Jaywalking is kind of a stupid law.

Jan 19, 2015
Right Here
United States
And who's this a$$hole Jay that went and fucked it up for everyone by doing it in the first place ?


I always picture a live action Frogger game with them darting back in forth between lanes trying to make it across.....Stupid when the Crosswalk is like 10 feet away


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
You all seem to be getting the wrong impression - I'm not a proponent of not wearing seatbelts. Safety first is a good rule to live by and I recognize the importance of wearing a seatbelt, I would never drive without one. What I have a problem with is imposing laws that are supposed to keep us safe from ourselves - that's an issue. If someone makes a choice not to take safety measures, that's his or her choice and nobody else's business. What private individuals do regarding their life should only be up to them - I don't need the government telling me to do this or that in order to be safe, I'm a self-sufficient human being capable of my own choices.
Sep 18, 2011
4:54 PM
Love the Canadian police here in Toronto. Once I jaywalked across my school to pickup a cup of coffee at McDonalds for a teacher of mine and there was a police car I didn't notice. When I came back out, he was waiting for me but he was pretty calm about it. Said its cool but I gotta be careful and all..


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
United Kingdom
Could do with it London. People here practically throw themselves in front of cars to get across the road. Better rule would be if you are not on a crossing, you are fair game.


Nov 6, 2002
Land o't pies
United Kingdom
Wiicube you live in the UK too, why the fukk are you asking this question? :P

Zebra crossings piss me off, both when I'm driving and walking: if I'm walking I'll try my best to cross before getting to the zebra, and if I'm driving and the other side hasn't stopped I'll fukkin speed up at a zebra, open the window and give the person waiting to cross the fingers as I pass, "this is the UK ya soft bitch, run the gauntlet and cross the road properly!!"
....Not really!! Feel like doing though sometimes! Actually remember a bloke with 2 crutches, about 50 feet from a crossing, trying to cross the road with both his crutches off the pavement and on the yellow lines.... now for THAT I wound my window down: "No fukkin wonder you're banged up pulling tricks like that ya stupid cnut!!" - me? Road rage? Never..... and it made my 10 year old sons day listening to that mouthful (bad parent...)

Getting stupidly pissed and walking up the hard shoulder of the M6, northbound, at 3am, and thinking it was the pavement - now THAT'S what I'd call jay walking.... how I didn't end up in the clanger that night I'll never know...


The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
I recognize the importance of wearing a seatbelt, I would never drive without one.
So the law makes no difference for you and you're just complaining for complaining's sake.

What private individuals do regarding their life should only be up to them
It has already been stated that a human head flying through the windshield can impact more than just the head's original owner. If nothing else, scraping your bits off of the tarmac is a hassle and costs money and could stand preventing.

I don't need the government telling me to do this or that in order to be safe, I'm a self-sufficient human being capable of my own choices.
Good for you. But a lot of people aren't, and defending other people's "right" to be dangerous fucktards, while noble, is not a valid argument.

Either you wear a seatbelt and the law makes no difference to you, or you don't and need laws to save you and, more importantly, others from your own idiocy. Either way there is no real reason to complain about it other than pure whining.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip
Could do with it London. People here practically throw themselves in front of cars to get across the road. Better rule would be if you are not on a crossing, you are fair game.

They could start by Oxford Circus. :D

Relevant (thanks Vipera for this one)


Thematically relevant backing track (well the title kind of fits)

Video 1 - Those annoying rats should've just been run over, after all, they were asking. Pretend the camera's on and go at it. lol
Video 2 - It's funny? Okay.

Wiicube you live in the UK too, why the fukk are you asking this question? :P

Zebra crossings piss me off, both when I'm driving and walking: if I'm walking I'll try my best to cross before getting to the zebra, and if I'm driving and the other side hasn't stopped I'll fukkin speed up at a zebra, open the window and give the person waiting to cross the fingers as I pass, "this is the UK ya soft bitch, run the gauntlet and cross the road properly!!"
....Not really!! Feel like doing though sometimes! Actually remember a bloke with 2 crutches, about 50 feet from a crossing, trying to cross the road with both his crutches off the pavement and on the yellow lines.... now for THAT I wound my window down: "No fukkin wonder you're banged up pulling tricks like that ya stupid cnut!!" - me? Road rage? Never..... and it made my 10 year old sons day listening to that mouthful (bad parent...)

Getting stupidly pissed and walking up the hard shoulder of the M6, northbound, at 3am, and thinking it was the pavement - now THAT'S what I'd call jay walking.... how I didn't end up in the clanger that night I'll never know...

People who carelessly walk into trouble are one thing and those who are patient, now that's another. I personally don't give a toss if some jackass runs into the traffic and gets himself injured as it's his own damn fault.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
So the law makes no difference for you and you're just complaining for complaining's sake.

It has already been stated that a human head flying through the windshield can impact more than just the head's original owner. If nothing else, scraping your bits off of the tarmac is a hassle and costs money and could stand preventing.

Good for you. But a lot of people aren't, and defending other people's "right" to be dangerous fucktards, while noble, is not a valid argument.

Either you wear a seatbelt and the law makes no difference to you, or you don't and need laws to save you and, more importantly, others from your own idiocy. Either way there is no real reason to complain about it other than pure whining.
I'm complaining because the law is not just. I'd very much like to see at least one documented case of a passenger flying out of a car and harming someone - that'd be a great read. You're free to think what you want about this, I don't need mommy government making sure that I'm safe from myself. If something causes no harm, it should not be prohibited. Your point about "making a mess" is moot in the context of a *traffic accident*, glass will be scattered everywhere anyways.
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Nov 6, 2002
Land o't pies
United Kingdom
I'd very much like to see at least one documented case of a passenger flying out of a car and harming someone - that'd be a great read.

:blink: - You're a sick lad Foxi luv, very sick...:lol:, but if you do the homework you'll accept the fact that could happen.... More to the point, say you're a taxi driver in a regular car, have 4 customers, tell them to put on their seatbelts, then the one sat directly behind you in the back either fakes it or silently takes it off... THEN you're in a crash at speed... You smash that car into a wall at 40mph, what's going to happen to the passenger behind you who's not wearing a seltbelt, taking into account he's of regular size/build? We don't need a degree in a science to figure that one out: you, Mr taxi driver, will be dead. If you're lucky. Of course your missus and the rest of your family won't give an arse about your death, coz we don't need mommy government making sure you're safe from the customer behind you.....;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
United States
I think a lot of you are missing the point. The reason there are jay-walking laws has little to do with money making. I can't even begin to count the number of time someone (especially minorities) will jump out into the road and start this slow walk while looking at me with this, "What are you going to do about it." look. If one manages to jump out and actually does get hit, then we have a very real possibility of a riot since it was obviously racism and not a matter of physics.

It's the same with safety belt laws. Here in the U.S. we have this apparent epidemic of people trying to make a living by lawsuit. Lawsuits are handled in civil court which is anything but. If someone dies, say a kid, their family can sue the other driver, even if it wasn't their fault. The crazy part is the win ratio is clearly in the favour of the person who lost someone because in America, we root for the underdog. On top of that, it's clearly a bad idea to not wear one. Safety belts save lives. Yes, there is that one in a million case where it had the opposite effect, but that is a one in a million. Err on the side of cation.

The main reason those laws are on the books is so the police can avoid liability. Heck, they still get sued anyway. "Why didn't you stop my boy from jumping onto the interstate and performing a holiday rendition of Ben Crosby for the fifth time! I'm suing!", which never seems to hit the media, only the previous four times he was arrested and how both unjustified and obviously police state it was. The lack of an officer in the fifth case doesn't matter. There is a reason VIKI reinterpreted the three laws.

I have never been given a ticket for jay-walking and I have done it in front of the police. I keep a constant lookout and I don't cross ten feet away from a cross walk. I also run when there is any traffic. I always wear my safety belt since it holds me in place during high gravity force turns. Hell, it feels comfortable. I refuse to drive anyone who doesn't wear it since I'm the one who will get sued if they die. Probably by their loved ones. Also possibly by their family that hates them, but sees an opportunity for some quick cash.

Don't even get me started on drunk drivers. Drink at home, or take the bus. Some people forget that driving is a privilege, not a right.
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The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
In the small city my university is in: Lincoln, all roads are virtually empty by about 10:30 pm until near 6
I could fall asleep in the road and possibly wake up unharmed.

(England btw)

I actually grew up in Lincolnshire until I was about 10. If you ever find yourself passing through Heckington for any reason, that little village that time forgot is my old stomping grounds :D You can indeed pay basically no attention to the roads there, unless my old primary school teacher is still alive and driving. Dozy cow came steaming down the road about mach four and nearly ran me over once, and then to add insult to injury she has the gall to demand an apology off me in class the next day, like her brazen disrespect for the traffic laws is somehow my fault.
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Mario 64 (favorite game of all time)
Mar 7, 2010
At Home :)
You can have a tea party in the middle of the road in rush hour here in Coventry and the local police won't even google how to give a fuck.
You could have a gang bang in the middle of the road, drugs, firearms, the lot in West Midlands/B-O-T and no one would give a fuck!!! The police would be too scared to stop it in case a drive by happened, gang related! :lol: in fact the police are probably joining in! Actually the chief of DS squad is usually getting fucked by the top boy!, mention no names! Bev, oops that wasn't my fault someones hacked my account and written that!, bastards!!!
Last edited by Reecey,


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
:blink: - You're a sick lad Foxi luv, very sick...:lol:, but if you do the homework you'll accept the fact that could happen.... More to the point, say you're a taxi driver in a regular car, have 4 customers, tell them to put on their seatbelts, then the one sat directly behind you in the back either fakes it or silently takes it off... THEN you're in a crash at speed... You smash that car into a wall at 40mph, what's going to happen to the passenger behind you who's not wearing a seltbelt, taking into account he's of regular size/build? We don't need a degree in a science to figure that one out: you, Mr taxi driver, will be dead. If you're lucky. Of course your missus and the rest of your family won't give an arse about your death, coz we don't need mommy government making sure you're safe from the customer behind you.....;)
You missed the part where I said it's the driver's choice to allow the passenger to sit without a seatbelt - a taxi driver can simply refuse to serve a customer like that for his own safety, it's his vehicle and his rules. The whole flying out of the seat theory falls apart when you add motorcycles into the equation - no seatbelts on those, let's ban'em, in case of an accident a motorcyclist is just a speeding flesh-bullet encased in a helmet. Get f*cked lol, seatbelts are only a safety measure for passengers of one particular vehicle, they don't make a difference for other drivers.
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Goomba Overlord
Apr 13, 2013
United States
Know what's dumber than jaywalking laws? Breaking jaywalking laws in sight of an officer :P

I wear a seatbelt myself, but agree that making it a law (for adults at least) is stupid, since the risk you take is your own. However, considering the "it's all about the money" reality, I could see insurance companies refusing to pay for injuries of those who choose not to wear them.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Know what's dumber than jaywalking laws? Breaking jaywalking laws in sight of an officer :P

I wear a seatbelt myself, but agree that making it a law (for adults at least) is stupid, since the risk you take is your own. However, considering the "it's all about the money" reality, I could see insurance companies refusing to pay for injuries of those who choose not to wear them.
As they rightfuly should because it is dangerous. Similarly I would require anti-vaxxers to pay an additional "stupid fee" when it comes to insurance.


The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
I'm complaining because the law is not just.
Is it acting against your health and well-being? Is it causing you undue financial expense? What inalienable human right is it encroaching on?

I'd very much like to see at least one documented case of a passenger flying out of a car and harming someone - that'd be a great read.
I can PM you some videos if you're interested. I can't post them here because they are very much against the rules. And yes, bodies flying 50 meters away from the crash site and into oncoming traffic isn't exactly harmless for anyone involved.

I don't need mommy government making sure that I'm safe from myself.
Good for you. But a lot of people aren't, and need to be saved from themselves, because despite your adolescent "natural selection" philosophy there is no reason someone should die just because they're going through the period of tryhard edgelord irresponsible idiocy most people go through before they grow up. But sentimental twaddle aside: people not wearing seatbelts are a very real danger to others and that is not a choice they are qualified to, or have any right to make. Defending other people's "right" to be dangerous fucktards, while noble, is not a valid argument.

Your point about "making a mess" is moot in the context of a *traffic accident*, glass will be scattered everywhere anyways.
Biological waste needs to be washed off with disinfectants and other chemical agents. But I concede the point, I was just being facetious. Let's instead focus on the fact that not wearing a seatbelt is demonstrably dangerous to yourself and others, and that endangering others isn't a "right".


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Is it acting against your health and well-being? Is it causing you undue financial expense? What inalienable human right is it encroaching on?

I can PM you some videos if you're interested. I can't post them here because they are very much against the rules. And yes, bodies flying 50 meters away from the crash site and into oncoming traffic isn't exactly harmless for anyone involved.

Good for you. But a lot of people aren't, and need to be saved from themselves, because despite your adolescent "natural selection" philosophy there is no reason someone should die just because they're going through the period of tryhard edgelord irresponsible idiocy most people go through before they grow up. But sentimental twaddle aside: people not wearing seatbelts are a very real danger to others and that is not a choice they are qualified to, or have any right to make. Defending other people's "right" to be dangerous fucktards, while noble, is not a valid argument.

Biological waste needs to be washed off with disinfectants and other chemical agents. But I concede the point, I was just being facetious. Let's instead focus on the fact that not wearing a seatbelt is demonstrably dangerous to yourself and others, and that endangering others isn't a "right".
I on the other hand maintain that it's only dangerous to the idiot as a speeding flesh bullet is likely to splatter upon impact without causing harm to "oncoming traffic", that "traffic" being engaged in the collision anyways. As for being tryhard and edgy, if a driver wasn't taught how to behave safely, maybe he or she shouldn't be on the road. As for encroaching on rights, people should absolutely have the right to do whatever stupid shit they want as long as they do not endanger others by doing so, and I maintain that they don't. As I've mentioned earlier, judging by your adamant stance on the matter motorcycles shouldn't be street legal and people should get fined for every object in their car that isn't strapped on or nailed to a surface because god forbid my phone turns into a speeding bullet during a collision.


The man who cried "Ni".
Former Staff
Apr 4, 2006
I on the other hand maintain that it's only dangerous to the idiot as a speeding flesh bullet is likely to splatter upon impact without causing harm to "oncoming traffic", that "traffic" being engaged in the collision anyways.
I did mention the 50 meter radius, which brings the body into the area that wouldn't normally be involved in the collision. Would you like to see the video in question? Are you claiming that having a body land in a lane that would have avoided the pileup (or on someone's windshield) wouldn't lead to further accidents or exacerbate the situation in any way?

As for being tryhard and edgy, if a driver wasn't taught how to behave safely, maybe he or she shouldn't be on the road.
Oh, definitely, definitely, but there are many people who shouldn't be on the road and the only thing that's keeping them from being a very real danger to everyone is the fact they want to avoid paying fines. If "teaching people how to behave safely" was enough to ensure people don't behave like morons, there would be no need for any traffic laws or regulations. The problem is that people don't ignore the safety advice because they haven't heard it. It's not like they've never seen a PSA on traffic safety. Most people need to be forced to behave responsibly, we have speed limits, traffic regulation, and yes, seatbelt laws.

people should absolutely have the right to do whatever stupid shit they want as long as they do not endanger others by doing so, and I maintain that they don't.
And you are demonstrably wrong.

As I've mentioned earlier, judging by your adamant stance on the matter motorcycles shouldn't be street legal and people should get fined for every object in their car that isn't strapped on or nailed to a surface because god forbid my phone turns into a speeding bullet during a collision.
If you can't tell the difference in size (and impact) between a mobile phone and a 200lb object, maybe you really shouldn't be allowed to drive.

And let's not reduce the argument to absurdity. By your irresponsible stance all traffic regulations should be abolished and everyone should be allowed to do whatever retarded shit they want on the road. Let's not attack strawmen here.

I'm not opposed to motorcycles, however I do support the motorcycle helmet laws, yet another "draconian" measure by the dreaded "nanny state". They save lives.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I did mention the 50 meter radius, which brings the body into the area that wouldn't normally be involved in the collision. Would you like to see the video in question? Are you claiming that having a body land in a lane that would have avoided the pileup (or on someone's windshield) wouldn't lead to further accidents or exacerbate the situation in any way?

Oh, definitely, definitely, but there are many people who shouldn't be on the road and the only thing that's keeping them from being a very real danger to everyone is the fact they want to avoid paying fines. If "teaching people how to behave safely" was enough to ensure people don't behave like morons, there would be no need for any traffic laws or regulations. The problem is that people don't ignore the safety advice because they haven't heard it. It's not like they've never seen a PSA on traffic safety. Most people need to be forced to behave responsibly, we have speed limits, traffic regulation, and yes, seatbelt laws.

And you are demonstrably wrong.

If you can't tell the difference in size (and impact) between a mobile phone and a 200lb object, maybe you really shouldn't be allowed to drive.

And let's not reduce the argument to absurdity. By your irresponsible stance all traffic regulations should be abolished and everyone should be allowed to do whatever retarded shit they want on the road. Let's not attack strawmen here.

I'm not opposed to motorcycles, however I do support the motorcycle helmet laws, yet another "draconian" measure by the dreaded "nanny state". They save lives.
Fine, let's say that in some accidents bodies can be thrown long distance and let's pretend that it's only an issue with cars and not motorcycles, fair enough, but helmets? Other than the driver's, whose lives are they saving? Now you're just overexaggerating.

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