Give me a break, Repubs...

Many conservatives enraged over Obama school speech
Ignore the sometimes strange fragmented stuff, I went over the quote limit. Stupid quote limit...

I saw this and I just have to rant about this/share it.

The White House found itself on the defensive Friday over what would ordinarily be considered the most uncontroversial of events: a back-to-school speech to the nation's children.

Which many, many presidents have done. It's nothing new that the presidents are doing. Gimme a damn break, people.

Many conservative parents aren't buying it. They're convinced the president is going to use the opportunity to press a partisan political agenda on impressionable young minds

Of course they're not buying it. They're twice the normal butthurt. Why? Because Obama is black, and is a democrat. No one complained when Bush Jr. or Bush Sr. did this exact thing. No one really complained when B. Clinton did it, either. So why are they doing it now? I say because Obama is black(thus chalking this down to racism, which is no surprise.) and because McOldfogeyofNam(no offense, Nam veterans.) lost. What's sad? Obama's not even full "black". At least he was born in the actual US, and not Panama like McOldFogey was.

"Thinking about my kids in school having to listen to that just really upsets me," suburban Colorado mother Shanneen Barron told CNN Denver affiliate KMGH. "I'm an American. They are Americans, and I don't feel that's OK. I feel very scared to be in this country with our leadership right now."

People like this...I could shoot them, and not feel a single ounce of remorse over it. I mean, come on. This is fucking pathetic, dude. Obama is an American too, moreso then McOldFogey, since Obama was actual born in the actual US. You feel "very scared" to be in this country right now? Yet you felt safe while Dubya Bush was in office? He was the one(his daddy did it too...) that started a war in Afghanistan, AND Iraq. AND Israel(though this one's been going on for a really long time). He could've gotten us nukebombed at any time. Obama hasn't done that, and hopefully I don't need to add a "yet" to this.

School administrators are caught in the middle of the controversy. Some have decided to show the president's speech, while others will not. Many, such as Wellesley, Massachusetts, superintendent Bella Wong, are deciding on a class-by-class basis, leaving the decision in the hands of individual teachers.

So what about the fucking students themselves? It's to them, and for them, why don't they get any say in it? That's just bullshit. It should be, if anyone, the students themselves deciding. Not the teachers and parents who always seem to know what's best for everyone(Which they don't, proven fact.).

Republican leaders have not shied away from the debate. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a possible contender for the GOP's 2012 presidential nomination, said Friday the classroom is no place to show a video address from Obama.

"At a minimum it's disruptive. Number two, it's uninvited. And number three, if people would like to hear his message they can, on a voluntary basis, go to YouTube or some other source and get it. I don't think he needs to force it upon the nation's school children," he told reporters at the Minnesota State fair.

Ahem, forgive me while I go laugh my ass off at this.
"No place to show a video address from Obama. Tell me, did you say the same thing when Bush did it? When Clinton did it? When Bush Sr. did it? No, I really don't think so.
  1. "Disruptive" - Bush did it. So did his pops.
  2. "Uninvited" - He has every right to do it, if all the others could
  3. "Youtube" - Since when the hell are conservatives embracing Youtube? Last I checked, they'd sooner have the damn internet gone, black's back in chains, and women back in the kitchen only.
So pathetic...

"As the father of four children, I am absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology," Greer said.

"The idea that school children across our nation will be forced to watch the president justify his plans ... is not only infuriating, but goes against beliefs of the majority of Americans, while bypassing American parents through an invasive abuse of power.

Hm...majority, huh? Then explain to me...why Obama got in in the first, sorry, you fail, not majority. And it's not bypassing the parents, considering parents never raised a fucking finger before with the other presidents.

Nonsense, the White House replied.

"The goal of the speech and the lesson plans is to challenge students to work hard, stay in school and dramatically reduce the dropout rate," an administration spokesman said. "This isn't a policy speech. It's a speech designed to encourage kids to stay in school."

Well said. At least some people understand what the address is supposed to be. And guess what, it's been this way since we were able to do this stuff.

Charles Saylors, president of the national Parent Teacher Association, said the uproar over Obama's speech is "sad."

"The president of the United States, regardless of political affiliation, should be able to have a presentation and have a pep talk, if you will, to America's students," he told CNN.

Again, very well said. It truly is sad that people have to make an uproar over something like this.

"As far as I'm concerned this is not civics education -- it gives the appearance of creating a cult of personality," said Oklahoma state Sen. Steve Russell, a Republican.

A Republican. Now you people see why I hate most republicans.

It was a much different atmosphere when Bush made similar remarks 18 years ago, Henry noted.

What I've been saying this whole rant.

"Ninety percent of Americans who identify with the president's party approve of him, but 85 percent of those who belong to the opposition party disapprove," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

A Nation Divided....(by zero? *shot*)

Well, there's my rant. Feel free to contribute. This whole thing makes me damn glad I graduated last year(09). Also, here's the reason I hate the US so much now(despite me being a citizen in the US).


You make some solid points. Though if I may say, your points would be better made with a greater level of civility. As great as a rant is for releasing pent up frustrations, people are more likely to chalk up rants and raves to an attack rather than an informative statement.

Again, though, I agree. Every president has given such speeches to the youth of the country before now, it's hardly uncommon. The fact that people are in a tizzy about it now of all times is simply ludicrous. I've read some reports that have these conservative extremists stating that these lectures are designed to create some sort of US-based militia... Think "evil national guard". Which is just absolutely insane.

The Obama administration might be continuing the Afghan and Iraqi wars, but they're only doing so because it's a leftover of the previous administration. If there wasn't a war or two already in progress, the US wouldn't be at war right now. Liberals, of which Obama is one, are typically peace loving.

But what really gets my goat about these people and their statements is that they have a problem with Obama trying to "brainwash the nation's youth" (even though all he's doing is telling kids to stay in school, a noble ideal), for some sort of "secret military purpose" that he clearly does not have...

Yet they had NO problem with the fact that the Bush administration DID in fact do so, and very publicly and very officially at that. They sent military recruiters to schools frequently to tell impressionable kids all about the joy of the military (after all, nothing says good career choice like dying!). And Bush wanted to reinstate the draft. Yesiree, that administration "loved" the next generation so much that they regularly tried to pressure and legally force them into killing people or being themselves killed.

And here we are with a president who only wants to convince children to stay in school, since the children of today are deeply, deeply uneducated. Most not knowing proper English, math, science, geography, and in many cases have difficulty reading. The goal here couldn't be more clear cut, a smarter future America. And yet again, he's being attacked for things that aren't logical or even real. Things the previous administration did do and got away with.

Now, don't get me wrong, while I am on board with the fact that these naysayers are loons, I don't think all republicans are inherently stupid. But I do think the party as a whole is quite lost. There are many great republicans out there, but the party has been reduced to a bunch of cackling children who spend more time Bible thumping and screaming obscenities about this and that that it's very difficult to take them seriously.

The republican party needs to get back to the good old days, when they were the ones you wanted crafting strategies for war, and dealing with fiscal issues. Fiscal responsibility and a solid defense strategy were the name of the game back in the day. But the Bush administration muddied the brand and made it almost unrecognizable. What was left in their wake is somewhat pathetic.

I've heard, though, that there's a large republican movement trying to get back to the good old days when the party stayed out of people's bedrooms and get back to the basics. I really hope they pull it off.
And here we are with a president who only wants to convince children to stay in school

That commie pinko bastard! He should be shipped off to a gulag in Siberia rather than be allowed near our children! Let's see how he likes his precious socialism then!

Frankly, I feel very scared to be in this country with our leadership right now.

While I totally agree that politics should be kept out of the classrooms of the young unless it's teaching a balanced view, and I've got my own views on Obama being a cult of personality that is a fantastic speech. It should be played to all kids in school.

It's highly motivational, raises some excellent points and it's most definitely not a brain washing speech as some of those opposing to it are attempting to make out. Hell, my respect for Obama has been raised after reading that.

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