This is a blog I knew I was going to make one day and I've had well over a month to think it out, yet I am still just gonna have wing it. I ask those who are reading to please have a some respect before commenting and take a moment to understand what happened. This blog is going to be dealing with emotional abuse, emotional manipulation, financial abuse, and a lot of other forms of psychological abuse. I am making this blog to not only example what happened, but to also apologize for my actions. That all being said, I guess it's about time I get to the blog.

There's really really no other way to start this than talking about what happened recently and how everything lead up to that point. As many know, I had two boyfriends, I say had because I finally broke up with them last month. I broke up with them because I finally realized just abusive they really were and how deeply controlling they had become. Over the past couple of years they had slowly conditioned me into giving up my money, giving up friends, and become completely dependent on them for my day to day life. They had actually used my own weakness to slowly cause me to give up ownership of my card, until the point where I didn't even know much money was in my account, I didn't know how much bills cost, I didn't know how much they were spending, I literally wasn't allowed to handle my own money. They coupled this abuse by basically controlling how long I could spend with friends, as I had to money for food or really anything. They were able to do this by abusing my trust and knowledge of my weakness against me. It started out small like, "We are just using your card for our lunches" or "We know you hate shopping at your store when you are off," to slowly wean me into becoming used to them having my card on a regular basis. Until it slowly went from "my card" to "our card," to "the card," and my card was something I never saw after that. Sadly it worked because I believed that they had my best interest in mind and slowly stopped seeing it as abusive behavior. This behavior had sadly not stopped after we broke up. I had let them keep my card to do some repairs on their car and they stole 800$ from me when I was simply trying to help them. Which actually brings me to a very important story about that 800$. After I had gotten my card back from them, I quickly rushed to WalMart to check and withdraw whatever was left on my card (the site for my card is fucked, so I had to go the store to check the balance.) While I was there I came to find out that they had taken over 800$ out of the account and I was a bit upset, not surprised, just upset. As I was walking away from the Customer service desk, I literally ran right into them leave the store and the first things I hear were, "What are doing?" and "Why did you need your pin?" They looked me right in the eyes and asked those questions like they were not only normal questions, but like they had done nothing wrong. They robbed someone who they said that they loved of 800$ and literally acted like it was another day in the park. I don't even remember what I said to them, I just beyond hurt, broken, angered, I wanted to beat the shit out of them. So I got my money and lunch for the week and left the store. My significant other, who I actually left them for, was driving us home and asked me, "How did I feel about running into them like that?" Which actually caused me to go into a complete meltdown in the car and I do remember saying, "I was mad, I was hurt, I wanted to hit them! I wanted them dead!" To which I actually started hitting the dash, screaming, and crying uncontrollably. After years of abuse from those two, I finally had the validation that I needed, the unfair lesson that broke me free from them. The pain I was feeling was too real as I felt a mix of anger, hurt, and yet relief. I knew I was right, I was right about them, I was right about the abuse, and I was right to leave them. I felt freed in that moment as my meltdown slowly subsisted and my loving partner kept by me to make sure I was doing ok. That was the moment of clarity that snapped me out of the delusion those two put me into. The moment when I realized that I didn't need them and that my life is better off without them and that I could move forward.

As time went on they slowly became progressively more controlling over me. They realized that they could easily cause me to have panic attacks by closing me in a room and blocking the door or blocking me in a corner. They used this knowledge to slowly breakdown my mental state until I was subservient to them. They did this whenever they noticed a change in my behavior and would often force answers out of me that fit their narrative. They would actually always find methods of cornering me, from literally cornering me to deciding to "talk" while I am on lunch. All forms were used would cause me to have an anxiety attack and simply cause me to just agree to whatever got me out of that situation. They slowly stopped this behavior when I basically just did whatever they said and they were able to slowly train me like a dog. It literally started becoming, do a task, good girl, here's a treat. And it caused me to just lose touch with my identity as I was basically only allowed to be the bits of myself that they liked, meaning putting so much of myself aside just for them. This is honestly one of the hardest things for me to type, let alone talk about. Deep down I want to believe this isn't true, but I know it is. After breaking up with them, roommates and friends started coming out of the woodwork to confirm that they had witness this happening, but were afraid that telling me would have only pushed me more to them...which is sadly a valid fear because that had happened before. Luckily this time I had help that was willing to drag me out of there, but I will be touching more on that in a bit.

So fast forward through the years as this all slowly becomes a norm and I just become more and more conditioned to it and stopping at last year. Last year I met my partner, Rhi. I met them through a friend of mine when she invited them over to play D&D with our D&D group. They second I saw them I was in love and I just needed them know more about them. As time went on and our friendship grew and we slowly learned more about each other, I slowly started to confide in them that I suspected my boyfriends were abusive. They started to keep an eye on those two and slowly started confirm my suspensions. Fast forward more until September when Rhi had to move in with us because they had lost their job due to medical reasons. After we started living together we finally confided in our love for each other and planned to have me breakup with my boyfriends, as I really didn't want to be with them at that point. I had more than confirmed their abusive behavior and already planned on moving out. Well it ended up backfiring and they cornered me into agreeing to date Rhi on the side, but stay with them. Which only resulted in them secretly abusing Rhi when I wasn't home and trying to break us up by pretending to be the victims. This resulted in my mental state completely falling apart as I no longer knew what to do anymore. I started lashing out like a trapped animal because I that's what I had become. I was trapped with two abusive boyfriends and a lover who was desperately trying to save me, while I was just trying to end myself. It was an extremely ugly couple of months and it's not something I am proud of. Years of abusive behavior and deep conditioning had basically rendered me to be almost completely lost, until one night last month. Last month I got fucking smashed trying to die again and told Rhi to just come over and force me out of there. Which is just what happened. they came over and helped me break up with my boyfriends, then took me to my friend's house. I've been at this house for nearly a month now recovering and safely away from those two. I've also had Rhi living us and help me get to and from work, as well just be a great partner through all of this. So it's been quite the past couple of months for me.
So what does this all have to do with the Temp? Timing, literally bad timing. An incident happened in November which resulted in me getting a warning, to which I was having none of that. I was already suffering from the early stages of my mental breakdown and that just didn't set well with me. So I lashed out and started a kerfuffle with the staff over this warning, which resulted in another warning. Being that I was about as stable as a broken chair, I overreacted to the entire situation and quit. Then the rest were just stages of my meltdown. I felt like I had no control over my own life, so I started acting out in situations where I felt like I could control. The more unstable I became, the more I wanted to control at least one part of my life and sadly the Temp became that part. It wasn't the responsible thing to do, it wasn't right of me to do any of that, and it wasn't healthy. I was attacking innocent people and the staff (who were in the right and just doing their job, might I add,) because I was unstable and my broken mental state believed that my actions could bring some stability to my life. In the end I ended up looking an asshole with 2 warnings and a month long suspension. But that did give me time to reflect on my actions and also spared the Temp anymore issues that would have been caused by my messy breakup. So good on the staff for noticing a problem and handling it to the best of their ability. That all being said though, I would like to publicly apologize to the Staff, @BORTZ in particular. My actions were not acceptable, they were not excusable, and you guys did the right thing, I was in the wrong. BORTZ you were doing your job and I hold the upmost respect for you, I shouldn't have lashed out at you like I did. I wasn't my situation properly and I shouldn't have made that the Temp's problem. Looking back I was acting extremely childish and foolish, the Staff made the right call to warn me and more so did the right thing by suspending me and effectively making me reflect on my actions.

So what's the future look like for me? Well Rhi and I are actually getting my old apartment and my exes are moving out of State. So we are getting a three bedroom apartment behind my workplace and going to be setting our own offices in two of the rooms and working on going to Japan in the future (Rhi's livelong dream.) I am currently studying Japanese with Rhi (who is almost fluent in Japanese.) I am also looking to going to college to study history and geology, two fields that I've spent years studying to begin with. I am also currently working some projects related to my Rpi3 and helping with some future 3DS projects. So life isn't looking too bad for me at this point and hopefully that will help lead me to a better state of mind. Hopefully the Temp will be able to see the real Crystal behind the Lilith account, the one who was lost for so many years. Thanks for reading and here's some Lilith art!
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Awoooooo! Because while I was away, I decided to confirm that Lilith is half Wolf, half husky.
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Hey! I've been quietly watching all this from the sidelines the past couple months, here and on Discord. Didn't wanna comment on a situation I didn't understand fully, and it's not like you know me. Wasn't really planning on saying anything here, either but I thought I might as well. Things kinda felt incomplete here without your pink avatar decorating the threads. Glad to have you back, and hope to see you around some more.
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Man I will never understand how most guys can be so disrespectful and pretty much cold blooded towards women....Seriously that part alone bothers the hell out of me. I was raised by my mother, I am a completely different man. I am not a saint, I am way far from that, just seeing my own sex/specie doing this though makes me sick, the only thing that goes through my mind is "what the fuck is wrong with you people?!". Sometimes I even ask myself how the hell guys can be like that, it confuses me because I always thought guys were supposed to respect people, women in this case, not torture them and break them down to nothing. I can definitely understand the feeling of wanting to kick their ass for treating you that way. I am happy you were able to recover at least a little bit from that terrible mess. Keep in mind karma is a bitch, that isn't an insult either, everyone reaps what they sow, they won't get away with bloody murder. This is the first blog I have read from you, I am usually not a blog fan but I was like "what the hell why not". I sure hope you have a better time now and in the future.
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Welcome back! Glad you're fine now. It must be a terrible pinch to be in an abusive relationship and i'm just happy for you being able to leave it and find someone that you truly feel happy and loved by. Good luck on your projects, too!
As of 14:20, I got the confirmation message that they’ve officially moved out of my apartment. I don’t know what to say, my emotions are all over the damn place. So I will just quote some relevant song lyrics until I find words of my own
“I hope you're somewhere prayin', prayin'
I hope your soul is changin', changin'
I hope you find your peace
Falling on your knees, prayin'
Ah sometimes, I pray for you at night, oh
Someday, maybe you'll see the light
Whoa oh oh oh, some say, in life, you're gonna get what you give
But some things only God can forgive”
Praying - Kesha
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Good lord, well good job for getting those psycho's out of your life. I hope they go to hell's 8th circle.

Yes I am aware there are only 7.
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Proud of you for getting out of those abusive relationships! (Relationship, singular, maybe? Dunno if it was polyamorous, in the end I guess it doesn't really matter lol) I know firsthand how hard it can be to finally realize what's going on with an s/o like that, and pull yourself out of that situation. I hope that things start going better for you, and that life starts to normalize as they do

And, do yourself a favor and try to reconnect with your friends again, even if there was damage done by the relationship. If they are true friends, they'll listen to you and understand.
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Don't take this the wrong way, but the minuted I ''stalked'' your FB profile and noticed those two, I sensed something.
Like, they seemed nice but something was amiss, also the look on your face was 'happy' but in a faked kind of way, so I knew something was up.
I just needed confirmations, which I wasn't gonna get it from you or them because, its not my life nor my right to be involved.
Alas, glad everything got sorted and HEY.
I'm still holding you down for our threesome ;) *jk*
Good lord dude you could have just said "looked at," the second you put "stalked," especially in the context of your post, it got super creepy
@TotalInsanity4 Yepi and I are close friends, I know what he means :P

So update, I went to the apartment and had to leave. They left a ton of black mold there and didn't warn me. I am extremely allergic to black mod and they left a lot of it. They also left the entire place a mess, left their trash, left the cat litter box, and took a ton of shit that they said that they won't take. But what else did I expect? Toxic people left a toxic mess, I should have expected this from them.
But whatever, they are gone now and I am free from them.
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Sounds like you should ask your friends if they can help you clean up. ALSO, make sure that first opportunity you get you change the lock. They don't sound like they can be trusted to not have kept a copy of the key
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Rhi is heading over to the office first thing in the morning to show them the pictures of the apartment and the state it was left in. As well reporting the mold to be cleaned up. I can even get near that mold for more than a few seconds without getting sick, so we are going to have the apartment's crew take a look. I will most likely be at friend's place for the next few days until we get the ok to return.
We are also getting the locks changed, I may have all the keys, but there's a chance that another is lingering out there. It's better safe than sorry.
On the plus side, looks like I am hanging out here with some internet for the next few days! This will give us more time to get our internet setup and stuff, depending on what the landlord says about the conduction of the apartment.

Side note, I am glad the Temp is so understanding. I've been a butt the past couple of months and though it's understandable, it's still not acceptable. I see that my actions were childish and unwarranted, but it is what it is. I can only move forward from here.
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Yes, everyone here understands and for the most part, everyone here has forgiven you for the most part. Especially considering you apologized and took full responsibility for your actions. It takes a strong-willed person to do that.
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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    This whole chat room is fake! Everyone is a bot but you. Ha ha, big reveal. Tempbot will now restart chat.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Ken was not raped by an escaped rabid elephant!!!!
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Fake news
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Uremum was the one that raped me
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Ken is it true that if someone has kidney stones the jizz is crunchy?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I bet crunchy peanut butter is made about the same way
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    dont tell me, Lemme guess... With the candle stick, in the dining room, by mrs. Peepcock
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Don't talk about Mrs. Psionic Peepcock like that
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Nothing like loading up blue websites to see two middle aged men circle jerking each other
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Ken you going to lemon party again?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I avoid lemonaids if I can
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    AncientBoi's minding his own business.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ancientboi is the one in the middle of that old grandpa photo
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Meatspin is Kens desktop background lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yes uremum didn't tell me about her transition and begged me to make it my background
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I couldn't hurt his or hers feelings
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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, Don't ask him where to get lemonade. ;)
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Psi fondles big red lemons to make lemonaides
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Psi fondles big red lemons to make lemonaides