Yet again, Americans prove just how pathetic they are

Seriously. This kind of crap...really makes me want to just pack up and leave this country. Patriots can say whatever they want, but this country is garbage now. After 50 STILL will only ever boil down to racism. Some of those signs literally make me want to puke.

"If Brown can't stop it, then a Browning can"? What? What the hell is wrong with people like this?

"Impeach Obama." Not really the message that's stupid, but really. Putting Obama down to Hitler's level? Hitler was a good leader, and a genocidal one. Obama isn't as good of a leader as he could be, and I've yet to see him go after entire groups of people with the single intent of killing them.

"Marxism is an Obama-Nation" I didn't know we were communist now. I didn't know that Marxism was actually bad. Communism as it is right now is bad, but Marxism at least had some good points to it...

"Undocumented Worker" Can people use their brains please? At least he was born in the damn states. Unlike some other old fogey's we know...

"No Voo-Doo Medicine" And religious "medicine" isn't the same thing? Again, people. USE YOUR BRAIN.

"Bye Bye blahblahblah Hello Socialism" Isn't Canada socialist? They're doing far better then we are, last I checked... This country is so...afraid of everything that stands for something better...

"Please don't $pend my future" and "Kill the Bill, Save the Babies". Using the kids as essential billboards just makes me want to punt that woman. Please. Someone let me. Then again, yet another person wanting to take away someone elses choice.

"Kill the bill or face the November Slaughter" Planning a riot, are we? Wait until 2012, please. Seriously though. Are people this fucking stupid?

Sometimes I wonder just how this country got to be anything big at all...


Oddly enough, that's not even "many" of us. That's a wonderful crew that i laugh at on a daily basis. They are the Palinites. They are the ones that are trying to run the country that will never, because they're just fucking idiots.

I don't blame you grouping all Americans in with the Tea Baggers (or tea party members or whatever they're called now). They've made enough news that it seems like it's all of us.
[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687082' date='Mar 20 2010, 08:22 PM']"Marxism is an Obama-Nation" I didn't know we were communist now. I didn't know that Marxism was actually bad. Communism as it is right now is bad, but Marxism at least had some good points to it...[/quote]

I found a lot of your post questionable, but I just wanted to know what some of the good points of Marxism were. And how it isn't Communism.

If it's any consolation though, I agree America has more or less turned to shit over the past decades.
If you believe everything you read on the you're an idiot. These are people who are sick and tired of corrupt politicians on both sides spending trillions on dollars on nothing. We're going bankrupt and this time Obama and the Democrats are at the wheel driving us over a cliff. Liberals like to talk about sustainable food and energy, well what about a sustainable fiscal policy? We're putting all of our selfishness on the backs of our children. They're the ones I worry about. I don't feel comfortable with China being my land lord because they're holding so much of our debt and financing political greed. So you might think tea partiers suck but I think you suck and I think your type sucks. At least some people are trying to pull the county back from the brink of ruin before we end up like Greece or the old soviet union.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2687107' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:35 PM']If you believe everything you read on the you're an idiot. These are people who are sick and tired of corrupt politicians on both sides spending trillions on dollars on nothing. We're going bankrupt and this time Obama and the Democrats are at the wheel driving us over a cliff. Liberals like to talk about sustainable food and energy, well what about a sustainable fiscal policy? We're putting all of our selfishness on the backs of our children. They're the ones I worry about. I don't feel comfortable with China being my land lord because they're holding so much of our debt and financing political greed. So you might think tea partiers suck but I think you suck and I think your type sucks. At least some people are trying to pull the county back from the brink of ruin before we end up like Greece or the old soviet union.[/quote]

[quote name='Pliskron' post='2687107' date='Mar 20 2010, 07:35 PM']If you believe everything you read on the you're an idiot. These are people who are sick and tired of corrupt politicians on both sides spending trillions on dollars on nothing. We're going bankrupt and this time Obama and the Democrats are at the wheel driving us over a cliff. Liberals like to talk about sustainable food and energy, well what about a sustainable fiscal policy? We're putting all of our selfishness on the backs of our children. They're the ones I worry about. I don't feel comfortable with China being my land lord because they're holding so much of our debt and financing political greed. So you might think tea partiers suck but I think you suck and I think your type sucks. At least some people are trying to pull the county back from the brink of ruin before we end up like Greece or the old soviet union.[/quote]
You practically just proved his point with your own post. Way to go.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2687107' date='Mar 20 2010, 05:35 PM']If you believe everything you read on the you're an idiot. These are people who are sick and tired of corrupt politicians on both sides spending trillions on dollars on nothing. We're going bankrupt and this time Obama and the Democrats are at the wheel driving us over a cliff. Liberals like to talk about sustainable food and energy, well what about a sustainable fiscal policy? We're putting all of our selfishness on the backs of our children. They're the ones I worry about. I don't feel comfortable with China being my land lord because they're holding so much of our debt and financing political greed. So you might think tea partiers suck but I think you suck and I think your type sucks. At least some people are trying to pull the county back from the brink of ruin before we end up like Greece or the old soviet union.[/quote]
we know who are republican is :P
[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687113' date='Mar 21 2010, 02:38 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='2687107' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:35 PM']If you believe everything you read on the you're an idiot. These are people who are sick and tired of corrupt politicians on both sides spending trillions on dollars on nothing. We're going bankrupt and this time Obama and the Democrats are at the wheel driving us over a cliff. Liberals like to talk about sustainable food and energy, well what about a sustainable fiscal policy? We're putting all of our selfishness on the backs of our children. They're the ones I worry about. I don't feel comfortable with China being my land lord because they're holding so much of our debt and financing political greed. So you might think tea partiers suck but I think you suck and I think your type sucks. At least some people are trying to pull the county back from the brink of ruin before we end up like Greece or the old soviet union.[/quote]


Yeah ok nothing to say. Our debt ceiling has just been raised to over 12 trillion dollars. Who's going to pay for that? Can we ever pay that back. Whats worse is it's only going up to 14.5 trillion by next year. Where do you think money comes from fairy dust? Well that would explain things wouldn't it.

<hr>Posts merged

[quote name='flatoutvincent' post='2687126' date='Mar 21 2010, 02:43 AM'][quote name='Pliskron' post='2687107' date='Mar 20 2010, 05:35 PM']If you believe everything you read on the you're an idiot. These are people who are sick and tired of corrupt politicians on both sides spending trillions on dollars on nothing. We're going bankrupt and this time Obama and the Democrats are at the wheel driving us over a cliff. Liberals like to talk about sustainable food and energy, well what about a sustainable fiscal policy? We're putting all of our selfishness on the backs of our children. They're the ones I worry about. I don't feel comfortable with China being my land lord because they're holding so much of our debt and financing political greed. So you might think tea partiers suck but I think you suck and I think your type sucks. At least some people are trying to pull the county back from the brink of ruin before we end up like Greece or the old soviet union.[/quote]
we know who are republican is :P
Fuck Republicans, they helped us get into this mess.
Rock's right. You already proved my point. I didn't say anything because there's nothing that I can come up with to reply to that bought of stupidity.
[quote name='Rock Raiyu' post='2687125' date='Mar 20 2010, 08:42 PM']You practically just proved his point with your own post. Way to go.[/quote]


[quote name='Danny Tanner' post='2687104' date='Mar 20 2010, 08:33 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687082' date='Mar 20 2010, 08:22 PM']"Marxism is an Obama-Nation" I didn't know we were communist now. I didn't know that Marxism was actually bad. Communism as it is right now is bad, but Marxism at least had some good points to it...[/quote]

I found a lot of your post questionable, but I just wanted to know what some of the good points of Marxism were. And how it isn't Communism.

If it's any consolation though, I agree America has more or less turned to shit over the past decades.

What I mean was that, communism, in truth and if done right, COULD lead to the closest thing we'll ever obtain of a utopia. Unfortunately, even if it has that potential, humanity will just screw it up, time and time and time again. Good idea on paper, bad idea any other way.
[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687129' date='Mar 20 2010, 07:44 PM']Rock's right. You already proved my point. I didn't say anything because there's nothing that I can come up with to reply to that bought of stupidity.[/quote]
A face palm might do it, but that seems a little juvenile
[quote name='The Pink Cat Boy' post='2687138' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:47 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687129' date='Mar 20 2010, 07:44 PM']Rock's right. You already proved my point. I didn't say anything because there's nothing that I can come up with to reply to that bought of stupidity.[/quote]
A face palm might do it, but that seems a little juvenile

Facepalm at me or him?
[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687141' date='Mar 20 2010, 07:48 PM'][quote name='The Pink Cat Boy' post='2687138' date='Mar 20 2010, 06:47 PM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687129' date='Mar 20 2010, 07:44 PM']Rock's right. You already proved my point. I didn't say anything because there's nothing that I can come up with to reply to that bought of stupidity.[/quote]
A face palm might do it, but that seems a little juvenile

Facepalm at me or him?
The majority of Americans do not want to spend the money for this health care bill, and I don't blame them. Pointing to Canada and saying, "See, they are doing it and it's better than us!" is a childish and simple-minded approach to the situation.

Something like this might evolve over time, and work. But with the pathetic global economy the way it is, and given that the country is already trillions of dollars in the hole, passing sweeping healthcare legislation, which essentially gives the government unsurpassed control, is a huge mistake.

I am actually trying to move my family to another country, an even more socialist country, because I do not want to live in the mess that is coming down the pipes. At least where I'm going they have the socialized medicine thing somewhat figured out. Good luck fellow Americans.
[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687137' date='Mar 20 2010, 08:46 PM']What I mean was that, communism, in truth and if done right, COULD lead to the closest thing we'll ever obtain of a utopia. Unfortunately, even if it has that potential, humanity will just screw it up, time and time and time again. Good idea on paper, bad idea any other way.[/quote]

So having no rights or individual liberty sounds ideal? I know a lot of people say 'communism looks good on paper' but what they are actually looking for is anarchy. An anarchist society is a peaceful one where people are free from the constraints of government, yet everyone has their needs met by their own work, or the help of their neighbors during hard times (the key being that it's by their own will.

Seriously, I know a lot of people mean well when they spout on about communism, but it's not what you're looking for, unless you're the type that likes jail.
Canada isn't Socialist, we have a mixed economy, which takes both Socialist aspects and Capitalist aspects. Mostly Capitalist. But I agree with what you are saying.
[quote name='Pliskron' post='2687107' date='Mar 20 2010, 05:35 PM']If you believe everything you read on the you're an idiot. These are people who are sick and tired of corrupt politicians on both sides spending trillions on dollars on nothing. We're going bankrupt and this time Obama and the Democrats are at the wheel driving us over a cliff. Liberals like to talk about sustainable food and energy, well what about a sustainable fiscal policy? We're putting all of our selfishness on the backs of our children. They're the ones I worry about. I don't feel comfortable with China being my land lord because they're holding so much of our debt and financing political greed. So you might think tea partiers suck but I think you suck and I think your type sucks. At least some people are trying to pull the county back from the brink of ruin before we end up like Greece or the old soviet union.[/quote]

LMFAO... all I hear is "MONEY MONEY MONEY THINK OF THE MONEY" with a vapid outer layer of "TEH CHILDRENZ, THINK OF THEM!"

[quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687137' date='Mar 21 2010, 02:46 AM']What I mean was that, communism, in truth and if done right, COULD lead to the closest thing we'll ever obtain of a utopia. Unfortunately, even if it has that potential, humanity will just screw it up, time and time and time again. Good idea on paper, bad idea any other way.[/quote]
Look who's stupid. Communism has only lead to the party officials having all of a nations wealth and the reast of the people going hungry and waiting in long food lines for scraps. You can't name one time were communism has ever been successful for a nation. I can tell you that it's lead to famines that killed tens on millions the China and over six million starved in the Ukraine. Human rights trampled on freedom of speech banned. That is communism. The only place it can work is in your head or a fairy tale.

Just look if you dare.
[quote name='Danny Tanner' post='2687147' date='Mar 21 2010, 12:51 AM'][quote name='shinkukage09' post='2687137' date='Mar 20 2010, 08:46 PM']What I mean was that, communism, in truth and if done right, COULD lead to the closest thing we'll ever obtain of a utopia. Unfortunately, even if it has that potential, humanity will just screw it up, time and time and time again. Good idea on paper, bad idea any other way.[/quote]

So having no rights or individual liberty sounds ideal? I know a lot of people say 'communism looks good on paper' but what they are actually looking for is anarchy. An anarchist society is a peaceful one where people are free from the constraints of government, yet everyone has their needs met by their own work, or the help of their neighbors during hard times (the key being that it's by their own will.

Seriously, I know a lot of people mean well when they spout on about communism, but it's not what you're looking for, unless you're the type that likes jail.

Maybe you should try looking up a definition of communism that isn't the American one.

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