A little personal

So today, I kind of what to get personal because it's honestly been on my mind for a very long time. Why didn't I come out as transgender sooner? The truth is, because I am honestly afraid, I don't use the word "was," because I am still afraid of a lot of things. I know this is gaming site, but this is my blog and I feel like sharing on my favorite site.
The truth is, when I was younger, despite knowing that I was I girl, I was afraid that no one would live if the truth came out. Most of the time the Trans* community is treated like a joke and presented as "undatable" because they are "heshes" and "Dickchicks," they are treated mostly as fetishes and not people. Most of the time shown as prostitutes and druggies. That was something that I was afraid was going to happen to me if I was out. As time moved on and I got older, that harder it became for me to deal with these struggling thoughts. Sure I found someone, but I was afraid if they found out I was going to end up stuck, 800 miles away from everyone I knew and loved. Which would end up going back to my first fear of ending up on the streets. This kind of ended up causing me to have a drinking problem because I was just hoping if I was drunk, I could forget about everything and maybe be happy. In the end, it didn't save the day. When I realized that I couldn't hide myself, I braced for impact and came out.
I am happy to say, I didn't loose anything from this. But with one door open, another one still remained closed for me. Deep down no matter how strong I show myself, I still deeply afraid that being open is going to end up getting me hurt or killed. Every single day I afraid that at some point someone is going to attack me. So much so that I started pushing my shifts from closing to back to mid day shifts and now they are mornings. You would think, "That seems a bit extreme." It would be if it wasn't for the fact that I actually have countless customer complains about me and most of them made up or just become I am transgender. Almost all of them referring to me as "That heshe" or "That t******." I've actually had people flat out make up stories about me to my manager's in an attempt to get me in trouble. It's gotten to the point where I am actually uncomfortable being noticed on the sales floor, because I am afraid it's just going to encourage them to keep trying to get me fired. This is my livelihood the people are playing with because I am openly transgender. This has actually made me terrified to use the bathroom at work because I am afraid some customer might notice me and tell the manager that I did some like "expose myself to them/their kids." or that "attempted to rape/touch them/their kids." And yeah, these things may not happen, but it's hard to say they wouldn't, when you've already been lied about before.

This is the honest truth to why it took me so long to be open and to be happy. Yeah, I got dark, but deep down, I am so happy I came out. Sure now, I have a new struggle to deal with, but not suffering inside, alone and quiet, makes things so much better for me. Even with the dickheads out there that try to hurt me, I know there are so many more who love me. Trust me, not a day goes by where these people make sure I know I am loved. Honestly, it's been a slow progress and I know these people aren't going to really make an impact on me because I know my managers would never allow these customers to impact my job. They've worked with me thus far and I trust them.

The bright side is, though my progress has been slow, it's become a great journey for me. I never once thought years ago, when I came out, that one day I would end up having amazing friends who not only stood by me, but made sure I didn't quit. Friends who made sure I could be Crystal and never hide myself. And amazing boyfriends, who despite my emotional struggle, stood by me and made sure I didn't loose myself. And most of all, a family that even 800 miles, they will always be there and always love me. Seriously, knowing my family accepts me, is one the greatest feelings in the world. I am happy no matter what, that Crystal was finally freed from her shackles. Sure I have fears, but at the same time, they won't destroy me, because I know that neither myself nor those who care about me, will let that happen.
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You're very lucky to have so much support from friend, family and even work partners, though living in fear and building paranoia is not nice for sure. Hope it gets better, but that is something I think you can't do much about, it is a social problem.

PS: That said I still miss that beautiful Etna signature you had sometime ago, go for something cool again... Not implying Tetra isn't cool anyway.
Is it good or bad that prior to clicking on this I had never heard the word heshe used in that context? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hesher is the only one I knew it as and that was rare or possibly an American thing.

Anyway I can not fathom what it must be like to go through, however I can not imagine the stuff from the early part was at all pleasant so hope you get where you need to go.
It's actually really commonly used in my area, trust me, it's the go-to term when a customer is pissed off at me. It's always "That heshe in electronics tell me I couldn't return me phone!"
It's not the worst, it's gotten better now that I have friends who understand and help me out and even my managers step in when people are complete dicks to me. It started out rough though, but got better.
Ohhh how I know the burden of that.

I just stuck with being genderfluid, I'm actually comfortable with being a girlyboy, besides, me bf likes it this way c:

Most importantly, you are you and anyone who says otherwise isn't worth your time nor is worthy of living.
People always will be dicks towards you, no matter if you're a boy or girl, gay or straight, black or white.
Some twats only live to make the lives of other miserable.
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Damn that's rough. It's really saddening that in this day and age, people can still be such major jackasses. I can only hope that life takes a turn for the better soon. If nothing else, at least you'll always have us here with you :wub:
just to clarify...you were the artist formerly known as gay little catboy right??? if so, then damn i know people way to well on the 'temp.

always thought you were a decent person, dunno if that makes you feel gud, but there are a few of you'ze on here i feel like i am "friends" with, in a sense.

congrats on getting comfortable, even if just a little bit. comes with growing up i think. me and my wife have made huge strides in our sexual lives that i always wished i could have with someone. it was hard to break through the barrier though.
I am the Temper formally know by a lot of names, but ultimately A Gay Little Catboy or just The Catboy.
I didn't actually mean for this to come out so dark, but honestly I just really wanted to get it out of my head and writing it down seemed to be the best approach.
Truth be told, I feel a lot better now that it's out of my head.
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I would try to use a family bathroom as much as possible if there is one. I really never use the woman's restroom. The downside is that it could be occupied a lot.
"Why didn't I come out as transgender sooner?"
maybe you are overthinking it... the past is done, you can't do anything about it, stop worrying about the "what if" "i should had done etc" of the past, on what you can't change anymore and think of what you can do now and what you want, look foward.

like driving a car; in the opposing lane a car almost hit you while passing another car, if you keep looking to what is not a danger anymore and stay in shock, another danger will probably happen because you were too busy looking back..
so, continue driving and think about what you will face next..
(or you know, reverse the car, go full speed after the bastard and when he stops, use your girl's dick advantage to pee inside his fuel deposit ruining his car)
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migles You are right that I was overthinking it and that's why I wanted to share it. Like I said, I didn't mean to make this blog so depressing, but it's just a series of thoughts that I needed to get out there.
People like you - like my girlfriend - sometimes have it rough. In a world where some people think you're freaks, just men wearing dresses to "raep wimminz!" (how feminist of you, righties!) some think they have the right to play dress-up and pretend that a hormonal disorder is an excuse to call themselves "xer" or "starself" or whatever.

Why would someone subject themselves to hormone therapies, reassignment surgeries, and all that if they didn't need to? It's all in the mind. Literally - brains have genders just like bodies have sexes. Can't have the two mismatched, and the mind can't be "fixed" either.

...Meh, just had to say my piece of "things that are probably bloody obvious to you" for everyone else :P
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It's all in the mind. Literally - brains have genders
If I recall, correct me if I am wrong. That MtF brains are similar to the female brain and FtM is similar that of a male. When I first took estrogen and been on it for some time. I function a lot better, more happier and other stuff. It is a long process but it is worth it in the end.
I didnt realize you had this blog until it got bumped. I couldn't read all that though @Crystal the Glaceon. The fact is, we see you as a great person and awesome member of gbatemp. Honestly I don't gave a shit. And no one else should either. Just do you and keep being awesome.
I won't pretend to be able to empathize, but no one deserves to go through that so good luck to you and good job on persevering this far.
I am shocked to see this post bumped, but maybe it's time for an update. I am hoping to start my HRT sometime late August.
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ILY sis, no matter what <З

People are fucking dicks.
They can't keep to themselves and everything that's not exactly like them, they despise with the highest regard.
I can't stand most people.
I know exactly, in another way, what you're going through at those moments.
All I can say to those people is "fucking shut it, take a fucking look in the mirror and whine against yourself!"
@Crystal the Glaceon I'm so glad you get to start HRT! That's great news.

I'm still closeted because I live in one of those dystopias where trans people are punishable by the death sentence for existing. Fucking sucks. That's aside from the whole culture here and what an absolute shitstorm it'll create in the family, so I'm in the position where I will inevitably have to cut them off someday.

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