Another one of those!? yes! how do you see me?

Blah blah, How do you see me, bleepedie bloop.

I know you all hate me.
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Idk Foez, you've always been an inspiration to me.
Not to mention that you've shown kindness to me, I'll always keep you in high regards.
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While its interesting to know how other people see you, its surprisingly unimportant. Most people you know in life will only see glimpses of you during different stages of your life. What they see is sort of like looking at a puzzle piece, without seeing the whole picture. That's why whats most important is how you see yourself, and what you want to become. Sometimes when we aren't sure what we want to be, this is when we start asking for ideas.
A desperate cry kid who seeks desperately approves from other immature tempers....
I see you as someone that I will probably never know more about other than your username
@vinscool I probably won't be able to meet any tempers unless I introduce them to the temp, seeing as how I'm 14 and unable to travel for myself
I guess I remember you mostly for your knowledge on all things XBox. Any time there's a thread asking for XBox related help, you're there. So, in short "scene kid xbox hacking guru" is how I would describe you.
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You are by far one of the most helpful people on this site. Thanks for everything you have done for me as well as other Tempers.
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I do not see you xD
I mean I do not know who you are and what you have done eheh
So no negative or positive thought :D
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the prove that TC is a insecure cry baby and seek approves from immature tempers is: you guys ONLY ACCEPT positive comments and always be a dickhead if someone says anything negative, keep in mind that u all have flaws...

My 1st comment was just a sort of joke/test, because I want to see how you tempers react about it, now i'm 100% sure and i can confirm that both Tc and tempers who asked me to go ffff off are just bunch of insecure crybabies who seek desperately approves from others.

Regards ladies, if u ask me to go ffff off, then i'll be after you, miladies...
You obviously don't know me.
Nor do you realize that this blogpost was a bandwagon a month orso ago.

So would you kindly sod off and cancer up someone else's blog?
oh leon... you make others feel pity really, why do you seek attention so hard? and also why are you so weirdly misogynist in such an immature way, do you realize you sound like a 10 years old school bully?
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