looking at you wrong. Seriously. Is that what we're reduced to? Petty squabbles that can easily ruin someones life for decades? Come on, people...

I don't know about Europe, or Asia, or whatever, but I can honestly say this country is falling. Fast. And hard. And it sucks. You can get sued, jailed, or even executed, for just about anything these days. I honestly thought we'd gotten out of the dark ages, but thinking about it, we haven't. It's just sugar coated.



Then there is the rest of the US (the majority) who doesn't know about this and don't care either. >.>

Anyways I concur. :)
[quote name='BoxShot' post='2647998' date='Mar 10 2010, 12:31 AM']Then there is the rest of the US (the majority) who doesn't know about this and don't care either. >.>

Anyways I concur. :)[/quote]

On a different note, I finally get your avatar. XD

Got the omnibus as a was...worth it XD
the US is a declining nation every time they try to make things better they always end up getting worse that's one of the reasons i left and came to Japan its only a matter of time before it falls apart completely.
[quote name='syko5150' post='2648007' date='Mar 9 2010, 08:38 PM']the US is a declining nation every time they try to make things better they always end up getting worse that's one of the reasons i left and came to Japan its only a matter of time before it falls apart completely.[/quote]
Heh I want to leave to another country!
[quote name='BoxShot' post='2648018' date='Mar 10 2010, 12:43 AM'][quote name='syko5150' post='2648007' date='Mar 9 2010, 08:38 PM']the US is a declining nation every time they try to make things better they always end up getting worse that's one of the reasons i left and came to Japan its only a matter of time before it falls apart completely.[/quote]
Heh I want to leave to another country!

You and me both. Sadly, it costs an arm, leg, and your head to do so.
well for me i sold my home in California and my fiancee has family here in Japan and after 4 months i finally bought a house here =)
visit syko for free beer buhahaha

but back to topic: wow, didnt realise that the situation in US suck that badly. I knew about the sueing, i mean i saw a report a few years back about a person sueing another on a matter regarded to pants, but looking at a person can get u sue, god darn, guess that's one thing that singapore has lost to US and that i am grateful to that.
[quote name='mrfatso' post='2648031' date='Mar 9 2010, 10:56 PM']visit syko for free beer buhahaha[/quote]
lol or in your case free milk & juice since you dont drink alcohol =D
You sound like a 15 yr old hippie kid, with no real life experience... individuals who kill for pleasure and murder people's loved ones kinda need to die. I'd prefer to use my tax money to kill these individuals, then continue to pay for their 'treatment", food, and other expenses. Granted... the work it takes to convict and kill an individual is costly and long, but in the end... those individuals get what they deserve.

This is coming from an individual with 8 years of Military experience, corruption, murderers, etc. are a plague on any society, whether it be here or in countries outside our "reach".

[quote name='RockmanForte' post='2648390' date='Mar 10 2010, 02:31 PM']Actually, the world is full of vampires.. Not just the USA. :)[/quote]

yes, Vampires are a subculture, a counterculture, and in extreme cases a way of life.

Anyway more people are put to death in China but that's because there are more crimes that are capital offenses and even unintentionally producing a bad product can send you to the firing squad, look at the people who put lead in their toys and melamine and other chemicals in food, they were all executed even the people who didn't do this on purpose.
All I can say is: +1

@Wynd: What they did is bad, and as much as I'd want to see them get the same treatment as their victims, it's just inhuman. Just jail them for a long time/the rest of their life. That's much better than just killing them. No one's going to feel any better about him/her being dead, not the victim(s) nor the family.
[quote name='BeatriceTheGolden' post='2648346' date='Mar 10 2010, 06:55 AM']lol socialism[/quote]

What he's talking about is not socialism at all. Socialism is a government-run economy. This is searching for freedom in a country that is supposedly free, but has a political and criminal system that promotes anything but freedom.

I agree that it's not the governments job to condemn someone to death, but I do think you should be able to take whatever matters in to your own hands that you want.
^ But what good will that do?

Someone wrongs you >
-> You attack/harm/kill said person >
-> Someone from their family retaliates >
-> You or someone from your family retaliates >
-> So on, and so on

It becomes an endless chain of pain, sorrow, and potentially death.
It would make you feel better. And if there was a perfect society, you could protect yourself by any means necessary so you wouldn't have to worry about retailiation. And if there is retaliation, it's your own fault for not taking all your precautions. You don't have to exact revenge, it'd just be nice if you had the option.

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