Hardware Nvidia Tegra chip to be used in 3DS?


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
If the 3DS uses the Nvidia Tegra, what would the graphics be like? In terms of a comparison, does anyone have any images that the 3DS could be up to par with?


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2009
mattpucc said:
If the 3DS uses the Nvidia Tegra, what would the graphics be like? In terms of a comparison, does anyone have any images that the 3DS could be up to par with?
If the 3DS will use Tegra, then the graphics will probably be like the GameCube's ones.


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States
chartube12 said:
granville said:
I've heard nothing of the sort. Some of the GBA hardware was removed, but the ARM7 stayed. They need the ARM7 for some DS games to function. Adding another ARM9 will not automatically substitute the ARM7. I've never heard anything of removing the ARM7 OR adding another ARM9. Again, DS games need both processors. The only difference apparently is that the ARM9 was overclocked and they added more internal memory. And they added internal storage, but that's not related to the system processing. Unless you have a source, i'm not buying that. >_>

Do you even know what dual core means? It does mean having two of the same cpu. It means a CPU with the power of two. I have a nintendo power from when the dsi was first annouced. It clearly states they removed the arm7 chip.

The tegra chips are not a super cpu. I get so annoyed when people call it that. No it's two chips built into one and is refered to as a chip on chip processer. Combining a cpu and gpu into one dye. call it a cpu gpu hybrid. Don't ever call it a super cpu.
I know exactly what a dual core is and means, i have one in my PC and i know how they work. It is NOT as simple as two physical CPU's in one as you seem to be deluding yourself. It doesn't even "have the power of two CPU's" which is a very common and wrong statement. I called the Tegra a "super processor" due to it being more than just a processor, it has a GPU and memory controllers built into it as well. You didn't get what i said did you? And i never even said anything about a dual core CPU anyways. The DS has two physical ARM processors, meaning it DOES have two CPU's. The original DS at least, is NOT a dual core CPU, but it is two CPU's.

If you wish to back that statement up that they removed the ARM7 though, scan it up and we'll see. I've never seen anything about it being removed, only that they're still there. However, I am willing to cite my OWN source, directly from the CPU manufacturer themselves- http://www.arm.com/markets/home/nintendo-dsi.php
ARM themselves state quite clearly that the DSi has both an ARM7 and an ARM9. They never removed the ARM7 at all. DS games NEED that extra processor to run its games. They were designed around the technology. So there's all the proof you need, Nintendo Power has printed false statements before, there's one of them, debunked directly from the CPU makers themselves.


Your clock speed of the ARM9 is incorrect. We KNOW the ARM9 in the DS is clocked at 67mhz, official reports state it. The one in the DSi was upped somehow to 133mhz. Again, official sources. The DS has nowhere near 400mhz, you're using clock speed from an ARM chip seen in other devices. The DS isn't clocked nearly as high. The ARM9 chip in the DSi is the same model, just overclocked.


Project: Melee
Dec 20, 2006
United States
TM2-Megatron said:
Anakir said:
TM2-Megatron said:
It's also apparently very energy-efficient. Personally, this Tegra or Tegra 2 rumour is really one I'm hoping is true... these seem like such a perfect choice for a handheld. I know Nintendo prefers gameplay over graphics, but I think this is a time they should try to focus on both. They won't be able to beat whatever the PSP2 will have, but Gamecube-level graphics will be more than enough... current rumours place the PSP2 to be drastically overpowered, IMO. Same mistake Sony made with the PS3... really just too much.

There's a big difference for over powered consoles compared to over powered handhelds. Main difference is its portability. I'm sure many would choose a powerful handheld over a console any day as its convenient to take it out anywhere to play with your friends. I, for one, would choose handhelds over consoles. I spend a lot of time commuting; portable games is a big selling point. Consoles are great when you have access to a television.

If the 3DS is going to match or exceed a Gamecube, I don't see how that isn't "powerful". It just won't be as powerful as a PSP2; but in turn the PSP2 will probably be overpriced (too much for many people), and not out as early as the 3DS. And really, how much real, discernable difference do you think there's going to be on a handheld-sized screen between Gamecube-level graphics and those that slightly outdo an XBox (assuming the PSP2 will really be able to match this).

Both are powerful, IMO. However I think the 3DS will be just powerful enough, whereas the PSP2 will be grossly overpowered to the point of no longer being affordable (which was one of the same problems the PS3 had; the hardware was just too excessive for its time).

I never had price in mind since that wasn't the focus. I'm just generally saying people would prefer powerful handhelds over the actual console.

But because you brought it up; I'm sure Sony would learn from the huge mistake of Ps3. Releasing a product with the ability to do so much in a generation where that kind of technology is seen commonly would affect the price range greatly. But, we're talking about a handheld here. A handheld's manufacture cost shouldn't be as much as a console's cost assuming they both have powerful hardwares. Basically, a handheld's price range will not be too expensive to afford. If Sony plans to release it, they should wait until a generation where the technology they use is more commonly seen. If not, they're just dumb.

So back to what I said from the first place - handheld device will usually be the choice of system to be played on when a company offers both console and handheld.


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States
Well i'm just saying that the clock speed for the iPlayer's ARM9 is FAR faster than the DS' internal one. It shows how high they can clock the ARM9 if they wanted though. I'm not really sure how simply overclocking the thing would help play 3D games though, i am somewhat doubtful in that respect...


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
California, Redlands
United States
Well, since you guys don't fully know what is, the Tegra is called a system on a chip. it contains everything on chip except the battery of course. Tegra is a ARM processor, cortex I believe. I don't know if it has a co-processor. they general run around 1ghz in terms of speed. My ZuneHD has a terga 1 which is incredibly powerfully better then PSP graphics easily. I wouldn't be surpised if they had a custom tegra which they probably do. but a average one would easily give 720p and after the halving the res for 3d would give around 640X360, a 1080p tegra if there is one? would give 800X540. Now I have no idea how many screens it can run nor if both of the 3DS are 3d so I don't know how there doing it. but simply the tegra is a beast. it can run ubuntu lol

Edit. Also there is no generic motherboard like the DS has, which I don't know how there going to overcome, look at pics of the ZuneHD tear down and it's literal a chip with stuff on it.

Vater Unser

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Oct 28, 2004
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Gambia, The
Depravo said:
DeMoN said:
There's been tons of speculation that it will. I personally hope so, but Nintendo may play the "gameplay>graphics" card again.
I hope that's the card they'll always play. Why would anybody want it the other way around?
Why settle for either one at all?
Why would anybody not want the best overall experience possible, whether it means making use of great processing power or new control schemes?

Which one's the more important aspect in a video game is a matter of personal opinion, however there's not much room to argue that high-end graphics and processing power have always been an important part of the videogaming experience and are also part of what made game developers stay on the edge of technology and create new games completely from scratch to capture the full potential of current technology...
The great power of the X360 and PS3 not only allow developers to create those fantastic games that just wouldn't be possible on the Wii, it's also what keeps inspiring them to explore other areas, too, like physics, enemy AI, cinematic cut-scenes, huge amounts of objects on screen, open world designs and "sandbox" gameplay, level design in general (think Titan fights in God of War 3), etc...
I mean, just look at how significantly bigger today's production values are than when the X360 was just released...And with "production value", I don't simply mean "graphics", but all the aspects that make games look and feel great...So many people believe that faster processing power always just results in "better graphics", but there's so much more to it than that...

Nobody can deny that the Wii's technical specs leave a lot to be desired, and where did it improve the gaming experience?
Before the Motionplus, you had some on-screen pointing, tilt- and waggle mechanics, maybe some cool sound effects from the Wiimote's speaker...
Now we got Red Steel 2, which finally got the controls right, and that's what basically the whole game is based around...It's a quite average shooter with exceptional controls...Do exceptional controls make an otherwise average game exceptional by itself?

There's nothing wrong about putting more emphasis on gameplay than on graphics, but simply ignoring one huge, central part of video games, like Nintendo did with the Wii, is a really bad idea...And considering the humble capabilities of the Wiimote and the late release of the Motionplus, which also has little software support so far, it's really arguable if Nintendo even did the "gameplay" part right...
I don't see how gameplay is supposed to benefit from outfitting a gaming console with the bare minimum hardware specs, thus basically forcing devs to make use of the Wiimote in order to be able to create anything resembling a new gameplay experience...Where's the artistic freedom in that?
Instead of pushing the capabilities of the Wiimote to new heights, publishers showed us their worst side by tapping into this shovelware market, aiming their products at people who have never purchased a game before...Few games actually made good use of the Wiimote, many games were no different at all and instead came with badly tacked-on motion controls...Leaving the question how much you win, gameplay-wise, by sticking to outdated hardware...

Even if we're assuming that the revolutionary new gameplay experience of the Wii compensated for all it shortcomings, there's still no reason for not having an adequately powerful hardware to go with it...The Wiimote is no more expensive than any other current gaming controller, and the Wii's production costs have always been way below its ESRP...However, as long as the price is right and people are cheap-asses, they usually don't think far beyond "cheap!"...

So, with that being said, don't confuse emphasizing gameplay with ignoring current technology...One doesn't imply the other.


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States

Thanks for that explanation and the pic man! Really helped put it into perspective. So from what it looks like, Tegra is kind of like an "all inclusive mobile motherboard" with the board and all the necessary hardware like CPU/GPU/etc already on it. At any rate, it's not a CPU by itself, but sort of a full internal board. Do i understand that right?

How is the battery life of that Zune HD device? I've never used any device with Tegra, but i was wondering. Obviously for Nintendo systems, battery life is always a big importance. And it's one reason many people hated the PSP (although i heard most of the power was consumed by the UMD drive).

And yeah, whatever they do, they'll likely customize it a bit. Modded and all. It'll be interesting to learn about at least. If the Tegra 1 can reach speeds of 1ghz and output 720p video, Tegra 2 should be amazing! We shall see...


Active Member
Sep 12, 2009
japanese press is speculating 3.4-inch, 480 x 854 pixel display on 3ds .. sharp / hitachi manufactured.

No speculation on whether both screens will be touch screen or not at this stage.

So working off resolutions mentioned for tegra 2, entirely plausible it could be used, or maybe needed to drive 2 screens with atleast one in 3d, @ native resolution across both screens.





Thanks for the fish
Former Staff
Aug 27, 2007
Rydian said:
granville said:
The iPlayer's ARM9 CPU is MORE powerful than the DS'.

529DMIPS @ 441mhz
iPlayer: ARM926EJ-S
517DMIPS @ 470mhz

The iPlayer's performance is rated lower than that of the DS's processor, even at a higher clock speed, so there's gotta' be some serious-ass overclocking going on in there.
I'd imagine the DS CPU is largely underclocked to achieve longer battery time. It's feasible to overclock it without adding additional cooling, but the system is designed to run at that lower clock so all games run faster when it's actually overclocked.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
California, Redlands
United States
I meant terga 2 reaches 1ghz, opps, Well my ZuneHD with last week I was on vacation and didn't charge it for 4 days, reaching around 12 hours of HDradio and around 28 hours just music with 10mins of internet. That adds up to 40hours beating the 36hours Microsoft said it would last. Yes the Tegra is basicly a chip that contains every thing intgerated onto it like a motherboard. Tegra 1 can do 720p easily, I'm not such but I think Tegra 2 can do 1080p don't see what it shouldn't. after reading the specs it can do alot of stuff and it mutlicore up to 1ghz. I was looking at the ZuneHD's tegra which is the APX and saw this
# Display Subsystem

* True dual-display support
* 720p (1280x720) HDMI 1.3 support
* FWVGA (864x480) LCD and SXGA (1280x1024) CRT support
* Composite and S-Video TV output
Now what catches my eye is "True dual-display support
I know when on a dock the Zune and the TV has independent displays, the next generation also supports this, so tegra 1 is still a contender for 3DS


Project: Melee
Dec 20, 2006
United States
I'm super hyped after hearing all this technical talk. I'm actually catching on thanks to your explanation murkurie. I'd give you rep if gbatemp ever implemented that system.

But, knowing Nintendo, they won't take full advantage of such a beauty. They're going to release games that are fun and look decent. I'm not saying that's bad but I'd love it to have best of both worlds. That'll most likely happen to their staple games though - Mario, Zelda, Poke-- actually pokemon forumla will never change and I doubt the game will ever be 3D lol. But I don't mind that at all.

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