Hi everyone! I’m new to the Wii hacking scene And just recently modded an old Wii of mine! I got everything setup perfectly with USB Loader GX and other home brew applications. But then I realized that a 32 gb usb (fat32) wouldn’t be enough so I transferred all my files to a recently reformatted 1 tb usb hard drive (fat32). After plugging it into my Wii I can’t seem to access the usb through the home brew menu and in USB Loader GX it recognizes it as usb2 when picking a custom path and in other applications. I was wondering how to make this new hard drive my usb1 so it works the same as my original? I was hoping someone could help or point me in the right direction! Sorry in advance if I don’t know too much about specific terms or if I posted this in the wrong place. Thank you!
Last edited by JacobB,