Apple is ran by Satan -says my cousin

I really don't know how to respond to him.

He believes since the apple logo shows an apple bit out of it that Apple is ran by Satan. This was not a joke that he came up with, this is hardcore what he believes in. (Something about Eve biting an apple). Then he goes on about how God is going to come back soon and destroy apple. Then he has bragging rights about reading the bible.

Fuck you mass religion, thanks for making half our society brainless irrattional, illogical animals.


I've really tried questioning why he thinks the way he does, he shuns out everything else and makes religion his top priority.

He has an Android phone and for some reason takes so much pride in it. He somehow makes having a better phone a super big deal in his life and he always has to have the best phone. I really think my cousin needs to be in some solitude confinement... he let religion take over his mind
He can only buy new games. Used games at half price have been used so he must always buy new games...

He questions why I have so much money in the bank...??
The sad thing is he is almost 23. He spends every mad dollar from his low income job on vita and ps3 games. His social life is so down, he is so proud of his trophies on PS3 and Vita he is the type of person who buys games just for the trophies.

"He has an Android phone and for some reason takes so much pride in it. He somehow makes having a better phone a super big deal in his life and he always has to have the best phone. I really think my cousin needs to be in some solitude confinement... he let religion take over his mind"

He probably wants an iPhone REALLY badly, and uses this to cover it up.


He bet someone Apple's stock wouldn't go past $500 a share

(Disclaimer: Poster is an Apple fan, who installed Android on his iPod Touch)
One could only hope he is an uber troll but unfortunately the probability of that being true is about his average math test grade /1000 ~ .20/1000 = .0002

The sad part is he is not alone, he has a whole support group that encourages him to act the way he does and believes in the things he does.
Just so you know, your cousin is not an accurate depiction of christians. Your cousin just a troll, a dumbass or both. Those are only options avaiable to him.
He buys games for trophies? In 20 years when PSN goes away and everything gets replaced he won't be able to get trophies and show them off...
I'm not going to lie, for 23 years old, my cousin is sure retarded and an idiot dipshit who is more then fucking annoying about his religion.

Hyro- I agree with you, he does not depict Christian. He only went to Church for 23 years of his life, why don't you tell him he ins't an accurate depiction of a Christian. His whole family is like this. He has friends like this, his whole support group (Christian freaks) are like this. So, in his perspective, all the Christians that don't act like him are not true Christians.

This right above is the whole fucking problem with masses of religion. If religion never existed, I swear he wouldn't have been so stupid. Just the fact people go around expressing their religion all the time (especially Christianity dear god...) was enough to introduce it into his life and make him the illogical, unintelligent, idiotic, moronic being he is.

When his mom's brain surgery failed... who do you think was the problem? Satan...
When his brothers tools got stolen... who do you think was the problem? Satan...
When his cousin has a similar model of PS3 in which we used to replace his laser... who do you think was responsible? God...

This along with thousands (if not millions) of people have the same exact ideological mindset, it's either Satan making the bad stuff or God making the good stuff. So what if they don't depict accurate Christians. No Christian today depicts the original Christian thousands of years ago, so I would say FLLLEEWWEEEYYY to all of them. If People didn't feel the need to be so persistent with their beliefs, my cousin could have dodged a bullet. His mom, who blames her being single and three kids on the devil, grew up the same way. My mom grew up the same way but has half intelligence to not say stupid shit like Apple is the Devil and God is going to come and wipe out apple soon, but she's not intelligent enough to defend why she believes in religion. It's me and my brother out of my entire family who actually took time to analyze what religion is and it's people like my cousin which inspire me to keep religion out of my life.
I know a few people that are clever (as in, top scores at school, not complete retards) AND catholic. I thought the two were mutually exclusive. Thankfully it is not frequent. You'll also note that those people that are catholic, they're catholic not by choice but because their parents raised them like that and never gave them a choice.
I know a family with 3 kids raised and lived in a fully catholic environment. The most clever of the 3 kids (school mate of mine, had the best scores at our school) is a complete catholic fanatic, but still a decent person. The other two kids, quite clever too but not quite as much as the first one, chose to stop following the catholic ways, though they are still forced by their parents to go to the occasional mass.
I do agree with you Costello, I believe the people who believe in some major religion and can logically think are some of the smartest. I actually have a good idea of a model that would relate intelligence to whether or not they believe in religion. The reason why religion still exists is because it cannot be disproved or proved, it's still a controversy. The people who can actually logically think and still follow religion are some of the smartest primarily because it's really hard to go against what is telling you is wrong - and if someone can logically think, there should be flags all over religion. However, if they still believe in that religion, they have somehow logically deduced how religion can still make logical sense which requires a rather high amount of intelligence. (something like that).

I'm 85.71% calm, the other is when every Thursday my cousin comes to visit so I can do his math tests for him online and he take a couple hot pockets. Obviously my thoughts about the subject is pretty biased - but that's what an opinion is all about.
Oi. He must be a hard person to live with. (I live with two self-confessed Christians, but they really don't act like real Christians.)

I say, avoid your cousin. People like him have a black and white view of the world, and I'm really sick of people like that.

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