What Really REALLY Grinds my Gears: Gaming Edition

Today is one of those days where I'm really really f*cking tired of the gaming industry's bullshit! Here are some things that are pushing me over the edge!

1) Play the Hyrule Warriors demo at select retailers
Hey, Nintendo, don't you have a freggin eShop? Why do I need to leave my residence and travel to the nearest GameStop, Best Buy, Target, ect to play a demo that you could simply post on your damned electronic store?! I get trying to make the demo available to people who for some reason might have their Wii U consoles offline but your last set of charts show that 90% of Wii U owners are connected so seriously, WHAT THE HELL?

2) Speaking of the eShop, I understand that you want to keep a good relationship with your retail partners but...
why are YOU punishing your customers for wanting to take out the middle man? NOT EVERYBODY WANTS TO HAVE A PHYSICAL COLLECTION OF GAMES. Nintendo, you shy away and push the blame on developers saying that they control the prices of games on the eShop but a game that was $59.99 last year or two years ago should NOT be $59.99 a year or two later. Hell, digital games should be 10 dollars CHEAPER in theory because THERE IS NO DISC! The eShop prices are the biggest problem with the damn thing. I can get past the slowness if you just fix the damn game prices!

3) Third Party Developers, NEWS FLASH, the Wii U Gamepad is NOT an excuse to throw away motion controls!
Many of us actually like motion controls. Motion controls brings us further into the gaming experience. For you motion haters reading this thread, I don't give two shits what you think, motion gaming is just as valid as your precious buttons. Capcom, right now I'm specifically talking to you right now. YOU made a port of a Wii game onto Wii U, Monster hunter 3, remember? Yet, you decide to take out the damn Wii Remote and Nunchuck controls? You ever think that some of us actually liked those controls? There is a reason why the Wii and Wii U are the swiss army knife of gaming consoles. You're supposed to be able to have a play style that fits you will still having options that fit other players. I really wish these damned third part developers would understand that!

4) THIS!!!
Really, Capcom? You made a Wii U port of a Wii game, destroyed the Wii servers and then tried to charge people on Wii U 60 bucks for the damn game especially when the damn visuals arent even that much better than the Wii Version. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

5) This shit! The Resident Evil Remake of a Remake
Capcom, again! You're making a remake of a remake that was on GameCube yet while skipping all over the Wii U when it comes to releases. Actually I've got something to say to Namco Bandai in the same flavor. WTF is wrong with you?! The PS3 and 360 gets ports of Soul Calibur 2 yet you skip the Nintendo audience, the same fucking audience that purchased the most copies of the original game?!?!

6) Coming to PS3, 360, but no Wii U version...but we might slap you in the face with a 3DS version.
ARE YOU SHITTING ME? Just make a damn Wii U port! You don't have to build the game from the ground up. Just slap the 360 or PS3 version on a Wii U disc and mirror the game on the gamepad and many of us would be fine! It's that freggin simple!

7) Gamers
I HATE YOU! I seriously do! You whine and cry and bitch about people who don't play games the same way you do and then get all angsty at not being able to find a mate that is into games. You ever think that if you weren't so damn busy, hating on people who actually enjoy motion controls, and cute games, and actually having happy, clean fun, you might actually find someone nice? Sorry but playing Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed does NOT and I repeat NOT make your "junk' bigger than the next guy. Stay angsty over there while I happily flick you off, enjoy my Babysitting Mama, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Princess Peach all with my lovely wife sitting next to me!

8) Female Naughty Bits, Cosplay and Game Controllers
Ladies, posing your naughty bits with some random ass controller DOES NOT make you a gamer nor does it earn you gamer points in my book. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy looking at teh bewbies -with that said, just adding a game controller doesn't make me go, "oh snap! A woman who might enjoy a conversation about Power Rangers being turned into a multiverse!!!" The sentiment of this also goes for cosplayers. -Thank you for giving my fantasies, physical form but unless you have a strong opinion on something geeky, do go expecting geek points from me.

9) Developer/Publisher Ass Kissing
When you bust your ass weekly and you spend YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY on a product, that product is YOURS. None of this licensing bullshit, none of this follow the "Terms of Service" shit, the item is YOURS within reason. I am sick and tired of gamers kissing developer asses and acting like developers are fucking gods! They are HUMAN, just like you. They get up in the morning, work all day, eat, have worries, take a shit and go to sleep, just like you. When you buy a product you have EVERY right to play it how you want within hardware reason. When you sell your game used, the dev has NO right to ask for a fucking kickback. Do you give Honda money when you sell your 2012 Honda Fit to a neighbor? NO! so why should a developer get side money for a item that you PAID YOUR HARD EARNED money for? Stop kissing asses and realize that most of the corporate types don't give two shits about you and will only suck up to you when their sales are low, just so they can get into your wallet.

I actually have a lot more to say but it's a bit late to be thinking so I'm going to go. I might add more to this later.


Today is one of those days where I'm really really f*cking tired of the gaming industry's bullshit! Here are some things that are pushing me over the edge!

1) Play the Hyrule Warriors demo at select retailers
Hey, Nintendo, don't you have a freggin eShop? Why do I need to leave my residence and travel to the nearest GameStop, Best Buy, Target, ect to play a demo that you could simply post on your damned electronic store?! I get trying to make the demo available to people who for some reason might have their Wii U consoles offline but your last set of charts show that 90% of Wii U owners are connected so seriously, WHAT THE HELL?

2) Speaking of the eShop, I understand that you want to keep a good relationship with your retail partners but...
why are YOU punishing your customers for wanting to take out the middle man? NOT EVERYBODY WANTS TO HAVE A PHYSICAL COLLECTION OF GAMES. Nintendo, you shy away and push the blame on developers saying that they control the prices of games on the eShop but a game that was $59.99 last year or two years ago should NOT be $59.99 a year or two later. Hell, digital games should be 10 dollars CHEAPER in theory because THERE IS NO DISC! The eShop prices are the biggest problem with the damn thing. I can get past the slowness if you just fix the damn game prices!

3) Third Party Developers, NEWS FLASH, the Wii U Gamepad is NOT an excuse to throw away motion controls!
Many of us actually like motion controls. Motion controls brings us further into the gaming experience. For you motion haters reading this thread, I don't give two shits what you think, motion gaming is just as valid as your precious buttons. Capcom, right now I'm specifically talking to you right now. YOU made a port of a Wii game onto Wii U, Monster hunter 3, remember? Yet, you decide to take out the damn Wii Remote and Nunchuck controls? You ever think that some of us actually liked those controls? There is a reason why the Wii and Wii U are the swiss army knife of gaming consoles. You're supposed to be able to have a play style that fits you will still having options that fit other players. I really wish these damned third part developers would understand that!

4) THIS!!!

Really, Capcom? You made a Wii U port of a Wii game, destroyed the Wii servers and then tried to charge people on Wii U 60 bucks for the damn game especially when the damn visuals arent even that much better than the Wii Version. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

5) This shit! The Resident Evil Remake of a Remake
Capcom, again! You're making a remake of a remake that was on GameCube yet while skipping all over the Wii U when it comes to releases. Actually I've got something to say to Namco Bandai in the same flavor. WTF is wrong with you?! The PS3 and 360 gets ports of Soul Calibur 2 yet you skip the Nintendo audience, the same fucking audience that purchased the most copies of the original game?!?!

6) Coming to PS3, 360, but no Wii U version...but we might slap you in the face with a 3DS version.
ARE YOU SHITTING ME? Just make a damn Wii U port! You don't have to build the game from the ground up. Just slap the 360 or PS3 version on a Wii U disc and mirror the game on the gamepad and many of us would be fine! It's that freggin simple!

7) Gamers
I HATE YOU! I seriously do! You whine and cry and bitch about people who don't play games the same way you do and then get all angsty at not being able to find a mate that is into games. You ever think that if you weren't so damn busy, hating on people who actually enjoy motion controls, and cute games, and actually having happy, clean fun, you might actually find someone nice? Sorry but playing Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed does NOT and I repeat NOT make your "junk' bigger than the next guy. Stay angsty over there while I happily flick you off, enjoy my Babysitting Mama, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Princess Peach all with my lovely wife sitting next to me!

8) Female Naughty Bits, Cosplay and Game Controllers
Ladies, posing your naughty bits with some random ass controller DOES NOT make you a gamer nor does it earn you gamer points in my book. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy looking at teh bewbies -with that said, just adding a game controller doesn't make me go, "oh snap! A woman who might enjoy a conversation about Power Rangers being turned into a multiverse!!!" The sentiment of this also goes for cosplayers. -Thank you for giving my fantasies, physical form but unless you have a strong opinion on something geeky, do go expecting geek points from me.

9) Developer/Publisher Ass Kissing
When you bust your ass weekly and you spend YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY on a product, that product is YOURS. None of this licensing bullshit, none of this follow the "Terms of Service" shit, the item is YOURS within reason. I am sick and tired of gamers kissing developer asses and acting like developers are fucking gods! They are HUMAN, just like you. They get up in the morning, work all day, eat, have worries, take a shit and go to sleep, just like you. When you buy a product you have EVERY right to play it how you want within hardware reason. When you sell your game used, the dev has NO right to ask for a fucking kickback. Do you give Honda money when you sell your 2012 Honda Fit to a neighbor? NO! so why should a developer get side money for a item that you PAID YOUR HARD EARNED money for? Stop kissing asses and realize that most of the corporate types don't give two shits about you and will only suck up to you when their sales are low, just so they can get into your wallet.

I actually have a lot more to say but it's a bit late to be thinking so I'm going to go. I might add more to this later.

It's not that hard to fix.
That's one heck of a rant there. I can't be bothered to read the entire thing, but if you put it in the form of a youtube video where you scream at the camera, I'd be willing to sit through it.
Today is one of those days where I'm really really f*cking tired of the gaming industry's bullshit! Here are some things that are pushing me over the edge!

1) Play the Hyrule Warriors demo at select retailers
Hey, Nintendo, don't you have a freggin eShop? Why do I need to leave my residence and travel to the nearest GameStop, Best Buy, Target, ect to play a demo that you could simply post on your damned electronic store?! I get trying to make the demo available to people who for some reason might have their Wii U consoles offline but your last set of charts show that 90% of Wii U owners are connected so seriously, WHAT THE HELL?

2) Speaking of the eShop, I understand that you want to keep a good relationship with your retail partners but...
why are YOU punishing your customers for wanting to take out the middle man? NOT EVERYBODY WANTS TO HAVE A PHYSICAL COLLECTION OF GAMES. Nintendo, you shy away and push the blame on developers saying that they control the prices of games on the eShop but a game that was $59.99 last year or two years ago should NOT be $59.99 a year or two later. Hell, digital games should be 10 dollars CHEAPER in theory because THERE IS NO DISC! The eShop prices are the biggest problem with the damn thing. I can get past the slowness if you just fix the damn game prices!

3) Third Party Developers, NEWS FLASH, the Wii U Gamepad is NOT an excuse to throw away motion controls!
Many of us actually like motion controls. Motion controls brings us further into the gaming experience. For you motion haters reading this thread, I don't give two shits what you think, motion gaming is just as valid as your precious buttons. Capcom, right now I'm specifically talking to you right now. YOU made a port of a Wii game onto Wii U, Monster hunter 3, remember? Yet, you decide to take out the damn Wii Remote and Nunchuck controls? You ever think that some of us actually liked those controls? There is a reason why the Wii and Wii U are the swiss army knife of gaming consoles. You're supposed to be able to have a play style that fits you will still having options that fit other players. I really wish these damned third part developers would understand that!

4) THIS!!!
Really, Capcom? You made a Wii U port of a Wii game, destroyed the Wii servers and then tried to charge people on Wii U 60 bucks for the damn game especially when the damn visuals arent even that much better than the Wii Version. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

5) This shit! The Resident Evil Remake of a Remake
Capcom, again! You're making a remake of a remake that was on GameCube yet while skipping all over the Wii U when it comes to releases. Actually I've got something to say to Namco Bandai in the same flavor. WTF is wrong with you?! The PS3 and 360 gets ports of Soul Calibur 2 yet you skip the Nintendo audience, the same fucking audience that purchased the most copies of the original game?!?!

6) Coming to PS3, 360, but no Wii U version...but we might slap you in the face with a 3DS version.
ARE YOU SHITTING ME? Just make a damn Wii U port! You don't have to build the game from the ground up. Just slap the 360 or PS3 version on a Wii U disc and mirror the game on the gamepad and many of us would be fine! It's that freggin simple!

7) Gamers
I HATE YOU! I seriously do! You whine and cry and bitch about people who don't play games the same way you do and then get all angsty at not being able to find a mate that is into games. You ever think that if you weren't so damn busy, hating on people who actually enjoy motion controls, and cute games, and actually having happy, clean fun, you might actually find someone nice? Sorry but playing Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed does NOT and I repeat NOT make your "junk' bigger than the next guy. Stay angsty over there while I happily flick you off, enjoy my Babysitting Mama, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Princess Peach all with my lovely wife sitting next to me!

8) Female Naughty Bits, Cosplay and Game Controllers
Ladies, posing your naughty bits with some random ass controller DOES NOT make you a gamer nor does it earn you gamer points in my book. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy looking at teh bewbies -with that said, just adding a game controller doesn't make me go, "oh snap! A woman who might enjoy a conversation about Power Rangers being turned into a multiverse!!!" The sentiment of this also goes for cosplayers. -Thank you for giving my fantasies, physical form but unless you have a strong opinion on something geeky, do go expecting geek points from me.

9) Developer/Publisher Ass Kissing
When you bust your ass weekly and you spend YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY on a product, that product is YOURS. None of this licensing bullshit, none of this follow the "Terms of Service" shit, the item is YOURS within reason. I am sick and tired of gamers kissing developer asses and acting like developers are fucking gods! They are HUMAN, just like you. They get up in the morning, work all day, eat, have worries, take a shit and go to sleep, just like you. When you buy a product you have EVERY right to play it how you want within hardware reason. When you sell your game used, the dev has NO right to ask for a fucking kickback. Do you give Honda money when you sell your 2012 Honda Fit to a neighbor? NO! so why should a developer get side money for a item that you PAID YOUR HARD EARNED money for? Stop kissing asses and realize that most of the corporate types don't give two shits about you and will only suck up to you when their sales are low, just so they can get into your wallet.

I actually have a lot more to say but it's a bit late to be thinking so I'm going to go. I might add more to this later.

It's not that hard to fix.
That's one heck of a rant there. I can't be bothered to read the entire thing, but if you put it in the form of a youtube video where you scream at the camera, I'd be willing to sit through it.

*giggle* I might actually do that. Also, thanks for "fixing" my text. Like I said, it was a quick copy/paste job and I'm too lazy to do editing right now.
*giggle* I might actually do that. Also, thanks for "fixing" my text. Like I said, it was a quick copy/paste job and I'm too lazy to do editing right now.

I think the better question is why the hell the text is razzle dazzle rose colored anyway? The ouya forums aren't in happy rainbow pony land either so why the painful color?
What really grinds my gears? listening to the JSRF soundtrack and wondering why they never bothered with an HD version even though they made enough to do it.

Hate you Sega.

1) meh...I don't mind it, but really: I suspect a marketing trick on this. Kind of like limited editions: making it NOT available to everyone (or harder to get) polarizes the audience into those who already played it vs those who don't. And since those who played it had to do more effort, they're more inclined to overstate how good it was.
2) supply and demand. It's not because steam and playstation+ are having sales and giveaways that everyone else should follow. The physical media also isn't worth 10 bucks, so that theory is out the window. In any case: if you don't like the prices, don't buy it.
(Christ...I can easily buy five to ten AAA steam games for the price of AAA games on the eshop. Guess on which I spend my money? :P ).
3) erm...continue playing the wii version? :unsure:
4) yeah...it's water, alright.
5 and 6) yeah, the wiiu isn't very successful. Welcome to yesterday's news. Are you just pissed that capcom goes the EA and ubisoft route, or is there more going on here?
7) yeah...we sure bitch and moan a lot (*looks at point number 4 again*). So...how's being a gamer feel like? :P
8) I...think you're visiting sites you probably shouldn't be visiting. Or shouldn't be defining "gamer" that way. I just introduced my girlfriend to Mario Kart 8 today. I think I'll keep her off the internet in case some guys like you go nuts over whether she is a gamer or not.
9) you're a year late. Microsoft did a 360 180 after even a suggestion plummeted their xbone-sales. And again: it's simple. Buy the game or not. But Jeez...how about NOT saying we kiss people's ass because we do controversial stuff like "paying for software" or "agreeing to terms of service"?
Apparently being entitled as a customer is a dirty thought. Ugh! The fact that there are gamers that defend this shit annoys me! Sorry but its the Dev/Publisher/Manufacturer's job to make the customer happy, ESPECIALLY if you are in the entertainment businesses! As a customer, you ARE entitled to be happy with your purchase. It's that simple.
1) Demos and sales are not quite so hand in hand as people imagine sometimes ( http://www.computerandvideogames.com/416824/game-demos-halve-sales-new-data-suggests/ ), this could be a response to that. Quite an interesting one given Nintendo's utter failings in most other areas.

2) I will take digital when I can easily resell it.

3) People like motion controls? I like motion controls in the same way I like economical fusion power -- right now all that exists are some weak proof of concepts, wake me up when they get it sorted.

4) If they relied on Nintendo's servers then the demise of gamespy might have been to blame there.

5) Why should a company release something on the Wii U? Could it be that you picked the wrong console?

6) I fear you are not quite au fait with industrial scale programming/development.


8) I am not entirely sure what to make of that, however I have seen this several times in any number of subcultures (motorbikes and cars being among the more notable) and it was equally amusing there.

9) Were you not just making a call for more digital copies, with the current setup as far as resale being part and parcel of that?
So, things that grind your gears: games, gamers, male gamers, female gamers, game studios, game retailers, game distributors, game marketing, physical copies of games, digital copies of games, and the Dutch. Have I missed anything?
What really grinds my gears is that we cant unite the gaming world and just all agree to never buy games that come with day 1 DLC.
So, things that grind your gears: games, gamers, male gamers, female gamers, game studios, game retailers, game distributors, game marketing, physical copies of games, digital copies of games, and the Dutch. Have I missed anything?

LMAO! Thanks for my laugh of the day!
What really grinds my gears is that we cant unite the gaming world and just all agree to never buy games that come with day 1 DLC.

Though there are certainly incidences of piss taking day 1/0 DLC I am not sure it is all bad.
LightyKD Nice blog. As for my reply, it is pretty lengthy and covers all your "problems".

Ad.1 - Nintendo doesn't understand and is very afraid of everything Online. The Internet is like a pond - it's cold and wet, better sit on the safe blanket next to mommy and all the toys.
Ad.2 - See above.
Ad.3 - Motion controls are a gimmick. They're fun when implemented correctly, but 9 out of 10 times they're implemented poorly and deter your ability to actually control the game. As you've probably noticed, neither the PSMove nor the Kinect saw as big a success as the WiiMote and even on the Wii U you don't get to see WiiMote-oriented software, so it's safe to say that this was a short fad and its time is over now.
Ad.4 - What do you mean by "the visuals aren't better"? The game runs in HD for starters, and it does look better in all other respects too. In addition to that, it was expanded and has new armours, weapons, monsters etc. - it's pretty much the definitive version of the game. Would I pay $60 for it? No. Do I understand why it's priced at that point? Yes.
Ad.5 - The fact that the game was originally on the Gamecube doesn't mean that it should automatically be on the Wii U.
Ad.6 - Games for mature audiences just don't sell on the system, Capcom has no reason to throw their money into a big puddle of mud when they're already in a poor financial situation. Besides, you can still play the Wii version on the Wii U, so there you have it.
Ad.7 - Have you looked into a mirror recently? You sound just as angsty and self-centered, you just play different games. That, and you just went on a tirade about how Resident Evil should be on the Wii U and now you're dissing Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty, also mature games, because they're for dudebros wheras real gamers play Super Mario: The Same Game As Last Time 12 - Go Right Edition - double standard, much? Here's a thought - maybe playing all games and just enjoying them instead of bickering which ones are better is the way to go?
Ad.8 - What other people do with their naughty bits is not your business, especially since you're married anyways. Perhaps you should focus on your wife's assets instead of browsing the Internet for Gamer Gurls.
Ad.9 - Licenses exist specifically to determine what is "within reason" and what isn't, because as history shows, "reasonable" is an adjective with very flexible brackets. You're complaining about something that has existed since the dawn of computing. Frankly, licensing existed before computers were a thing.
Apparently being entitled as a customer is a dirty thought. Ugh! The fact that there are gamers that defend this shit annoys me! Sorry but its the Dev/Publisher/Manufacturer's job to make the customer happy, ESPECIALLY if you are in the entertainment businesses! As a customer, you ARE entitled to be happy with your purchase. It's that simple.
They're doing just that - they're making the majority of their customers happy. Thing is, you're not their customer - you're a male OUYA/Wii U user who likes Comic Sans, your favourite colour is pink and you stick to family-oriented and Indie content - not that I'm criticizing, I'm just stating some facts here. I'm afraid that you're just not within the target audience of your usual game developer or publisher - you're sitting comfortably in a niche and no matter how much you complain, I don't think the world will adjust to your expectations.
Game devs, you shitlord dogs!
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or else I'll tell my BLOOOOOOOOOOOOGS!

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