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  • I'm curious, did you make the Lucina Beat Saber avatar? Sorry if it's random lol, I just saw that you talk about VR, and the creator has the same name as you. If so, it's quite good!!
    • Like
    Reactions: Baoulettes
    Yes I did !
    Lucina is the avatar I constantly play with, in my opinion that actually the best avatar I made for Beat Saber ^^
    Thank you :)
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    Reactions: Chary
    What are the first things you do when starting a 3ds unity project? Because when I compile and run on 3ds the textures are all messed up. Help me please
    Because my textures are all messed up
    hm let me check, if you want you can reach me over skype or discord if you want some assistance directly it would be faster ^^
    I don't have Skype or discord xD. If you tell me what shader you use maybe I can get some textures to show up right :)
    Tomorrow I receive my VR Headset for pc :D (oculus rift)
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    Reactions: WeedZ
    Actually I might be unable to use that 4K headset.
    My computer meet just right the VR recommended setting :)
    And the cost will be far to high for me.
    This way it will allow me to try it and invest in it in case I love it ~
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    Reactions: WeedZ
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    The money could be better spent on upgrading your GPU so you're ready for 4K VR when it hits. That's just my opinion though.
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    Reactions: WeedZ
    The 4k would be amazing. But I personally think vr is awesome now. Like I said, some games are done well enough that you don't notice the "screen door" or artifacting. I say invest now, and if you enjoy it as I know you will, then start saving for the next gen. Otherwise you might as well save forever for the ever occurring "next model". That's my opinion.
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    Reactions: Baoulettes
    As of today I lost two of my cat, they were both 1year old. go check that ''Feline infectious peritonitis'' :/
    that moment you lose an important database and you got only frm/idb but no way to restore it...
    That wait time for NX + Zelda start to be hard when it happen to be near the end of the line :D
    Where is your profile pic from?
    A model I made for a Game^^

    Anakim over Poison for SFxT :)
    Anakim is a character from the game Lineage II.
    hi guy , first I want to thank you for your work, I am having a problem with the houston, when I click on s.o.s send me appears the following Message: "The system can not find the way" and error and can not send the game . how can I solve this?
    Hi sorry but I'm having a bit of trouble w/ Houston & HustonUI:

    "Change the IP to the one NASA show you on your 3DS console"

    1) NASA doesn't show me the IP anywhere

    2) when using houston UI, in the console IP whenever i try to write "." as in "" it shows "Character not acceptable". what can i do?

    o3DS EUR

    thank you so much for the help
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    kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042: @Xdqwerty I was trying to make tempBot say that it's has dumb