Blog entries by Rydian

inb4 "what else is new?" Went to an optional presentation for classes tonight. A retired DoD security guy gave us a presentation and talked to us about security auditing of a system/company. Learned a couple things, had some laughs, was nice... but it ran long and it's late and I'm tired and...
man, i thought circle of the moon was good. then i got aria of sorrow and was like "wow, this is so much better!" then i got dawn of sorrow and was like "this is like aria, only even better!" now i'm playing portrait of ruin, and i really, really like it so far. fuckyeahcastlevania.
My grandmother is an "alright" cook, she can follow directions on a box (most of the time). My grandfather is a great cook. The problem? 1 - My grandmother is controlling. 2 - She sucks at picking/mixing/choosing food. So while my grandfather may make some great central dish (the spaghetti...
So I'm going to sell everything that's not in the bin in that picture. Now to just catalogue and decribe everything and then get pictures of it all and make it into a WTS thread... I think I'm going to go get some snack food before I start.
You can see the white's where it's already starting to dry. It's some skin-absorbing mint-scented clay stuff from my aunt, she's a massage therapist.
As you can see the left pair has the sun and moon, and the right one is plain metal that looks like it's on PCP or something because it's a rainbow of colors like motor oil in a puddle. The instructions came with the left pair (not the right), and if you can't read it I'll attempt to type it...
Yeah, forget your 100 post blogs, 300 post blogs, 500 post blogs, and even 1000 post blogs. Rydians don't make a postcount blog until they hit 3K. Next one at 10K! To think I came here in Feb to confirm info about what I read on wikipedia concerning the DSi 1.4 update, joined to argue with...
And I already got a present. =D Butt grope. X3
You know, the kind of person that you'll have on your buddylist, and you'll IM them multiple times a day to try to talk to them, but they never respond... until they need something from you. THEN they're all happy. Of course, I auto-log, so I can show them all the times they didn't respond if...
Is sitting here listening to all the people trying to talk smart about shit they don't know. It's actually kinda' funny to listen to because nobody really knows what the other's talking about, so they just agree with whatever somebody else says in an attempt to make it look like they know what...
I'M SO FUCKING STOKED! So, I grew up in a trailer park, and have been fiddling with computers since an early age, but never really got any official education on them. Well, I start my tech classes this semester (previous semesters were non-tech things), and today was my first day at the main...
And I'm not exactly sure they know what the second one means... They probably think it's some gangster reference or something. I'm going to wear it anyways, for laughs. Not sure on the first, it's a little too douche-y for me.
And yes, I'm visiting my dad temporarily so there you can see my male kitty Caesar. =D
So you know how everybody has this one thing they'll rage at for no reason, like god programmed it into their head for shits and giggles? For me, that's monkeys. Well, an artist friend of mine, who is a monkey fursona (because she knows people hate monkeys) drew something last night, and it...
So I'm doing my philosophy work, and I start thinking to myself how weird it'd be if I died but then came back to life (like technical/brain death and then sudden scientific miracle revival, or being flash frozen for a few days and then thawed) and my ghost (or, actually the lasting impression...
So I don't like going outside or being in social situations, like, at all. I don't like being around people I don't know, I get nervous when people look at me, I get nervous in fancy situations (grew up in a trailer park), I get nervous when I'm expected to be a host or whatever... so I don't...
Visited my mom and my little half brother and one of my half-sisters. Met my older brother for the first time in my life. We played scrabble. I ended up having to play words such as My little brother tried It didn't fly. :P Went to an expensive oriental restaurant where they cook the food on...
So I had a dream last night. Let me share it with you, and provide my after-dream comments (in green). So my little brother and I (I'm 22, he's about 16/17) are off somewhere and need to get home. We have a car and I'm a safe driver, we just need a little food/drink, and a map. So we spot a...
I went to my old neighborhood (the trailer park I grew up in) this morning with my video camera and recorded me going around all the places I remember as a kid and talking about my memories of them and such, while... Not pointing the camera at people because I don't want to get shot. Trying not...
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