Unpopular opinion, or perhaps a popular one.
I am done with purchasing product from The Pokémon Company. I am completely over this low-quality money-grab bullshit.
First - Let me make one thing clear. I still like Pokémon. I do NOT like modern Pokémon. I have a whole fucking shrine in my room dedicated to two special Pokémon (Mew + Celebi) and over the course of the past 3-4 months I've spent at least 2 grand on cards. Except, screw modern product! Lately I only purchase singles from Ebay...
Well? What is it?
This is a question I ask myself often. The simplest answer I can give to you is - I’m a thinker. I always think. Constantly contemplating. I’m pointlessly pondering about my past, my future, my current position and my final destination. You, the reader, may believe this is a good thing. I believe the complete opposite. While I admit it comes in handy oftentimes, it also equally disturbs me. Because of the bipolarity that’s included within this label, I cannot efficiently...
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