hi guys hoping somebody can shine some light on this problem.
i have recently softmodded my wii using bannerbomb and all was working fine but all of a sudden the wii has turned itself in to a small dvd launcher and is now spitting out all discs.
i thought this could be the cogs jamming or having broken teeth but the drive is still running silently with none of the usuall clicking associated with the cog problem.
somebody i know mentioned bridging one of the fuses that alledgadly causes this problem but i could find little to nothing to support this sugestion and i also dont see how bypassing a fuse can be good for the console.
if the wii was still under warentee i would have just formatted the wii and sent it packing but alas its well past the 12 month limit lol.
if all is lost and a fix is impossable or more costly than my home and contence insurance excess than it looks like a little accident may happen lol
i have recently softmodded my wii using bannerbomb and all was working fine but all of a sudden the wii has turned itself in to a small dvd launcher and is now spitting out all discs.
i thought this could be the cogs jamming or having broken teeth but the drive is still running silently with none of the usuall clicking associated with the cog problem.
somebody i know mentioned bridging one of the fuses that alledgadly causes this problem but i could find little to nothing to support this sugestion and i also dont see how bypassing a fuse can be good for the console.
if the wii was still under warentee i would have just formatted the wii and sent it packing but alas its well past the 12 month limit lol.
if all is lost and a fix is impossable or more costly than my home and contence insurance excess than it looks like a little accident may happen lol