I need help about relationships..

I am completely confused. There are these 2 girls in my life... I can't tell who I like... It is like completely mixed feelings.

- The first girl, I like. Mainly because she was funny, smart, made me laugh, but then it came to the point where you aren't very... interested in the person anymore. So now, I am not sure whether or not I still like her.
- The second girl, I like too. She is funny, and makes me laugh more than the first girl. And when ever I talk to the second girl, I seem to enjoy myself more and the both of us can get along better than me and the first girl.

So now, I am not sure who I like... I like them both, but then I feel that I like the second girl more because we can get along better. What am I suppose to do...?

People tease me about the 1st girl and me since we both know we like each other. But then I know I am beginning to lose interest in her because I don't see it anymore. The same feelings I had before are gone now.

The 2nd girl, we don't know who likes who. All I know is that we seem to get along better, and I like her too. Well somewhat like her... xD. And then her best friend asked me if I liked her, I said a little. And there was a party last night... I could get along with her easily. And I met her last year, but just never saw it. But now, I like her... >_<.



[quote name='astrangeone' post='2444104' date='Dec 7 2009, 09:01 PM'][quote name='George Dawes' post='2443842' date='Dec 7 2009, 03:40 PM'][quote name='Splych' post='2443745' date='Dec 7 2009, 10:46 PM']@George ~ What...?[/quote]
Make the nasty with both of them - the one that lets you slip it in the stink is the one you want to choose. Clear?

Dude, George. Relationships with girls don't always have to lead to sex, at least not immediately. Splych is 13, for pete's sake! Ugh. Seriously, kids these days...
Oh, so that's what he meant... God damnit, I am 13. I don't get it... Why do people who always think about those things... x_x
Yeah, I'm glad you feel that way about sex. Such a double standard for women and men. Men who sleep around are heroes/praised for it, and women who are aren't. You are mature for your age, Splych.

Ugh. Seriously, sex isn't that important in the long run.
[quote name='Splych' post='2444166' date='Dec 7 2009, 08:45 PM'][quote name='astrangeone' post='2444104' date='Dec 7 2009, 09:01 PM'][quote name='George Dawes' post='2443842' date='Dec 7 2009, 03:40 PM'][quote name='Splych' post='2443745' date='Dec 7 2009, 10:46 PM']@George ~ What...?[/quote]
Make the nasty with both of them - the one that lets you slip it in the stink is the one you want to choose. Clear?

Dude, George. Relationships with girls don't always have to lead to sex, at least not immediately. Splych is 13, for pete's sake! Ugh. Seriously, kids these days...
Oh, so that's what he meant... God damnit, I am 13. I don't get it... Why do people who always think about those things... x_x
Just wait a little longer until your hormones go out of control. Then you will understand.
Time will tell you what you wanna do. Just tell them both you wanna wait and if its worthy one of them will stay around. Don't rush no need to youll know when its right
Lol I'm in a similar situation as you and im also 13
Just go with your gut, thats what i'm gnna do
[quote name='Magmorph' post='2444335' date='Dec 8 2009, 12:04 AM'][quote name='Splych' post='2444166' date='Dec 7 2009, 08:45 PM'][quote name='astrangeone' post='2444104' date='Dec 7 2009, 09:01 PM'][quote name='George Dawes' post='2443842' date='Dec 7 2009, 03:40 PM'][quote name='Splych' post='2443745' date='Dec 7 2009, 10:46 PM']@George ~ What...?[/quote]
Make the nasty with both of them - the one that lets you slip it in the stink is the one you want to choose. Clear?

Dude, George. Relationships with girls don't always have to lead to sex, at least not immediately. Splych is 13, for pete's sake! Ugh. Seriously, kids these days...
Oh, so that's what he meant... God damnit, I am 13. I don't get it... Why do people who always think about those things... x_x
Just wait a little longer until your hormones go out of control. Then you will understand.
lol yes, wait till you reach the age of 15. That's when boys turn into man whores.
[quote name='astrangeone' post='2444104' date='Dec 8 2009, 02:01 AM']Dude, George. Relationships with girls don't always have to lead to sex, at least not immediately. Splych is 13, for pete's sake! Ugh. Seriously, kids these days...[/quote]
Exactly, he's 13 - at that age most people are having sex. And it's not a "symptom of the age we live in/the decay of modern society" as some would have us believe. Teens having sex has been going on forever - I can testify it's been happening since the 1950's (which makes a mockery of your "kids these days - I've not been a kid for a very long time, likely since before your parents!).

[quote name='astrangeone' post='2444330' date='Dec 8 2009, 04:56 AM']Yeah, I'm glad you feel that way about sex. Such a double standard for women and men. Men who sleep around are heroes/praised for it, and women who are aren't. You are mature for your age, Splych.[/quote]
When did splych even mention the double standards? I agree completely btw, we are all aware of the madonna/whore dichotomy and the way patriarchal society applauds the "stud" but denounces the "whore".

People with a puritanical attitude towards sex, such as yours don't help matters - it's possible to be against the popular, patriarchal view of sex and still be Sex Positive.

And for you kids not reaching puberty till you are 15 - is this because of all the plastic/female hormones in the water supply delaying it? heheheh
There is no good or bad solution. It may be a little bit cliché, but listen to your heart, and not your hormones. I had a story like thant when I was 13-14 years. I thought I was in love with a girl, we were very close, I had so many occasions to be with her (even now I still have my chances lol), etc... But finally I waited and when my mind was clear, I understood that my feelings were not love but really strong friendship... So strong that my friends think that we should be together lol

A french proverb says that running is worthless, you have to leave on time. ("Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point") So just take your time :)
@ astrangeone ~ I see... xD.

@ Magmorph, RockRaiyu, George Dawes ~ People have sex at 13... So young... I would've expected it to be like at 16, but 13... O_O. We'll see when I am in Secondary School what'll happen with my hormones. Honestly, the only things I have actually cared about right now is School, Videogames, and a few people in my life. Nothing much... But maybe the hormones will come later... I know one thing though, I have hit puberty xD.

@ Sao, Zero ~ I am waiting. I think I just wanna talk to them, and then that's when I will actually find out. Once I actually get to know them better. But yesterday, the 2nd girl asked if I liked her. But right before that, my friend told me, that she likes me, and then he asked the same thing to me, if I liked her. I said yeah I do, but I am not fully sure. Then when I answered the girl, I answered "Yeah I like, you." Hopefully, that didn't kill anything =[

@ Ritsuki ~ That's very... Wow. I am gonna take my time, just get to know the girls better. I am gonna try hanging out with the girls to know how I actually feel. To know if we are just close friends, or if we might be more than that. We'll see. That's french quote, I am learning French as my secondary language. Wow...

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