you tried installing the vWii version, right ?
don't mess and try installing or following Wii guides to hack vWii (they need different system files!).
If you can't do it, it means ... you are doing something wrong and following a wrong guide, or using wrong files, please stop what you are doing, something is bad.
But like said totalInsanity, you don't need IOS236 at all.
if the guide you are following (please, not!!!) is telling you to do it, it's only useful to fix a semi bricked vWii (in case you install the Wii version of a system file), and it's not even needed anymore (WiiU can fix semibricked vWii now !)
Just skip that step, don't install IOS236, 100% not needed anymore since last month, so I'm sure even updated guide are not taking that in account yet
Be sure you follow an up to date guide. (not